encoding utf-8 survey Thanksagott -title "Bob's Crusade
T20A Cueva de la Silvestre
(Cueva de la Marniosa)" #2019.09.02 dive survey. Compass and computer for depth #thanks_a_gott #Instrument: Dive compass and computer for depth centreline date 2019.09.02 team "Rob Middleton" team "Joe Daniels" team "Alastair Gott" units length meters units compass degrees units clino degrees data normal from to length compass clino extend left 0 1 15.0 250 -22 1 2 17.0 250 20 extend right 2 3 4.0 30 0 units left right up down meters data dimensions station left right up down 0 1 1 2 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 2 1 1 1 4 3 0.5 0.5 1 3 endcentreline input "thanksagottPlan.th2" input "thanksagottPe0.th2" input "thanksagottEe.th2" map ThanksagottPlan -projection plan thanksagottSp1 endmap map ThanksagottPe0 -projection [elevation 0] thanksagottPe1 endmap map ThanksagottEe -projection extended thanksagottEe1 endmap endsurvey