encoding utf-8 source SilvestreMaster.th # Change name to the main therion file #Surveys to output #---------------- #export model -o SilvestreMaster.3d #export map -proj plan -layout local -o SilvestreMaster.pdf #Produces plan of cave, on a single sheet export map -proj extended -layout local -o SilvestreEe.pdf #export model -fmt survex -o SilvestreMasterth.3d #Survex file showing centre line only #export model -o SilvestreMaster.lox #3d therion model to be viewed in the therion viewer #export map -proj plan -o SilvestreMaster_Walls.3d #Survex file showing walls only #export continuation-list -o SilvestreMastercontinuation.kml #export model -o SilvestreMaster.vrml #3D file to be viewed in browser with suitable plugin ##AG, viewer I found was a bit CRAP, survex is better. #layout "googlemaps" ##for labeling continuations on a google map### #code metapost # def p_continuation(expr pos,theta,sc,al) = # % draw default continuation symbol # p_continuation_UIS(pos,theta,sc,al); # % if text attribute is set # if known(ATTR__text) and picture(ATTR__text): # % set labeling color to light orange # push_label_fill_color(1.0, 0.9, 0.8); # % draw filled label with text next to ? # p_label.urt(ATTR__text,(.5u,-.25u) transformed T,0.0,8); # % restore original labeling color # pop_label_fill_color; # fi; # enddef; #endcode #endlayout layout local base-scale 1 1000 scale 1 1000 #symbol-set BCRA ######Colours####### #symbol-colour area water [25 50 100] ######different colours for area on survey###### #colour map-fg altitude #colour map-fg scrap debug off ###### Grid ####### #grid bottom #grid-size 50 50 50 m #map-header 0 -5 nw symbol-hide group cave-centreline symbol-hide group text #legend on endlayout