encoding utf-8
source cheese_connection.th
export map -layout std_report -layout elevation -layout-map-header 0 0 off -o cheese_connectionE.pdf -proj extended
export map -layout std_report -layout plan -o cheese_connection.pdf -proj plan
input ..\..\..\..\XTherionFiles\_translations.txt # custom Spanish translations for legend
input ..\..\..\..\XTherionFiles\_layouts.mp # Allows scaling of Photos and makes water blue
input ..\..\..\..\XTherionFiles\_globallayouts.thc #allows the same symbols to be used across all surveys
layout elevation
grid-coords border
grid bottom #behind the cave
grid-size 10 10 10 meters #one line every x metres of depth
layout plan
copy custom_border
grid bottom #behind the cave
grid-size 25 25 25 meters #one line every x metres of depth
#rotate 180
map-header 0 -10 n
map-image 20 -75 n ..\..\..\..\XTherionFiles\TCPSmaller.png
map-image 45 -100 n cheese_connectionE.pdf
layout std_report
symbol-set BCRA
symbol-hide group sections
symbol-hide line section
copy custom_flowstone
copy custom_water_blue
copy custom_scalebar
legend off
symbol-hide group centerline
symbol-show point station
debug station-names
colour map-fg [97 86 38] #pale yellow
#color map-fg altitude
#scale 1 500
north grid
scale-bar 25 m
statistics topo off # hiding individual survey members, replaced with Tresviso Caves Project in the map-comment below
map-comment "Plan & Extended Elevation
Tresviso Caves Project
BCRA Grade 5D (except where stated)
Data: cave-registry.org.uk/svn/Andara"
doc-author "Tresviso Caves Project"
doc-keywords "xxx"
doc-subject "xxx 2024"
doc-title "xxx 2024"