encoding utf-8 ##XTHERION## xth_me_area_adjust -132.0 -1418 1499 141.0 ##XTHERION## xth_me_area_zoom_to 100 ##XTHERION## xth_me_image_insert {0 1 1.0} {0 {}} silvestreentrancesump.png 0 {} scrap entrance_sump-1p -projection plan -scale [22.0 -1252.0 938.0 -1258.0 0.0 0.0 50 0.0 m] line ceiling-step -close on -reverse on 565.0 -503.0 575.0 -494.0 573.0 -480.0 573.0 -480.0 571.0 -467.0 565.0 -466.0 559.0 -465.0 549.0 -457.0 550.0 -464.0 551.0 -471.0 546.0 -472.0 552.0 -482.0 558.0 -492.0 565.0 -503.0 565.0 -503.0 smooth off endline line ceiling-step -close on -reverse on 576.0 -455.0 585.0 -450.0 585.0 -450.0 590.0 -445.0 590.0 -441.0 590.0 -437.0 590.0 -432.0 587.0 -431.0 584.0 -430.0 573.0 -425.0 573.0 -425.0 smooth off 573.0 -425.0 567.0 -430.0 567.0 -435.0 567.0 -440.0 573.0 -451.0 573.0 -451.0 smooth off 576.0 -455.0 endline point 658.0 -302.0 label -align top -scale xs -text [sump
(11m long,
-3m depth)] area sump l7-708--406 endarea point 566.0 -480.0 continuation -scale s area water l47-534--463 endarea line border -id l47-534--463 -close on -subtype invisible 624.0 -429.0 565.0 -366.0 531.0 -462.0 624.0 -429.0 endline line border -id l7-708--406 -close on -subtype invisible 742.0 -377.0 743.0 -373.0 753.0 -329.0 753.0 -329.0 smooth off 606.0 -311.0 561.0 -371.0 609.0 -432.0 609.0 -432.0 703.0 -406.0 706.0 -404.0 709.0 -402.0 741.0 -381.0 742.0 -377.0 endline point 598.0 -456.0 label -align bottom-right -text [+23m
aven] -scale xs area water l24-626--564 endarea line border -id l24-626--564 -close on -subtype invisible 609.0 -518.0 580.0 -534.0 599.0 -576.0 599.0 -576.0 627.0 -570.0 626.0 -567.0 625.0 -564.0 609.0 -518.0 609.0 -518.0 smooth off endline area clay l22-774--739 endarea line border -id l22-774--739 -close on -subtype invisible 772.0 -739.0 762.0 -749.0 661.0 -802.0 660.0 -808.0 659.0 -814.0 661.0 -890.0 669.0 -899.0 677.0 -908.0 802.0 -945.0 802.0 -945.0 smooth off 802.0 -945.0 815.0 -906.0 826.0 -881.0 837.0 -856.0 835.0 -771.0 835.0 -771.0 smooth off 835.0 -771.0 782.0 -729.0 772.0 -739.0 endline line ceiling-step -close on -reverse on 750.0 -846.0 750.0 -846.0 761.0 -841.0 764.0 -838.0 767.0 -835.0 771.0 -830.0 770.0 -826.0 769.0 -822.0 765.0 -814.0 765.0 -814.0 smooth off 765.0 -814.0 759.88 -804.34 752.0 -806.0 733.0 -810.0 732.0 -814.0 729.0 -819.0 726.0 -824.0 724.0 -823.0 726.0 -830.0 728.0 -837.0 722.86 -841.38 733.0 -845.0 747.0 -850.0 750.0 -846.0 750.0 -846.0 smooth off endline point 748.0 -826.0 continuation -scale s -text [aven (+20)] point 580.0 -442.0 continuation -scale s -text [aven (+23)] point 155.0 -464.0 continuation -scale s -text [aven (+15)] point 203.0 -581.0 continuation -scale s -text [low muddy stream to minor sump] point 164.0 -376.0 water-flow -orientation 167.2 -scale s line ceiling-step -close on -reverse on 152.0 -447.0 146.0 -465.0 146.0 -484.0 161.0 -472.0 167.0 -461.0 152.0 -447.0 endline point 116.0 -489.0 label -align bottom-left -text [+15m
aven] -scale xs area pebbles l45-453--405 endarea line border -id l45-453--405 -close on -subtype invisible 454.0 -327.0 454.0 -327.0 324.0 -350.0 320.0 -358.0 316.0 -366.0 331.0 -432.0 336.0 -432.0 341.0 -432.0 452.0 -413.0 454.0 -404.0 456.0 -395.0 454.0 -327.0 454.0 -327.0 smooth off endline line ceiling-step 120.0 -416.0 120.0 -416.0 191.0 -402.0 136.0 -445.0 smooth off endline line ceiling-step 715.0 -924.0 715.0 -924.0 746.0 -926.0 737.0 -943.0 smooth off endline line ceiling-step 747.0 -770.0 780.0 -790.0 endline point 129.0 -428.0 label -align left -text [c5
to second
aven] -scale xs point 189.0 -341.0 label -align right -text [tight
rift] -scale xs area sump l38-218--596 endarea area flowstone l40-167--332 endarea line border -id l40-167--332 -close on -reverse on -subtype invisible 169.0 -331.0 169.0 -336.0 172.0 -367.0 171.0 -373.0 170.0 -379.0 149.0 -388.0 147.0 -392.0 145.0 -396.0 115.0 -391.0 115.0 -391.0 smooth off 115.0 -391.0 114.0 -376.0 123.0 -367.0 132.0 -358.0 169.0 -326.0 169.0 -331.0 endline line border -id l38-218--596 -close on -subtype invisible 229.0 -558.0 191.0 -561.0 183.0 -596.0 220.0 -595.0 229.0 -558.0 endline point 241.0 -538.0 label -align right -text [low muddy
stream] -scale xs point 193.0 -436.0 water-flow -orientation 131.2 -scale s point 596.0 -391.0 water-flow -orientation 42.9 -scale s point 526.0 -400.0 water-flow -orientation 137.4 -scale s point 638.0 -554.0 label -align right -text [muddy
pool] -scale xs point 803.0 -845.0 label -align bottom-right -text [+20m
aven] -scale xs point 705.0 -943.0 continuation -scale s -align bottom-left -text [rift leading of] line wall 1057.0 -308.0 1050.0 -311.0 1011.0 -307.0 1007.0 -310.0 1003.0 -313.0 984.0 -316.0 977.0 -320.0 970.0 -324.0 968.0 -325.0 955.0 -330.0 942.0 -335.0 930.0 -339.0 922.0 -340.0 914.0 -341.0 892.0 -341.0 892.0 -341.0 smooth off 892.0 -341.0 892.0 -337.0 876.0 -338.0 860.0 -339.0 842.0 -334.0 842.0 -334.0 smooth off 842.0 -334.0 828.0 -332.0 821.0 -333.0 814.0 -334.0 805.0 -336.0 799.0 -339.0 793.0 -342.0 781.0 -343.0 772.0 -345.0 763.0 -347.0 748.0 -346.0 748.0 -346.0 smooth off 748.0 -346.0 707.0 -333.0 702.0 -333.0 697.0 -333.0 661.0 -325.0 653.0 -327.0 645.0 -329.0 619.0 -335.0 618.0 -338.0 617.0 -341.0 607.0 -353.0 604.0 -360.0 601.0 -367.0 591.0 -372.0 589.0 -376.0 587.0 -380.0 569.0 -388.0 569.0 -388.0 smooth off 557.0 -400.0 557.0 -400.0 549.0 -396.0 544.0 -395.0 539.0 -394.0 523.0 -383.0 523.0 -383.0 smooth off 500.0 -364.0 481.0 -350.0 461.0 -344.0 441.0 -342.0 429.0 -339.0 429.0 -339.0 403.0 -342.0 399.0 -345.0 395.0 -348.0 371.0 -352.0 368.0 -355.0 365.0 -358.0 351.0 -366.0 348.0 -367.0 345.0 -368.0 320.0 -377.0 320.0 -377.0 smooth off 320.0 -377.0 301.0 -388.0 299.0 -392.0 297.0 -396.0 285.0 -408.0 280.0 -411.0 275.0 -414.0 258.0 -423.0 258.0 -423.0 smooth off 258.0 -423.0 243.0 -430.0 242.0 -434.0 241.0 -438.0 227.0 -442.0 227.0 -442.0 smooth off 215.0 -443.0 215.0 -443.0 211.0 -442.0 208.0 -436.0 205.0 -430.0 198.0 -418.0 198.0 -418.0 smooth off 198.0 -418.0 191.0 -412.0 188.0 -408.0 185.0 -404.0 178.0 -398.0 177.0 -395.0 176.0 -392.0 176.0 -381.0 176.0 -377.0 176.0 -373.0 176.0 -358.0 176.0 -358.0 smooth off 176.0 -358.0 182.0 -346.0 171.0 -351.0 160.0 -356.0 152.0 -364.0 152.0 -364.0 smooth off 152.0 -364.0 140.0 -376.0 137.0 -380.0 134.0 -384.0 133.0 -387.0 132.0 -391.0 131.0 -395.0 132.0 -396.0 134.0 -402.0 136.0 -408.0 139.0 -410.0 140.0 -413.0 141.0 -416.0 144.0 -422.0 144.0 -422.0 smooth off 144.0 -422.0 145.0 -431.0 144.0 -434.0 143.0 -437.0 145.0 -437.0 143.0 -443.0 141.0 -449.0 141.0 -453.0 140.0 -459.0 139.0 -465.0 138.0 -471.0 138.0 -475.0 138.0 -479.0 141.0 -486.0 141.0 -486.0 smooth off 141.0 -486.0 142.87 -496.79 146.0 -495.0 153.0 -491.0 162.0 -477.0 162.0 -477.0 smooth off 175.0 -466.0 185.0 -465.0 194.0 -475.0 210.0 -474.0 210.0 -474.0 224.0 -463.0 225.0 -466.0 226.0 -469.0 227.0 -482.0 227.0 -482.0 smooth off 234.0 -496.0 234.0 -496.0 225.0 -505.0 223.0 -510.0 221.0 -515.0 206.0 -525.0 206.0 -525.0 smooth off 200.0 -551.0 201.0 -567.0 207.0 -572.0 207.0 -572.0 216.0 -551.0 217.0 -547.0 218.0 -543.0 221.0 -521.0 221.0 -521.0 smooth off 221.0 -521.0 243.0 -512.0 244.0 -507.0 245.0 -502.0 246.0 -486.0 247.0 -482.0 248.0 -478.0 251.0 -466.0 253.0 -460.0 255.0 -454.0 257.0 -449.0 257.0 -449.0 smooth off 311.0 -411.0 311.0 -411.0 325.0 -401.0 330.0 -398.0 335.0 -395.0 360.0 -386.0 360.0 -386.0 smooth off 380.0 -384.0 414.0 -379.0 442.0 -378.0 457.0 -371.0 476.0 -367.0 476.0 -367.0 503.0 -391.0 505.0 -396.0 507.0 -401.0 520.0 -413.0 522.0 -417.0 524.0 -421.0 532.0 -431.0 532.0 -431.0 smooth off 537.0 -436.0 552.0 -424.0 552.0 -424.0 556.0 -466.0 556.0 -470.0 556.0 -474.0 563.0 -487.0 564.0 -490.0 565.0 -493.0 583.0 -515.0 583.0 -515.0 smooth off 583.0 -515.0 596.0 -544.0 598.0 -552.0 600.0 -560.0 611.0 -593.0 611.0 -597.0 611.0 -601.0 621.0 -634.0 621.0 -634.0 smooth off 621.0 -634.0 629.0 -657.0 629.0 -661.0 629.0 -665.0 655.0 -706.0 655.0 -706.0 smooth off 655.0 -706.0 669.0 -728.0 670.0 -734.0 671.0 -740.0 690.0 -772.0 690.0 -772.0 smooth off 690.0 -772.0 699.0 -790.0 699.0 -794.0 699.0 -798.0 691.0 -806.0 691.0 -806.0 smooth off 699.0 -831.0 708.0 -850.0 708.0 -850.0 732.0 -912.0 732.0 -917.0 732.0 -922.0 725.0 -928.0 726.0 -931.0 smooth off endline line wall 725.0 -939.0 726.0 -942.0 739.0 -924.0 740.0 -929.0 741.0 -934.0 754.0 -963.0 754.0 -963.0 smooth off 760.0 -960.0 750.0 -924.0 750.0 -924.0 747.0 -894.0 743.0 -890.0 739.0 -886.0 736.0 -868.0 736.0 -868.0 smooth off 736.0 -868.0 743.0 -856.0 746.0 -855.0 749.0 -854.0 766.0 -844.0 769.0 -843.0 772.0 -842.0 785.0 -829.0 785.0 -829.0 smooth off endline point 773.0 -773.0 continuation -scale s -text [small hole in wall] -align top-right line wall 785.0 -829.0 785.0 -829.0 776.0 -818.0 774.0 -813.0 772.0 -808.0 772.0 -799.0 768.0 -796.0 764.0 -793.0 777.0 -780.0 770.0 -782.0 smooth off endline line wall 760.0 -772.0 753.0 -774.0 749.0 -785.0 742.0 -789.0 735.0 -793.0 728.0 -794.0 725.0 -795.0 722.0 -796.0 714.0 -801.0 712.0 -796.0 710.0 -791.0 689.0 -744.0 687.0 -739.0 685.0 -734.0 663.0 -697.0 662.0 -693.0 661.0 -689.0 653.0 -677.0 648.0 -665.0 643.0 -653.0 634.0 -630.0 634.0 -630.0 smooth off 623.0 -593.0 609.0 -565.0 594.0 -524.0 586.0 -488.0 580.0 -467.0 580.0 -442.0 583.0 -425.0 613.0 -396.0 635.0 -374.0 646.0 -363.0 694.0 -361.0 724.0 -360.0 740.0 -361.0 740.0 -361.0 756.0 -372.0 761.0 -370.0 766.0 -368.0 782.0 -361.0 782.0 -361.0 smooth off 782.0 -361.0 799.0 -356.0 805.0 -356.0 811.0 -356.0 824.0 -353.0 824.0 -353.0 smooth off 824.0 -353.0 845.0 -353.0 847.0 -356.0 849.0 -359.0 864.0 -368.0 864.0 -368.0 smooth off 875.0 -367.0 899.0 -360.0 899.0 -360.0 934.0 -359.0 941.0 -361.0 948.0 -363.0 985.0 -367.0 985.0 -367.0 smooth off 1020.0 -372.0 1045.0 -384.0 endline point 1248.0 -238.0 station -name 0 endscrap