encoding utf-8 ##XTHERION## xth_me_area_adjust -132.0 -132.0 7003.0 2509.0 ##XTHERION## xth_me_area_zoom_to 100 scrap ElectronicaSE1.Electronica -projection extended -scale [-685 -235 7558 -235 0.0 0.0 209.3722 0.0 m] point 228.0 1410.0 label -align left -text [Electronica] -scale s line wall 143.13 2282.98 137.17 2281.58 131.36 2279.02 125.3 2278.77 115.9 2278.38 101.06 2284.47 94.95 2291.0 90.59 2295.67 89.88 2302.89 85.95 2307.94 62.16 2338.44 66.69 2323.08 36.69 2350.55 30.25 2356.46 26.12 2364.46 20.11 2370.74 17.64 2373.32 14.29 2374.91 11.38 2376.99 smooth off endline line wall 3.12 2244.77 15.34 2245.94 17.05 2247.01 33.28 2234.16 37.35 2230.94 37.74 2217.96 45.74 2216.86 55.67 2215.48 71.87 2219.56 79.1 2209.32 90.69 2192.89 72.73 2192.15 129.93 2176.59 smooth off endline line wall 129.93 2176.59 172.76 2163.07 174.87 2120.76 169.96 2087.19 168.32 2076.05 163.75 2065.58 160.49 2054.77 smooth off endline line wall 160.49 2054.77 155.61 2026.25 155.35 2015.17 142.81 1987.82 131.8 1963.81 107.57 1940.11 97.19 1916.75 91.56 1904.08 89.07 1889.51 88.05 1874.84 87.48 1866.6 88.89 1857.62 91.07 1848.97 94.8 1834.17 101.03 1819.73 107.02 1805.62 smooth off 121.01 1781.36 139.26 1759.37 150.0 1737.89 163.64 1710.59 168.26 1681.87 175.57 1654.68 smooth off endline line wall 175.57 1654.68 175.59 1648.81 174.65 1643.03 175.51 1637.26 177.27 1625.51 186.59 1604.7 193.7 1597.02 201.63 1588.44 237.85 1584.8 240.68 1583.51 255.93 1576.51 272.25 1557.74 281.69 1542.95 302.77 1509.95 318.86 1446.36 330.0 1420.61 332.64 1414.52 335.85 1409.54 337.92 1404.67 smooth off endline point 42.93 2219.76 water-flow point 106.77 2208.60 water-flow -orientation 134.4 point 173.59 2104.40 water-flow -orientation 175.1 point 181.49 2000.39 water-flow -orientation 183.8 point 154.36 1925.48 water-flow -orientation 185.1 point 184.61 1810.63 water-flow -orientation 183.8 point 238.28 1700.57 water-flow -orientation 178.3 point 317.80 1571.02 water-flow -orientation 163.0 point 380.01 1476.19 water-flow -orientation 178.6 point 445.01 1395.31 water-flow -orientation 180.0 point 1116.0 857.0 water-flow -orientation 104.8 point 857.0 875.0 water-flow -orientation 104.8 area water ELECPOOL endarea line border -id ELECPOOL -close on 587.0 916.0 464.0 919.0 465.0 890.0 465.0 890.0 581.0 875.0 587.0 884.0 593.0 893.0 587.0 916.0 587.0 916.0 smooth off endline point 464.67 1355.36 water-flow -orientation 201.5 line wall 337.92 1404.67 340.42 1398.5 341.29 1391.2 346.01 1385.88 346.11 1385.76 378.3 1365.67 379.1 1364.95 392.5 1352.85 395.32 1345.92 406.86 1331.84 410.56 1327.31 414.46 1322.72 419.17 1319.06 432.84 1308.43 419.91 1315.81 434.44 1300.61 smooth off endline line ceiling-step 779.0 920.0 707.0 917.0 endline line ceiling-step -reverse on 590.0 973.0 763.0 982.0 endline line wall -outline none -subtype pebbles 990.0 899.0 936.0 884.0 endline line wall -subtype invisible 381.96 2292.53 384.0 2336.0 344.0 2356.0 300.0 2372.0 271.42 2347.96 endline line wall -subtype presumed 827.63 1314.48 864.0 1368.0 864.0 1368.0 880.0 1436.0 868.0 1444.0 smooth off endline line wall -subtype invisible 868.0 1444.0 856.0 1452.0 840.0 1520.0 840.0 1520.0 smooth off 816.0 1596.0 746.97 1616.67 endline point 328.0 2316.0 continuation point 800.0 1424.0 continuation line ceiling-step 922.0 1006.0 878.0 946.0 endline line wall -close on 779.0 920.0 779.0 920.0 768.0 963.0 819.0 966.0 870.0 969.0 878.0 955.0 878.0 946.0 878.0 937.0 889.0 912.0 876.0 909.0 863.0 906.0 843.0 897.0 829.0 897.0 815.0 897.0 779.0 920.0 779.0 920.0 smooth off endline line ceiling-step -reverse on 580.0 1052.0 762.0 1065.0 endline line rope 4.0 2302.0 58.0 2265.0 122.0 2238.0 183.0 2193.0 212.0 2112.0 258.0 2024.0 278.0 1806.0 371.0 1631.0 440.0 1361.0 476.0 1362.0 499.0 1363.0 529.0 1364.0 670.0 1368.0 670.0 1024.0 endline line wall 481.0 1277.0 469.33 1286.75 466.0 1312.0 471.0 1325.0 473.35 1331.1 479.56 1343.52 481.89 1349.27 483.4 1352.99 495.46 1351.69 501.0 1348.0 507.0 1344.0 522.03 1337.42 529.0 1323.0 531.87 1317.06 538.05 1291.82 541.0 1280.0 543.0 1272.0 544.01 1246.78 549.0 1242.0 555.65 1235.63 550.42 1207.47 557.0 1201.0 smooth off endline line wall -subtype presumed 746.97 1616.67 750.94 1591.08 754.75 1559.2 753.21 1534.43 748.21 1514.06 732.42 1475.64 endline point 422.0 1152.0 label -align left -scale s -text P17 point 44.0 1874.0 label -align left -scale s -text P45 line wall 732.42 1475.64 723.46 1479.32 712.2 1479.52 705.75 1486.82 698.56 1494.97 699.31 1508.12 694.05 1518.35 684.61 1536.72 672.94 1555.11 659.69 1573.75 652.79 1583.46 643.45 1591.39 636.16 1601.6 606.99 1642.43 575.63 1682.14 541.77 1717.93 smooth off 537.12 1723.7 533.43 1729.51 527.96 1734.91 486.36 1775.92 464.9 1784.63 438.08 1821.82 397.9 1877.55 380.29 1940.19 370.12 1996.12 368.2 2006.63 367.52 2017.21 365.29 2027.54 362.94 2038.48 358.91 2048.87 356.0 2060.1 smooth off endline line wall 264.3 2172.98 253.04 2193.7 214.17 2229.58 143.13 2282.98 endline line wall -subtype presumed 356.0 2060.1 341.76 2098.19 344.89 2168.22 365.03 2250.35 381.96 2292.53 endline line wall -subtype presumed 264.3 2172.98 273.17 2206.96 273.98 2282.78 271.42 2347.96 endline line wall 434.44 1300.61 436.01 1293.75 437.2 1286.83 439.56 1280.09 441.95 1273.26 445.91 1266.72 448.6 1259.98 451.6 1252.45 453.44 1244.78 456.68 1237.37 467.91 1211.68 464.83 1220.61 477.17 1193.41 491.09 1162.73 481.85 1179.69 496.25 1149.36 499.21 1143.14 503.18 1137.07 506.75 1130.91 smooth off endline line wall 551.0 1109.0 541.64 1109.8 542.63 1150.37 536.0 1157.0 515.0 1178.0 503.8 1206.79 498.0 1220.0 486.67 1245.82 481.0 1251.0 481.0 1277.0 smooth off endline line wall 557.0 1201.0 563.02 1193.18 572.51 1182.47 575.0 1170.0 577.0 1160.0 586.0 1131.0 585.0 1121.0 584.23 1113.26 593.0 1094.0 584.0 1094.0 575.24 1094.0 556.0 1099.0 551.0 1109.0 smooth off endline line wall 1288.15 996.45 1220.54 1010.77 1162.28 960.75 1092.0 978.0 1068.64 983.73 1032.96 989.22 1010.0 996.0 986.8 1002.86 944.97 999.52 922.0 1006.0 smooth off endline line wall 922.0 1006.0 908.63 1017.39 889.62 1112.27 879.28 1123.9 862.54 1142.74 869.23 1138.62 851.39 1157.26 845.47 1163.44 838.73 1169.6 832.97 1175.89 823.03 1186.75 813.96 1197.72 805.51 1208.76 801.11 1214.51 796.25 1220.26 793.3 1226.23 782.03 1249.05 786.46 1267.81 799.74 1287.2 803.58 1292.81 806.97 1298.68 812.18 1303.77 816.38 1307.87 822.5 1310.88 827.63 1314.48 smooth off endline line wall 475.0 1053.0 458.0 1016.0 458.0 1016.0 457.36 942.71 504.0 905.0 517.84 893.81 698.46 960.25 707.0 917.0 723.0 836.0 909.61 870.63 959.0 854.0 1007.13 837.79 1093.33 850.21 1128.0 843.0 1159.15 836.52 1194.85 846.48 1228.0 841.0 1253.54 836.78 1264.0 852.0 1277.0 838.0 smooth off endline line wall 506.75 1130.91 510.14 1124.33 516.37 1117.3 517.13 1111.13 517.9 1104.9 513.85 1100.52 510.96 1095.95 497.75 1075.09 482.0 1068.0 475.0 1053.0 smooth off endline point 2.00 2271.81 station -name 0 point 127.65 2226.73 station -name 1 point 168.51 2138.74 station -name 2 point 195.63 1991.10 station -name 3 point 215.35 1889.53 station -name 4 point 275.80 1707.84 station -name 5 area water endarea line border -id l249-1211--5171.Electronica -close on 345.04 1395.56 339.46 1391.2 373.09 1378.35 377.77 1370.56 384.47 1359.41 392.38 1343.81 403.86 1342.57 421.39 1340.67 376.73 1413.39 345.04 1395.56 smooth off endline point 430.61 1334.41 station -name 8 point 329.37 1413.15 station -name 6 point 493.43 1381.26 station -name 7 point 591.27 1072.21 station -name 9 point 655.74 1016.69 station -name 10 point 694.68 959.61 station -name 11 point 767.50 965.32 station -name 12 point 898.08 935.79 station -name 13 point 1040.50 926.73 station -name 14 point 1185.05 933.03 station -name 15 line rope 1281.0 925.0 1233.0 925.0 1169.0 925.0 endline endscrap scrap ElectronicaSE2.Electronica -projection extended -scale [-685 -235 7558 -235 0.0 0.0 209.3722 0.0 m] line wall 1102.62 552.4 1164.86 553.17 1215.0 523.0 1222.24 543.73 smooth off endline line wall 1046.0 434.0 1060.97 446.59 1082.48 507.22 1088.13 521.53 1091.58 530.27 1095.94 546.41 1102.62 552.4 smooth off endline line wall 1208.02 667.87 1156.42 646.1 1125.7 616.24 1051.04 594.34 smooth off endline area water endarea area water endarea line border endline area water endarea line border -id l335-1671--9306.Electronica -close on 1294.0 556.0 1290.35 558.58 1116.31 554.8 1102.62 552.4 1095.86 551.21 1164.21 516.81 1168.0 512.0 1170.2 509.21 1172.61 492.75 1176.0 492.0 1179.89 491.13 1260.83 484.94 1268.0 494.0 1272.3 499.43 1298.14 553.07 1294.0 556.0 endline area water l335-1671--9306.Electronica endarea area water l326-935--9688.Electronica endarea line border -id l326-935--9688.Electronica -close on 1124.0 452.0 1120.55 453.42 1034.24 460.14 1030.63 458.9 1012.77 452.79 1022.17 381.08 1038.0 370.0 1040.59 368.19 1108.51 400.06 1112.0 402.0 1120.7 406.83 1132.45 448.54 1124.0 452.0 endline line wall 947.39 420.78 964.16 418.0 978.6 439.7 987.11 411.45 987.94 408.71 990.89 412.73 992.96 414.09 998.48 417.7 999.94 421.17 1005.2 427.62 1006.12 428.76 1016.78 441.73 1017.76 442.98 1020.11 445.97 1028.62 457.2 1030.63 458.9 1038.43 465.46 1039.07 437.28 1046.0 434.0 smooth off endline line wall 947.39 420.78 955.56 419.89 965.91 421.38 969.99 415.17 973.35 410.03 922.31 386.08 910.93 378.34 898.85 370.13 868.31 331.9 797.09 302.29 773.16 292.35 779.79 274.24 778.0 272.0 smooth off endline point 768.0 465.0 label -align top-left -scale xs -text [Bob's
Crusade] line wall 1051.04 594.34 1005.21 564.12 978.51 537.98 endline line wall 943.48 477.82 938.09 430.59 922.42 422.43 849.44 394.43 smooth off endline line wall 978.51 537.98 947.21 495.63 957.24 517.86 943.48 477.82 smooth off endline line wall -close off 966.47 444.62 973.32 454.07 975.41 473.21 963.35 485.38 953.72 479.62 944.42 440.94 946.07 436.66 966.47 444.62 endline line wall 709.59 246.79 748.67 258.58 745.02 261.55 758.0 276.0 761.03 279.38 775.31 268.86 778.0 272.0 smooth off endline line wall 849.44 394.43 840.26 389.39 821.77 365.22 812.0 358.67 796.41 348.22 778.57 337.51 758.22 337.17 696.59 336.14 686.03 343.1 635.17 349.07 smooth off endline line wall 534.43 106.06 552.3 104.52 539.86 109.19 554.22 126.58 562.27 136.33 564.07 149.94 573.39 158.67 588.52 172.86 590.16 158.89 601.4 158.89 613.98 158.89 640.29 166.52 654.25 173.15 672.57 181.85 690.01 190.13 690.41 202.38 690.83 215.38 679.72 226.35 673.24 238.56 669.01 246.54 708.27 253.11 709.59 246.79 smooth off endline line wall 253.0 62.0 261.0 81.0 315.0 79.0 388.05 88.97 smooth off 418.08 93.46 448.96 87.26 478.74 90.72 497.67 92.92 515.61 100.86 534.43 106.06 smooth off endline line wall 207.44 99.5 199.75 122.28 endline line wall 352.21 144.06 325.31 135.64 324.41 117.45 314.79 110.03 301.94 100.12 282.19 91.85 265.81 88.6 247.22 84.92 226.22 102.43 210.25 98.29 smooth off endline line wall 554.58 276.3 543.37 274.75 532.28 276.18 522.09 272.0 519.42 270.9 521.35 264.74 519.45 262.0 514.55 254.93 496.78 254.1 493.65 252.28 481.76 245.42 469.78 236.4 458.24 226.16 431.37 202.33 432.42 188.95 412.69 160.11 410.39 156.76 406.26 155.13 402.94 152.8 397.24 148.78 392.29 143.17 385.69 141.08 371.84 136.7 364.04 140.44 352.21 144.06 smooth off endline line wall 528.38 306.04 537.8 299.38 543.87 298.31 550.73 286.27 552.42 283.29 553.22 279.61 554.58 276.3 smooth off endline line wall 635.17 349.07 607.28 354.08 581.21 330.39 559.58 331.22 540.46 331.96 549.04 333.25 535.12 330.56 smooth off endline point 188.0 134.0 continuation point 516.0 320.0 continuation line wall 176.24 123.24 178.84 119.88 181.78 116.87 184.09 113.2 188.0 107.0 193.12 103.76 190.0 97.0 183.3 82.46 186.0 73.0 186.0 73.0 smooth off endline area sump endarea point 1127.52 582.84 station -name 26 point 1078.11 582.05 station -name 27 point 1021.29 535.59 station -name 28 point 960.59 411.58 station -name 29 point 928.92 412.95 station -name 30 point 903.77 392.88 station -name 31 point 824.51 300.16 station -name 32 point 754.12 296.22 station -name 33 point 688.17 279.49 station -name 34 point 595.97 271.62 station -name 35 point 494.22 117.29 station -name 36 point 381.38 123.19 station -name 37 point 324.39 90.91 station -name 38 point 237.07 72.80 station -name 39 endscrap scrap ElectronicaSE6.Electronica -projection extended -scale [-685 -235 7558 -235 0.0 0.0 209.3722 0.0 m] point 1603.94 879.29 station -name 17 line wall 1832.0 928.0 1814.0 913.33 1799.14 893.61 1778.0 884.0 1722.41 858.73 1539.94 919.63 1492.0 946.0 smooth off endline point 1647.98 815.71 station -name 18 line wall 1748.0 654.0 1748.0 654.0 1748.0 678.0 1780.0 686.0 1812.0 694.0 1810.0 680.0 1816.0 710.0 1822.0 740.0 1782.0 728.0 1802.0 752.0 1822.0 776.0 1802.0 778.0 1826.0 794.0 1850.0 810.0 1808.0 822.0 1824.0 852.0 1840.0 882.0 1828.0 898.0 1852.0 898.0 smooth off endline point 1769.63 792.29 station -name 1901 point 1795.35 844.65 station -name 1902 line rope 1796.0 888.0 1792.0 759.0 endline line ceiling-step 1832.0 878.0 1778.0 884.0 endline line ceiling-step 1802.0 752.0 1769.0 748.0 endline line wall -close on 1757.0 841.0 1782.0 801.0 1782.0 801.0 1783.0 760.0 1769.0 748.0 1755.0 736.0 1763.0 714.0 1751.0 714.0 1739.0 714.0 1731.0 726.0 1729.0 748.0 1727.0 770.0 1724.0 785.0 1729.0 799.0 1734.0 813.0 1757.0 841.0 1757.0 841.0 smooth off endline line rope 1281.0 925.0 1387.0 914.0 1508.0 834.0 1585.0 665.0 endline point 1484.0 640.0 water-flow -orientation 108.8 point 1457.0 738.0 water-flow -orientation 115.1 point 1286.0 839.0 water-flow -orientation 170.0 line wall 1492.0 946.0 1484.11 948.37 1465.01 935.48 1448.71 940.09 1418.89 948.52 1409.9 969.9 1380.65 979.82 1351.74 989.62 1318.62 990.0 1288.15 996.45 smooth off endline point 1466.13 904.88 station -name 16 line wall 1277.0 838.0 1265.0 677.0 1420.25 733.1 1439.0 728.0 1457.96 722.85 1472.79 727.21 1469.0 735.0 1465.84 741.49 1471.65 743.16 1470.62 751.2 1470.31 753.59 1488.76 790.04 1493.12 797.39 1497.31 804.46 1490.8 757.31 1487.02 732.0 1486.26 726.93 1480.86 725.49 1476.56 723.74 1460.14 717.04 1442.03 711.81 1423.52 707.24 1412.32 704.48 1400.72 702.54 1388.84 701.16 1336.22 695.04 1283.13 693.61 1231.24 686.12 1216.73 684.03 1213.85 677.11 1208.02 667.87 smooth off endline line wall 1222.24 543.73 1239.68 590.05 1254.82 619.97 1335.36 619.64 1432.32 644.79 1497.43 628.61 1534.33 630.01 1580.6 644.8 1594.08 653.71 1670.0 656.0 endline line wall 1720.0 656.0 1748.0 654.0 endline area water SE6BORDER endarea line border -id SE6BORDER -close on 1432.32 644.79 1425.1 636.35 1493.37 621.35 1504.86 617.52 1530.26 609.05 1584.8 567.84 1604.0 582.0 1612.91 588.58 1642.72 630.72 1634.0 634.0 1620.57 639.06 1446.56 661.42 1432.32 644.79 endline point 1217.06 645.63 station -name 25 point 1531.07 659.02 station -name 21 point 1485.73 669.25 station -name 22 point 1307.09 651.34 station -name 23 point 1271.78 646.62 station -name 24 point 1704.70 668.07 station -name 19 endscrap scrap ElectronicaSE5.Electronica -projection extended -scale [-685 -235 7558 -235 0.0 0.0 209.3722 0.0 m] line rope 3499.0 769.0 3523.0 768.0 3533.0 595.0 3592.0 598.0 endline line wall 3666.0 626.0 3666.0 626.0 3536.0 568.0 3552.0 702.0 3568.0 836.0 3538.0 802.0 3498.0 798.0 3458.0 794.0 3470.0 750.0 3426.0 756.0 3382.0 762.0 3310.0 788.0 3290.0 782.0 3270.0 776.0 3200.0 810.0 3178.0 810.0 3156.0 810.0 3082.0 830.0 3056.0 830.0 3030.0 830.0 2922.0 848.0 2906.0 852.0 2890.0 856.0 2714.0 896.0 2704.0 880.0 smooth off endline point 3563.71 598.58 station -name 1921 point 2802.69 847.60 station -name 1910 point 2915.50 817.68 station -name 1911 point 3011.95 818.07 station -name 1912 point 3113.63 798.58 station -name 1913 point 3173.23 793.27 station -name 1914 point 3203.38 758.62 station -name 1915 point 3317.92 715.32 station -name 1916 point 3331.63 743.66 station -name 1917 point 3353.44 749.77 station -name 1918 point 3411.26 742.68 station -name 1919 point 3499.21 762.36 station -name 1920 line wall 2700.0 830.0 2722.0 818.0 2816.0 830.0 2834.0 822.0 2852.0 814.0 2982.0 786.0 3020.0 792.0 3058.0 798.0 3098.0 790.0 3118.0 776.0 3138.0 762.0 3192.0 730.0 3216.0 724.0 3240.0 718.0 3288.0 694.0 3302.0 694.0 3316.0 694.0 3348.0 712.0 3380.0 710.0 3412.0 708.0 3408.0 718.0 3442.0 718.0 3476.0 718.0 3494.0 750.0 3498.0 732.0 3502.0 714.0 3480.0 640.0 3488.0 606.0 3496.0 572.0 3470.56 535.82 3496.28 532.91 smooth off endline endscrap scrap ElectronicaSE4.Electronica -projection extended -scale [-685 -235 7558 -235 0.0 0.0 209.3722 0.0 m] point 1870.37 929.29 station -name 1903 line wall 2704.0 880.0 2704.0 880.0 2468.0 936.0 2440.0 908.0 2412.0 880.0 2334.0 888.0 2316.0 918.0 2298.0 948.0 2234.0 974.0 2198.0 972.0 2162.0 970.0 1992.0 968.0 1976.0 966.0 1960.0 964.0 1844.0 944.0 1832.0 928.0 smooth off endline point 1956.12 949.77 station -name 1904 point 2238.16 944.45 station -name 1905 point 2339.31 875.36 station -name 1906 point 2432.49 865.51 station -name 1907 point 2501.67 888.94 station -name 1908 point 2638.00 860.00 station -name 1909 line wall 1852.0 898.0 1876.0 898.0 1922.0 914.0 1936.0 906.0 1950.0 898.0 1980.0 906.0 2006.0 906.0 2032.0 906.0 2186.0 910.0 2186.0 910.0 smooth off 2186.0 910.0 2268.0 882.0 2296.0 864.0 2324.0 846.0 2340.0 846.0 2368.0 846.0 2396.0 846.0 2464.0 844.0 2480.0 854.0 2496.0 864.0 2678.0 842.0 2700.0 830.0 smooth off endline endscrap scrap ElectronicaSE3.Electronica -projection extended -scale [-685 -235 7558 -235 0.0 0.0 209.3722 0.0 m] line rope 4263.0 275.0 4326.0 276.0 4331.46 178.69 endline line rope 4005.0 483.0 4046.0 482.0 4057.0 376.0 endline line rope 3623.0 593.0 3708.0 580.0 3795.0 568.0 3873.0 557.0 endline line wall 4024.93 519.34 3945.56 547.88 3666.0 626.0 endline line wall 3496.28 532.91 3863.4 520.6 3800.93 501.6 3878.0 525.0 smooth off endline line wall 3878.0 525.0 3876.08 522.44 3865.4 508.95 3862.24 503.04 3859.4 497.72 3865.84 485.98 3868.97 484.66 3894.74 473.8 3922.25 469.7 3940.46 466.33 smooth off endline line wall 3940.46 466.33 4001.83 465.97 3956.69 472.56 4006.63 463.73 smooth off endline line wall 4006.63 463.73 4011.71 432.86 4014.11 397.21 4041.02 371.3 4045.45 367.04 4052.89 365.62 4058.57 362.79 smooth off endline line wall 4058.57 362.79 4074.79 358.67 4090.14 360.03 4109.05 353.71 smooth off endline area water l269-4235-221 endarea line border -id l269-4235-221 -close on -subtype invisible 4262.2 246.52 4088.0 253.0 4097.0 226.0 4233.0 221.0 4262.2 246.52 endline line wall 4109.05 353.71 4120.82 338.48 4116.76 345.3 4122.69 308.73 4123.71 302.44 4119.62 295.25 4123.26 289.75 4134.5 272.74 4141.27 242.12 4159.0 242.0 4184.12 241.84 4240.61 268.51 4262.2 246.52 smooth off endline area water l267-4364-134 endarea line border -id l267-4364-134 -close on -subtype invisible 4384.44 171.64 4278.0 169.0 4290.0 139.0 4364.0 132.0 4384.44 171.64 endline line border -id ELECTRONIKA.ONWARDs-a46.Electronica -close on 4167.95 281.19 4179.12 282.3 4189.98 279.01 4184.07 268.43 4172.26 263.16 4161.18 266.26 4167.95 281.19 endline area water endarea line wall 4262.2 246.52 4265.45 245.59 4269.81 246.22 4271.98 243.73 4280.52 233.92 4287.68 222.59 4294.28 210.96 4296.95 206.26 4308.09 144.07 4318.0 142.0 4344.65 136.42 4358.01 171.27 4384.44 171.64 smooth off endline line border -id ELECTRONIKA.ONWARDs-a47.Electronica -close on 4331.46 178.69 4321.27 178.06 4321.74 171.23 4329.91 169.16 4331.46 178.69 endline area water endarea line wall 4111.79 466.18 4104.79 471.36 4098.01 478.1 4090.77 481.71 4022.42 515.76 4086.0 479.0 4024.93 519.34 smooth off endline line wall 4230.13 406.41 4212.54 408.92 4195.15 410.2 4178.29 413.66 4154.19 418.61 4135.0 450.0 4111.79 466.18 smooth off endline line wall 4349.84 354.16 4344.79 361.35 4332.75 364.58 4326.44 370.77 4320.55 376.56 4313.3 380.77 4306.03 384.42 4269.85 402.63 4266.4 398.39 4230.13 406.41 smooth off endline line wall 4452.07 278.28 4432.68 287.74 4411.02 289.83 4391.05 298.1 4385.03 300.59 4380.1 305.58 4375.35 310.18 4357.48 327.52 4360.19 329.11 4349.84 354.16 smooth off endline line wall 4384.44 171.64 4388.54 172.28 4392.8 174.42 4396.71 173.56 4434.43 165.18 4424.5 153.47 4461.36 132.37 smooth off endline line wall 4461.36 132.37 4502.03 118.03 4465.5 128.35 4545.94 129.88 4566.2 130.26 4566.32 127.08 4586.76 126.64 smooth off endline line wall 4629.31 214.08 4604.85 199.12 4578.74 187.86 4549.11 195.44 4542.04 197.25 4534.34 199.04 4528.62 203.83 4490.84 235.44 4520.57 248.32 4452.07 278.28 smooth off endline line wall 4586.76 126.64 4606.52 128.27 4625.46 132.45 4643.58 131.65 4666.45 130.64 4688.71 123.6 4711.72 121.13 4723.79 119.84 4736.13 121.46 4748.41 120.42 4760.41 119.41 4772.2 114.98 4784.44 115.01 4822.59 115.11 4861.7 115.88 4901.69 116.27 smooth off 4915.77 114.58 4929.87 111.66 4944.19 111.2 4998.64 109.44 5072.77 115.53 5136.47 106.13 smooth off endline line wall 5169.49 195.52 5075.86 191.13 5025.56 215.48 4998.03 217.4 4960.29 220.04 4922.45 220.87 4886.07 224.15 4857.62 226.73 4830.62 233.36 4802.96 235.51 4771.83 237.92 4717.65 237.57 4685.41 230.68 4666.26 226.59 4647.99 219.64 4629.31 214.08 smooth off endline line wall 5136.47 106.13 5148.58 115.45 5202.96 130.38 5207.44 131.74 5211.77 133.06 5222.16 129.77 5254.52 119.67 5279.56 111.87 5288.58 115.63 5300.0 102.0 5307.76 92.74 5346.0 99.0 5352.14 86.82 smooth off endline line wall 5360.07 158.88 5341.97 159.24 5350.93 162.66 5337.6 162.36 5332.15 162.24 5324.92 161.18 5318.84 160.08 5305.47 157.64 5296.59 159.78 5286.7 166.72 5280.47 171.09 5273.07 176.86 5263.71 180.11 5220.55 195.08 5208.85 200.33 5169.49 195.52 smooth off endline line wall 5612.0 196.0 5515.43 196.51 5547.88 188.3 5360.07 158.88 smooth off endline line arrow 5184.0 298.0 5380.0 110.0 endline point 5618.0 242.0 label -align top-right -scale xs -text [connection
(2018)] point 5164.0 350.0 label -text [Harrison
Chamber] -scale s line wall 5352.14 86.82 5361.43 79.88 5368.43 66.71 5380.0 66.0 5388.47 65.48 5389.79 81.85 5398.0 84.0 5414.09 88.22 5431.27 84.01 5447.91 83.82 5510.87 83.12 5573.83 82.16 5636.79 81.33 smooth off endline point 3697.68 570.04 station -name 1922 point 3828.91 574.17 station -name 1923 point 3872.57 527.52 station -name 1924 point 3944.53 496.62 station -name 1925 point 4014.21 495.83 station -name 1926 point 4059.20 397.99 station -name 1927 point 4110.88 386.58 station -name 1928 point 4197.47 293.66 station -name 1929 point 4236.04 301.54 station -name 1930 point 4294.62 298.39 station -name 1931 point 4351.25 209.80 station -name 1932 point 4400.80 212.17 station -name 1933 point 4519.33 156.06 station -name 1934 point 4553.78 156.46 station -name 1935 point 4603.47 149.37 station -name 1936 point 5096.72 141.69 station -name 1937 point 5163.95 153.70 station -name 1938 point 5285.04 135.59 station -name 1939 point 5365.87 94.84 station -name 1940 point 5507.36 118.66 station -name 1941 point 5562.26 116.89 station -name 1942 point 5602.50 102.72 station -name 1943 endscrap scrap JN2HOMKESE1 -projection extended -scale [-685 -235 7558 -235 0.0 0.0 209.3722 0.0 m] line wall -subtype presumed 6334.0 754.0 6340.0 714.0 6334.0 674.0 6306.0 704.0 6282.0 744.0 endline line wall -subtype presumed 6604.0 766.0 6604.0 766.0 6624.0 716.0 6626.0 706.0 6628.0 696.0 6620.0 656.0 6620.0 656.0 smooth off 6586.0 648.0 6546.0 656.0 6514.0 670.0 6446.0 688.0 6418.0 716.0 6408.0 766.0 endline point 5648.69 88.74 station -name 1944 point 5746.89 91.10 station -name 1945 point 5830.20 85.99 station -name 1946 point 5925.60 93.07 station -name 1947 point 6088.10 111.97 station -name 1948 point 6182.24 139.92 station -name 1949 point 6417.56 128.11 station -name 1950 point 6627.31 167.29 station -name 1951 line wall -subtype presumed 6175.18 720.58 6200.27 695.96 6227.73 671.8 6252.8 646.44 smooth off endline line wall 6252.8 646.44 6272.29 626.72 6290.0 606.28 6307.23 585.42 6342.07 543.24 6374.18 492.82 6391.62 446.45 6400.12 423.84 6415.04 352.92 6406.99 317.68 6399.95 286.9 6384.63 277.87 6367.81 247.52 6363.88 240.42 6356.85 209.7 6347.58 205.11 6340.38 201.54 6331.1 205.67 6322.95 206.97 6302.54 210.24 6281.84 222.31 6262.24 218.77 6238.02 214.39 6210.3 227.94 6168.79 236.86 6159.06 238.95 6148.9 240.04 6138.78 239.88 6073.49 238.86 5994.33 235.95 5907.17 220.91 5853.54 211.65 5809.32 192.63 5759.42 185.3 5728.38 180.74 5719.11 184.68 5696.52 192.9 smooth off endline point 6778.0 190.0 water-flow -orientation 258.7 point 6806.0 442.0 water-flow -orientation 164.6 point 6750.0 648.0 water-flow -orientation 164.6 line wall -subtype invisible 6282.0 744.0 6282.0 744.0 6158.36 811.16 6175.18 720.58 smooth off endline line wall -subtype invisible 6408.0 766.0 6408.0 766.0 6334.0 828.0 6334.0 754.0 smooth off endline line wall -subtype invisible 6748.73 777.23 6748.73 777.23 6620.0 864.0 6604.0 766.0 smooth off endline point 6682.0 750.0 continuation point 6380.0 734.0 continuation point 6232.0 724.0 continuation point 6444.0 880.0 label -scale m -align top -text [Hall of the
Mountain King] line wall -subtype blocks 6640.87 143.14 6663.99 147.31 6686.95 123.42 6707.0 127.58 6730.95 132.55 6754.82 136.5 6777.09 144.71 6795.11 151.36 6815.96 155.61 6827.46 171.84 smooth off endline line wall 6827.46 171.84 6859.32 216.78 6871.53 302.5 6870.54 359.19 6870.34 370.51 6865.58 382.31 6863.34 393.67 6853.33 444.56 6798.89 643.52 6784.0 692.0 smooth off endline line wall -subtype presumed 6784.0 692.0 6759.24 772.65 6775.04 701.23 6748.73 777.23 smooth off endline line wall 5696.52 192.9 5677.9 195.59 5630.22 195.9 5612.0 196.0 smooth off endline line wall 5744.7 61.45 5798.6 53.08 5897.81 32.42 5982.01 39.31 6098.94 48.87 6201.27 77.27 6304.45 92.79 6351.6 99.88 6399.74 99.26 6446.36 104.77 smooth off endline line wall -subtype blocks 6446.36 104.77 6464.26 106.89 6481.46 113.48 6499.35 115.66 6517.44 117.87 6536.34 113.66 6554.41 117.87 6660.96 142.66 6595.26 149.62 6640.87 143.14 smooth off endline line wall 5636.79 81.33 5709.51 82.05 5744.7 61.45 endline endscrap scrap WWJOIN -projection extended -scale [-685 -235 7558 -235 0.0 0.0 209.3722 0.0 m] point 1645.81 681.66 station -name 20 endscrap