encoding utf-8
source MarniosaMaster.th
select MarniosaMasterPlan@MarniosaMaster
select MarniosaMasterEe@MarniosaMaster
#select MarniosaSciencePlan@MarniosaMaster
maps-offset on
export map -proj plan \
-layout standard \
-layout planA0 \
-layout-grid-origin 0 0 977 m \
-o ../../../Outputs/Tresviso/MarniosaMasterPlanA0.pdf
export map -proj plan \
-layout standard \
-layout planA0 \
-layout-grid-origin 0 0 977 m \
-layout-transparency on \
-layout-surface bottom \
-layout-surface-opacity 20 \
-layout-color preview-below 0 \
-layout-color preview-above [100 0 0] \
-o ../../../Outputs/Tresviso/MarniosaMasterPlanA0Surface.pdf
export map -fmt kml -proj plan -o ../../../Outputs/Tresviso/MarniosaMasterPlan.kml
export map -proj extended -layout standard -layout elevation -layout-map-comment "Extended Elevation" -o ../../../Outputs/Tresviso/MarniosaMasterE.pdf
export continuation-list -o MarniosaLeads.html
#export continuation-list -o MarniosaLeads.kml
#export map -proj plan -layout-map-image 6 50 w ..\..\..\XTherionFiles\by-nc-sa.png -layout standard -layout plan -layout-grid-origin 0 0 977 m -o MarniosaMaster.svg
#export map -proj plan -layout-map-image 6 50 w ..\..\..\XTherionFiles\by-nc-sa.png -layout standard -layout plan -layout-grid-origin 0 0 977 m -o MarniosaMaster.xhtml
input ..\..\..\XTherionFiles\_translations.txt # custom Spanish translations for legend
input ..\..\..\XTherionFiles\_layouts.tex # custom tex makes nice legend for symbols
input ..\..\..\XTherionFiles\_layouts.mp # Allows scaling of Photos and makes water blue
input ..\..\..\XTherionFiles\_globallayouts.thc #allows the same symbols to be used across all surveys
input _photo_overlay.tex #inserts Tresviso Caves Project logo and other photos
#hide some legend entries (covered by area equivalent)
text en "line wall:debris" ""
text en "line wall:bedrock" ""
text en "line wall:blocks" ""
text en "line rock-border" ""
text en "line rock-edge" ""
text en "line u:user" ""
text en "point gradient" ""
text en "point sand" ""
text en "point water" ""
text en "point blocks" ""
text en "point pillars" ""
text en "point station:temporary" ""
text en "point stalactites" ""
text en "point stalagmites" ""
text en "point helictites" ""
text en "point flowstone" ""
text en "point debris" ""
text en "point pebbles" ""
text en "point bedrock" ""
text en "point breakdown-choke" ""
text en "point entrance" ""
text en "area bedrock" ""
layout planA0
copy custom_border
copy custom_planA0
map-image 66 20 se ..\..\..\XTherionFiles\TCP.png
#map-image 15 60 s ..\..\..\XTherionFiles\Overlays\Marniosa_Surface_Overlay_2022.jpg
map-image 65 16 se ..\..\..\XTherionFiles\by-nc-sa.png
map-header 60 10 se
scale 1 1750
layout plan
copy custom_border
map-image 65 20 se ..\..\..\XTherionFiles\TCP.png
#map-image 15 60 s ..\..\..\XTherionFiles\Overlays\Marniosa_Surface_Overlay_2022.jpg
map-image 65 18 se ..\..\..\XTherionFiles\by-nc-sa.png
map-header 60 10 se
color map-fg altitude
color-legend off
scale 1 500
page-grid on
#grid-size 250 250 50 m
grid bottom
grid-coords border #show numbers at the edge of the survey
layout elevation
map-header 30 65 se
map-image 35 75 se ..\..\..\XTherionFiles\TCP.png
scale 1 800
legend off
color map-fg altitude
color-legend off
#show an altitude grid every 25 metres
grid bottom #behind the cave
grid-size 50 50 50 meters #one line every 50 metres of depth
grid-coords border #show numbers at the edge of the survey
#grid-origin 0 0 1130 m
layout standard
copy custom_standard
symbol-hide point altitude #hidden for moment, depth from Silvestre vs Marniosa
map-comment "Plan
WGS84 UTM 30T 0361359 4790462 Alt 977m
Tresviso Caves Project
BCRA Grade 5D (except where stated)
Data: cave-registry.org.uk/svn/Andara/
Originally explored by LUSS 1975-1977
Sump 1 to Sump 2: Colin Boothroyd, Ian Rolland, Steve Jones,
Fran Hampton, Rich Barker and Rob Parker (1986)"
doc-author "Phil Walker, Alastair Gott"
doc-keywords "Marniosa Cave Tresviso Spain"
doc-subject "Survey of Cueva del Marniosa 2018-2022"
doc-title "Cueva del Marniosa Survey Tresviso Caves Project 2022"