1) Offset plan sections for visibility Map mCH_Milkloftp@Cowshead_master (and maybe mCH_pre_sump_upper1_p@Cowshead_master) will need offsetting. -- PW DONE It may end up being best to offset mCH_3_3_2p@CH_above_stream too 2) Sort out elevation The elevation from Milkloft_master has issues -- PW - MAJORITY ARE CAUSED BY TOO MANY EQUATES (TO MANY LOOP ERRORS) AND OVERLY COMPLEX JOINS There's maybe an extend or joint issue (major distortion) The right hand "canyon" is sketched and should be merged with the elevation in 2_0_ramp_downstream The left hand Pool Chamber has two competing interpretations, that also need aligning with the elevation of the Pool Chamber from 4_0_sump1_to_pool There's maybe an extend or joint issue (major distortion) with the pool area PW - I HAVE TIDIED UP AND INCLUDED MILKLOFT AS BEST AS CAN, BUT NOW NEEDS CORRECT DRAWING TO MATCH MAIN CAVE The two then need attaching into a single elevation, or presenting in a convincing way A very rough mockup picture is in the Cowshead folder. The Milkloft area ideally needs offsetting, I think 3) Sort out Cross-sections Probably need numbering and putting in a box on the side -- PW NOT ENOUGH TIME TO DO THIS NOW, POST REPORT PROBLEM 4) Replace temporary gower pool symbols (area u:user) with something decent __PW STICK WITH STANDARD FOR MOMENT, NO ENOUGH TIME NOW Throughout plan and elevation. Some are water filled gowers, some are crystal (I have tried to label, but can also somewhat remember) Therion forums/mailing list? (MH has signed up, but no response yet) 5) Formatting and output Creating a suitable overall output/outputs - PW - TRESVISO STANDARDS BEING USED Key - TBC Combine elevation and plan - PW. TBC - TOO BIG Include nearby cave? - PW TBC Minor: 1) Sort out the ramp area (three scraps join - it currently looks "adequate", but could be improved a lot) 2) Sort out Warnings that occur when config runs, slowing it down. - PW BIG JOB, WOULD NEED TO REVIEW ALL YOUR AREA / LINE JOINS 3) Use consistent symbols for bolts and ropes PW - IT'S NOT A RIGGING GUIDE, SO NO TO BOLTS. ROPE JUST USE ROPE line and option -rebelays off - (DONE) Could really do with converting all to Tarquin's simplified rope lines https://therion.speleo.sk/wiki/metapost#simplified_rope_lines This would allow better representation of the ropes, but I haven't made it work yet. 4) General clean up text addition/removal Do we label "too-tight"? Maybe just a "tt"? -- PW IF THERE IS SPACE "too tight", in XS scale. There is also point symbol that could be used Pitch and climb labels Do they want circles around them? - PW IT'S NOT RIGGING GUIDE Are they in a consistant place? PW - IDEALLY SHOULD BE OFFSET SO CAN BE SEEN, NOT 'IN' CAVE PASSAGE Are they sized appropriately to importance? - PW - as general rule put all as S, if there are not really of interest, put as XS and can be hidden on larger scale 5) Does anything else want naming? PW - MAIN LANDMARKS (M), EVERYTHING ELSE (S), NOT REALLY OF INTEREST BEYOND COMPLETENESS (XS) HOWEVER, LACK OF LABELS VISIBLE, PITCH ETC. ADDED A FEW IN