encoding utf-8 ##XTHERION## xth_me_area_adjust -129.0 -1250 921 138.75 ##XTHERION## xth_me_area_zoom_to 400 ##XTHERION## xth_me_image_insert {0 0 0.4168693834703354} {0 {}} District9BOBsDrawingEe.jpg 0 {} scrap District9SE1 -projection extended -scale [0 0 1600 0 0.0 0.0 40.64 0.0 m] point 183.5 -242.5 camp -scale l point 137.25 -279.25 label -align right -text [District 9] -scale m line wall -subtype presumed 212.5 -350.0 199.35 -340.47 198.75 -349.0 193.0 -336.0 smooth off endline line wall -subtype presumed 211.0 -431.0 224.25 -405.5 endline line rock-border -close on 190.0 -255.75 188.75 -262.75 196.5 -262.5 197.5 -255.25 190.0 -255.75 endline line rock-border -close on 189.75 -245.5 190.0 -253.0 196.5 -253.0 196.25 -245.0 189.75 -245.5 endline line rock-border -close on 192.75 -240.25 193.0 -243.75 197.25 -243.75 197.0 -240.5 192.75 -240.25 endline line rock-border -close on 196.5 -233.0 193.5 -239.0 198.0 -239.5 200.0 -233.75 196.5 -233.0 endline line rock-border -close on 196.5 -224.0 197.25 -232.0 201.75 -232.0 205.5 -224.5 196.5 -224.0 endline line rock-border -close on 201.0 -218.0 202.0 -223.0 206.0 -222.75 206.25 -217.0 201.0 -218.0 endline line wall 189.5 -265.0 189.5 -265.0 203.0 -266.5 198.5 -253.5 194.0 -240.5 204.5 -229.5 207.0 -223.5 209.5 -217.5 207.0 -217.5 206.0 -213.5 smooth off endline line wall 193.0 -336.0 189.5 -265.0 endline line wall 207.5 -551.5 207.5 -551.5 190.0 -545.0 196.0 -538.5 202.0 -532.0 211.0 -438.5 211.0 -431.0 smooth off endline line wall -subtype invisible 217.0 -664.0 221.0 -663.75 endline line wall -subtype presumed 221.0 -663.75 219.5 -658.0 endline line wall 219.5 -658.0 219.5 -658.0 210.08 -646.12 204.0 -639.0 186.5 -618.5 186.0 -603.25 186.0 -603.25 smooth off endline line wall 186.0 -603.25 186.0 -603.25 182.0 -586.5 199.5 -574.5 smooth off endline line wall 146.75 -604.25 146.75 -604.25 171.0 -609.0 179.5 -625.0 188.0 -641.0 214.25 -658.0 214.25 -658.0 smooth off endline line wall -subtype presumed 214.25 -658.0 214.25 -658.0 215.25 -661.75 217.0 -664.0 smooth off endline line wall 168.5 -213.75 168.5 -213.75 167.0 -252.0 163.0 -263.5 159.0 -275.0 165.0 -373.5 165.0 -379.0 165.0 -384.5 177.0 -483.5 166.5 -496.0 162.61 -500.63 147.5 -555.5 149.5 -561.5 151.5 -567.5 154.75 -580.0 141.75 -581.0 smooth off endline point 181.5 -306.0 station -name "2" point 199.0 -471.5 station -name "4" point 184.0 -550.5 station -name "5" point 176.0 -617.5 station -name "6" point 217.5 -660.0 station -name "7" point 264.5 -513.0 station -name "9" point 185.5 -578.0 station -name "8" point 191.0 -236.5 station -name "1" line rock-border -close on 138.75 -587.75 136.75 -592.5 142.0 -598.0 146.0 -594.0 138.75 -587.75 endline line wall -id line1 -subtype invisible 130.5 -604.5 132.75 -607.75 146.75 -604.25 endline line wall -id line2 -subtype invisible 141.75 -581.0 135.75 -577.0 128.25 -581.0 endline line rock-border -close on 144.5 -596.0 140.0 -602.5 151.25 -603.25 151.5 -599.0 144.5 -596.0 endline line rock-border -close on 140.5 -596.0 131.5 -598.25 131.5 -598.25 130.47 -604.03 133.0 -604.5 137.0 -605.25 139.25 -604.25 139.25 -604.25 smooth off 140.5 -596.0 endline line rock-border -close on 134.75 -587.75 130.25 -588.0 130.25 -588.0 129.0 -594.5 131.0 -596.0 133.0 -597.5 136.75 -597.0 136.75 -597.0 smooth off 134.75 -587.75 endline line rock-border -close on 136.25 -579.75 131.25 -581.75 136.25 -590.0 141.75 -582.75 136.25 -579.75 endline point 224.0 -676.5 continuation -text "too tight" point 199.0 -562.25 continuation -text [presumed route down to The 42 Streamway] point 224.0 -567.0 label -align right -scale xs -text [presumed route
down to
The 42 Streamway] point 114.75 -594.5 continuation -text "Boulder Choke" point 169.0 -356.0 stalactites -scale l point 164.0 -325.5 stalactite -scale l point 166.5 -335.75 stalactite -scale l endscrap scrap REDUNDEE -projection extended -scale [0 0 1600 0 0.0 0.0 40.64 0.0 m] line wall -subtype invisible 254.0 -547.0 268.0 -542.0 endline line wall -subtype invisible 270.0 -488.0 256.0 -488.5 endline line wall -subtype presumed 256.0 -488.5 248.07 -532.57 257.91 -507.97 207.5 -551.5 smooth off endline line wall -subtype presumed 268.0 -542.0 270.0 -488.0 endline line wall -subtype presumed 199.5 -574.5 241.0 -547.5 241.0 -547.5 251.0 -531.5 254.0 -547.0 smooth off endline point 265.5 -478.0 continuation point 264.5 -557.0 continuation point 193.0 -384.0 station -name "3" line wall -subtype invisible 273.0 -292.0 252.0 -285.0 endline line wall -subtype invisible 253.75 -371.5 270.5 -373.5 endline line wall -subtype presumed 270.5 -373.5 273.0 -292.0 endline point 263.75 -283.0 label -text ["The 42 streamway?"] -visibility off point 268.5 -315.0 station -name "10" line wall -subtype presumed 252.0 -285.0 250.45 -333.11 242.0 -340.75 212.5 -350.0 smooth off endline line wall -subtype presumed 224.25 -405.5 255.31 -356.76 252.47 -342.03 253.75 -371.5 smooth off endline line wall -subtype invisible 245.0 -153.0 171.5 -156.5 endline line wall 206.0 -213.5 206.0 -213.5 228.5 -168.0 236.0 -163.5 243.5 -159.0 245.0 -153.0 245.0 -153.0 smooth off endline line wall 171.5 -156.5 168.5 -213.75 endline point 230.5 -157.5 station -name "12" endscrap