; 2024.09.07 created by TopoDroid v 6.2.44 ; CH_milkloft_to_pool - Connects CH_ramp_out to the balcony above the main chamber ; Instrument: DistoXBLE 0138 - Motorola Defy *begin CH_milkloft_to_pool *date 2024.09.07 *export 0 D1 A6 *team "Michael H, Toby W" *units tape meters *units compass degrees *units clino degrees *alias station - .. *flags not splay *data normal from to tape compass clino 0 1 3.30 39.9 -4.3 ; 0 is HD4 from CH_ramp_out, "HD4". 1 is WTp. 0 - 0.22 299.1 -19.4 0 - 2.85 116.4 -8.6 0 - 0.27 240.7 83.2 0 - 0.57 173.3 -85.5 0 - 1.63 124.8 -16.2 0 - 2.82 100.3 -7.6 0 - 3.50 72.8 -3.9 1 3 3.54 342.2 -34.5 1 - 0.97 270.2 -5.3 1 - 1.43 82.4 1.7 1 - 1.63 247.5 87.7 1 - 0.66 81.3 -85.5 1 - 2.52 343.5 -6.7 1 - 2.55 12.0 -9.1 1 - 1.64 44.3 -21.3 1 - 0.95 323.1 -33.3 1 - 4.57 67.4 71.0 1 - 2.06 359.4 9.0 3 4 2.23 91.1 -2.4 3 - 0.28 351.7 -5.3 3 - 2.87 158.5 4.5 3 - 2.29 342.2 87.4 3 - 0.47 109.3 -83.3 3 - 1.30 299.0 22.5 3 - 6.93 152.1 54.9 3 - 6.53 97.4 75.8 4 D1 7.04 2.0 -70.4 ; D1 is D1 from CH_Sump1_to_stream, "D1" on stal midway up pool chamber. 4 - 1.79 285.1 -14.3 4 - 0.73 82.1 -6.8 4 - 1.19 11.2 83.2 4 - 3.10 33.1 -84.6 4 - 2.29 8.1 -15.8 4 - 3.72 53.7 34.0 4 - 4.40 311.3 -38.6 4 - 15.81 339.2 -66.7 4 A1 4.67 217.3 -0.7 ; WTp A1 A2 3.17 194.8 -10.5 ; WTp A1 - 0.75 98.7 4.4 A1 - 0.14 277.3 -1.4 A1 - 0.84 1.6 -80.5 A1 - 0.40 267.8 80.9 A1 - 1.03 163.1 2.0 A1 - 2.47 142.7 18.1 A1 - 2.08 226.4 2.0 A2 A3 3.16 254.8 4.8 ; WTp A2 - 0.19 144.0 1.8 A2 - 0.67 329.1 0.4 A2 - 0.61 111.1 83.2 A2 - 0.50 321.0 -85.9 A2 - 1.05 244.0 0.6 A2 - 1.53 274.1 3.5 A3 A4 1.96 204.1 -40.2 ; WTp A3 - 1.05 136.4 -1.0 A3 - 0.38 307.2 -2.5 A3 - 0.97 122.7 86.9 A3 - 0.94 86.9 -87.7 A3 - 3.09 28.0 1.1 A4 A5 1.35 238.4 -9.8 ; WTp A4 - 0.50 120.1 0.4 A4 - 0.40 309.5 -0.2 A4 - 0.77 228.1 74.1 A4 - 0.36 36.3 -69.5 A5 A6 1.59 217.1 53.6 ; A6 is HD1 from CH_ramp_out, "HD1" on wall low in main milkloft chamber. A5 - 0.25 152.9 -6.8 A5 - 0.16 327.0 -3.2 A5 - 1.52 200.1 83.3 A5 - 0.14 10.5 -82.7 A5 - 2.19 251.7 -56.1 A5 - 1.84 97.1 17.2 A4 - 3.45 290.4 -58.6 A4 - 3.34 358.5 -35.5 A4 B1 2.08 332.3 -49.1 ; WTp B1 - 1.65 15.8 -15.1 B1 - 2.37 38.2 29.3 B1 - 0.44 105.5 -17.0 B1 - 2.44 217.3 -36.9 A3 - 4.99 219.0 46.0 A1 - 2.53 204.7 -23.4 4 - 4.12 202.6 -8.4 4 - 2.95 223.1 -12.6 4 - 1.91 337.5 -11.1 4 - 7.28 359.4 26.7 *flags not splay *units left meters *units right meters *units up meters *units down meters *data passage station left right up down 1 2.09 0.96 4.32 0.65 0 0.21 2.73 0.27 0.57 3 0.82 1.45 6.33 0.47 4 6.50 3.79 3.27 14.51 *data passage station left right up down 4 2.65 2.43 3.27 14.51 D1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 *data passage station left right up down 4 1.04 5.32 3.27 14.51 A1 2.26 0.32 0.76 1.01 A2 0.15 1.50 0.60 0.50 A3 2.02 2.25 3.59 0.93 A4 0.49 1.79 0.74 2.95 *data passage station left right up down A4 0.44 2.36 0.74 2.95 A5 1.10 0.28 1.51 1.82 A6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 *data passage station left right up down A4 1.19 1.21 0.74 2.95 B1 1.77 1.89 1.16 1.46 *end CH_milkloft_to_pool