encoding utf-8
source sima56-plan-outline.th
export map -proj extended -layout local -o sima56-plan-outlineE.pdf
export map -proj plan -o sima56-plan-outline.kml
#input ..\..\..\XTherionFiles\_translations.txt # custom Spanish translations for legend
#input ..\..\..\XTherionFiles\_layouts.mp # Allows scaling of Photos and makes water blue
#input ..\..\..\XTherionFiles\_globallayouts.thc #allows the same symbols to be used across all surveys
layout local
scale 1 500
#grid-coords border
debug off
symbol-set BCRA
symbol-hide group cave-centreline
fonts-setup 6 12 16 40 60
map-header 0 0 w
map-comment "Tresviso Caves Project www.tresvisocaves.info"
legend off
scale-bar 50 m
map-comment "WGS84 UTM 30T 0359775 4785485 Alt: 1975m
Tresviso Caves Project www.tresvisocaves.info
BCRA Grade 5
Data: cave-registry.org.uk/svn/Andara/"
doc-author "AG_PW"
doc-keywords "Sima 56 Cueto de Los Senderos Andara Spain"
doc-subject "Survey of Sima 56 Cueto de Los Senderos 2020"
doc-title "Sima 56 Cueto de Los Senderos Survey Tresviso Caves Project 2020"