encoding utf-8 ##XTHERION## xth_me_area_adjust -244.43 -546.97 405.0 139.5 ##XTHERION## xth_me_area_zoom_to 200 ##XTHERION## xth_me_image_insert {-116.43 1 1.0} {-418.97 0} cheese_departure-Cheese_departure_2p.xvi 0 {} # 2024.09.11 created by TopoDroid v. 6.2.44 scrap cheese_departure-Cheese_departure_2p -projection plan -scale [0 0 19.6850 0 0 0 1 0 m] line wall 74.9 -80.58 69.44 -95.59 76.28 -111.5 90.0 -118.0 90.79 -118.37 94.45 -122.21 95.22 -122.64 smooth off endline line wall 107.72 -109.04 105.49 -104.95 105.46 -99.82 103.75 -95.45 103.56 -94.97 103.34 -94.5 103.11 -94.04 102.87 -93.56 102.59 -93.1 102.34 -92.63 102.12 -92.2 101.91 -91.77 101.7 -91.34 98.15 -84.25 81.73 -71.79 74.9 -80.58 smooth off endline area water l66-96--76 endarea line border -id l66-96--76 -close on 76.0 -72.0 76.0 -72.0 64.5 -88.0 64.5 -90.5 64.5 -93.0 66.0 -104.5 68.0 -106.5 70.0 -108.5 68.5 -110.0 74.0 -111.5 79.5 -113.0 91.0 -111.0 91.5 -109.5 92.0 -108.0 102.5 -103.0 103.0 -101.5 103.5 -100.0 107.5 -89.0 107.5 -89.0 smooth off 107.5 -89.0 100.0 -76.5 97.5 -76.5 95.0 -76.5 76.0 -72.0 76.0 -72.0 smooth off endline line rock-border -close on 89.5 -99.0 94.5 -95.5 90.0 -84.5 76.85 -87.57 89.5 -99.0 endline line floor-meander 95.26 -112.68 96.22 -122.25 109.33 -124.68 115.57 -128.94 120.38 -132.24 140.5 -136.0 163.5 -146.5 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on 107.68 -109.2 109.53 -110.44 113.49 -111.51 115.25 -109.37 117.47 -106.67 104.85 -97.74 107.35 -95.4 108.49 -94.34 117.77 -99.33 118.57 -99.98 smooth off 127.21 -108.62 148.77 -134.16 159.56 -140.63 smooth off endline line wall 95.22 -122.64 100.73 -126.14 106.21 -130.05 111.53 -133.85 116.97 -137.74 129.07 -157.48 154.05 -147.73 smooth off endline line pit 144.91 -130.26 144.65 -130.61 144.38 -130.94 144.12 -131.29 139.95 -137.0 130.97 -141.57 128.47 -148.45 smooth off endline point 118.5 -105.0 gradient -orientation 130.6 -scale xs point 137.99 -142.48 water-flow -orientation 91.16 -scale s line wall 154.01 -148.73 151.58 -151.05 139.04 -156.81 137.42 -163.99 smooth off 136.96 -169.19 137.49 -173.3 138.21 -175.35 smooth off endline line wall 202.11 -145.76 194.95 -141.46 184.19 -144.78 182.8 -134.25 smooth off endline line wall 176.0 -129.68 174.53 -134.39 170.31 -140.24 159.47 -139.89 smooth off endline line pit 183.61 -133.22 173.73 -128.87 173.91 -131.86 173.78 -131.25 smooth off endline line wall -subtype presumed 183.21 -133.93 183.28 -133.65 183.37 -133.37 183.42 -133.09 183.49 -132.75 183.54 -132.4 183.56 -132.05 183.77 -128.73 184.16 -125.31 184.53 -122.0 smooth off endline line wall -subtype presumed 178.64 -122.35 176.09 -126.54 179.01 -126.3 176.0 -129.68 smooth off endline point 180.93 -128.52 water-flow -orientation 184.32 -scale s line wall 138.21 -175.35 137.65 -178.56 137.43 -181.96 137.64 -185.22 138.24 -194.23 144.35 -202.5 150.16 -208.93 153.86 -213.02 158.24 -218.16 163.82 -219.55 170.65 -221.26 178.17 -219.92 185.06 -221.07 188.66 -221.67 192.31 -223.64 196.06 -223.34 205.71 -222.57 221.63 -219.83 231.51 -221.81 smooth off endline line wall -subtype presumed 231.51 -221.81 236.72 -224.83 250.95 -238.22 257.0 -246.0 smooth off endline line wall endline line wall -reverse on 202.11 -145.76 203.29 -146.28 204.48 -146.75 205.64 -147.31 211.09 -149.92 216.2 -154.38 219.07 -159.64 220.83 -162.86 221.84 -166.55 223.03 -169.99 223.29 -170.73 223.62 -171.45 223.91 -172.19 224.35 -173.29 224.85 -174.37 225.23 -175.49 227.13 -180.96 228.54 -186.78 230.52 -192.23 234.69 -203.71 234.6 -208.98 241.09 -219.36 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on -subtype presumed 241.09 -219.36 246.2 -227.54 253.31 -233.62 260.5 -240.0 smooth off endline line pit -close on -outline in 194.0 -206.0 194.0 -206.0 198.5 -211.5 201.0 -212.5 203.5 -213.5 210.0 -215.5 212.0 -214.5 214.0 -213.5 215.0 -214.0 217.5 -211.0 220.0 -208.0 221.0 -205.5 221.5 -203.5 222.0 -201.5 223.5 -194.5 223.5 -194.5 smooth off 223.5 -194.5 226.78 -192.8 223.64 -190.15 220.5 -187.5 218.0 -184.5 215.5 -180.5 213.0 -176.5 211.5 -172.5 208.5 -169.0 205.5 -165.5 204.0 -166.0 201.5 -163.5 199.0 -161.0 203.0 -161.5 196.5 -158.5 190.0 -155.5 185.0 -154.0 181.5 -153.0 178.0 -152.0 176.5 -150.5 174.0 -149.0 171.5 -147.5 168.5 -145.5 168.5 -145.5 smooth off 163.5 -146.5 163.5 -146.5 159.5 -150.0 159.5 -152.0 159.5 -154.0 155.5 -154.0 155.5 -154.0 smooth off 155.5 -154.0 155.0 -159.5 155.0 -162.0 155.0 -164.5 155.0 -165.0 155.0 -168.5 155.0 -172.0 154.5 -171.5 156.5 -176.5 158.5 -181.5 158.5 -183.5 161.0 -186.5 163.5 -189.5 165.5 -190.0 166.5 -191.5 167.5 -193.0 170.0 -197.0 171.5 -197.5 173.0 -198.0 187.0 -203.5 187.0 -203.5 smooth off 194.0 -206.0 endline point 180.93 -128.52 continuation -scale s point 264.93 -248.02 continuation -text "higher level downstream with rope up. ends after 25m unsurveyed. tie into station 19" -attr who "MH" -attr what dig -attr priority low -attr ref plan # -explored 25m - scale s line arrow 105.0 -232.0 161.0 -147.0 endline point 101.5 -239.5 label -scale s -text P10 -align bottom-left point 274.32 -221.71 label -align top-right -text [higher level downstream,
with rope up. ends after 25m
but unsurveyed.
tie into station 19] -scale s -visibility off line u:splay -visibility off 90.42 -90.98 94.77 -86.31 endline line u:splay -visibility off 90.42 -90.98 84.24 -99.3 endline line u:splay -visibility off 98.43 -118.11 107.21 -109.5 endline line u:splay -visibility off 98.43 -118.11 96.82 -122.2 endline line u:splay -visibility off 98.43 -118.11 107.05 -114.92 endline line u:splay -visibility off 98.43 -118.11 74.64 -78.97 endline line u:splay -visibility off 132.7 -140.22 127.08 -144.73 endline line u:splay -visibility off 132.7 -140.22 142.17 -127.34 endline line u:splay -visibility off 132.7 -140.22 178.8 -163.87 endline line u:splay -visibility off 132.7 -140.22 133.46 -139.85 endline line u:splay -visibility off 132.7 -140.22 118.2 -100.36 endline line u:splay -visibility off 154.74 -147.52 146.1 -154.53 endline line u:splay -visibility off 154.74 -147.52 159.47 -141.43 endline line u:splay -visibility off 154.74 -147.52 196.49 -187.17 endline line u:splay -visibility off 154.74 -147.52 236.01 -214.87 endline line u:splay -visibility off 154.74 -147.52 237.2 -226.87 endline line u:splay -visibility off 172.94 -185.63 218.49 -161.96 endline line u:splay -visibility off 172.94 -185.63 153.12 -200.13 endline line u:splay -visibility off 172.94 -185.63 174.59 -185.68 endline line u:splay -visibility off 172.94 -185.63 190.48 -205.54 endline line u:splay -visibility off 172.94 -185.63 142.67 -165.65 endline line u:splay -visibility off 172.94 -185.63 186.58 -128.61 endline line u:splay -visibility off 215.08 -193.52 223.64 -190.15 endline line u:splay -visibility off 215.08 -193.52 191.13 -203.61 endline line u:splay -visibility off 224.94 -251.66 246.87 -222.21 endline line u:splay -visibility off 224.94 -251.66 227.32 -243.55 endline point 98.43 -118.11 station -name "18" point 90.42 -90.98 station -name "17" point 132.70 -140.22 station -name "19" point 154.74 -147.52 station -name "20" point 172.94 -185.63 station -name "21" point 215.08 -193.52 station -name "22" endscrap