encoding utf-8 ##XTHERION## xth_me_area_adjust -129.0 -1250 921 138.75 ##XTHERION## xth_me_area_zoom_to 200 ##XTHERION## xth_me_image_insert {0 1 1.0} {0 {}} District9BOBsDrawing.jpg 0 {} scrap District9SP1 -projection plan -scale [0 0 1600 0 0.0 0.0 40.64 0.0 m] line pit -close on -outline in 278.5 -345.5 280.0 -346.0 295.0 -345.5 295.0 -345.5 smooth off 295.0 -345.5 316.0 -347.5 318.0 -347.5 320.0 -347.5 320.0 -347.0 321.5 -346.5 323.0 -346.0 326.5 -346.0 327.5 -344.5 328.5 -343.0 322.5 -328.5 322.5 -326.5 322.5 -324.5 321.5 -319.0 320.0 -317.0 318.5 -315.0 315.5 -317.5 313.0 -317.5 310.5 -317.5 296.5 -318.5 296.5 -318.5 smooth off 280.0 -318.0 280.0 -318.0 275.5 -323.0 276.0 -325.5 276.5 -328.0 271.0 -326.0 271.0 -328.0 271.0 -330.0 273.0 -337.0 273.0 -337.0 smooth off 273.0 -337.0 277.0 -345.0 278.5 -345.5 endline line wall 319.0 -288.5 319.0 -288.5 281.0 -264.0 254.0 -275.5 smooth off endline line wall -id awp 254.0 -275.5 254.0 -275.5 233.5 -286.5 220.5 -267.0 217.44 -262.4 208.0 -243.75 200.75 -238.5 smooth off endline point 394.5 -396.0 gradient -orientation 148.6 -scale s point 350.5 -352.5 gradient -orientation 318.8 -scale s point 363.0 -347.5 gradient -orientation 318.8 -scale s point 334.0 -318.5 gradient -orientation 302.9 -scale s point 335.0 -336.0 gradient -orientation 302.9 -scale s point 310.5 -359.5 gradient -orientation 7.4 -scale s point 283.5 -357.5 gradient -orientation 7.4 -scale s point 210.0 -352.0 gradient -orientation 175.1 -scale s point 241.0 -354.0 gradient -orientation 175.1 -scale s point 228.5 -295.0 gradient -orientation 76.6 -scale s point 217.5 -327.0 gradient -orientation 11.5 -scale s point 203.5 -303.5 gradient -orientation 53.8 -scale s point 210.0 -280.0 gradient -orientation 114.1 -scale s line wall 427.0 -400.0 427.0 -400.0 419.5 -403.0 401.0 -378.5 382.5 -354.0 352.5 -323.5 350.5 -320.5 348.5 -317.5 327.5 -301.0 319.0 -288.5 smooth off endline line wall 429.0 -468.0 429.0 -468.0 422.25 -441.25 430.75 -444.5 smooth off endline line wall 390.0 -465.5 390.0 -465.5 393.5 -453.5 397.5 -455.5 401.5 -457.5 414.5 -453.5 415.5 -467.0 smooth off endline line rock-border -close on 202.75 -244.25 202.75 -244.25 197.25 -246.75 198.0 -250.0 198.75 -253.25 204.25 -256.25 204.25 -256.25 smooth off 209.25 -249.75 202.75 -244.25 endline line rock-border -close on 193.25 -247.5 191.75 -255.75 195.25 -256.0 197.0 -248.25 193.25 -247.5 endline line rock-border -close on 189.75 -260.75 195.5 -266.25 201.0 -259.75 197.0 -252.75 196.25 -257.0 192.25 -257.0 189.75 -260.75 endline line rock-border -close on 177.0 -302.0 177.0 -302.0 169.73 -303.52 172.5 -306.75 178.5 -313.75 181.0 -313.5 181.0 -313.5 smooth off 184.25 -305.0 177.0 -302.0 endline line rock-border -close on 179.0 -292.5 179.0 -292.5 174.75 -296.0 176.25 -299.5 177.75 -303.0 182.25 -302.75 183.75 -302.5 185.25 -302.25 187.25 -295.5 187.25 -295.5 smooth off 179.0 -292.5 endline line rock-border -close on 182.5 -261.75 183.25 -268.75 190.25 -266.5 186.0 -260.0 182.5 -261.75 endline line rock-border -close on 176.5 -274.5 183.25 -281.25 188.0 -276.75 181.25 -269.75 176.5 -274.5 endline line rock-border -close on 170.25 -290.0 170.25 -290.0 169.25 -296.25 170.0 -297.75 170.75 -299.25 174.0 -300.5 175.5 -298.25 177.0 -296.0 178.0 -290.5 178.0 -290.5 smooth off 170.25 -290.0 endline line rock-border -close on 166.25 -280.25 171.5 -286.25 178.5 -280.0 172.75 -274.5 166.25 -280.25 endline line rock-border -close on 161.25 -284.5 160.75 -288.5 162.75 -293.75 162.75 -293.75 smooth off 169.5 -293.0 169.5 -283.5 169.5 -283.5 161.81 -280.04 161.25 -284.5 endline line rock-border -close on 152.5 -296.25 152.25 -307.0 159.75 -306.0 160.5 -295.25 152.5 -296.25 endline line rock-border -close on 145.5 -301.5 143.0 -306.0 143.0 -306.0 144.0 -312.0 147.5 -309.75 151.0 -307.5 151.75 -307.0 151.25 -303.5 150.75 -300.0 145.5 -301.5 145.5 -301.5 smooth off endline line rock-border -close on 381.0 -374.0 376.5 -378.5 380.0 -380.75 386.0 -377.0 381.0 -374.0 endline line rock-border -close on 376.25 -370.0 373.0 -376.25 376.5 -378.5 380.25 -372.75 376.25 -370.0 endline line rock-border -close on 369.0 -367.0 369.25 -373.75 371.5 -376.0 374.75 -371.25 369.0 -367.0 endline line rock-border -close on 375.5 -361.0 372.5 -364.0 371.0 -365.5 371.0 -365.5 smooth off 376.25 -370.0 380.5 -366.5 380.5 -366.5 378.5 -358.0 375.5 -361.0 endline area blocks l78-356--401 endarea line border -id l78-356--401 -close on -subtype invisible 356.0 -401.0 361.0 -375.5 361.0 -375.5 351.5 -365.0 348.5 -363.5 345.5 -362.0 322.5 -357.0 322.5 -357.0 smooth off 322.5 -357.0 307.5 -354.5 300.0 -354.0 292.5 -353.5 279.0 -353.0 275.0 -354.5 271.0 -356.0 267.5 -358.0 262.5 -358.5 257.5 -359.0 246.0 -360.0 245.0 -363.5 244.0 -367.0 242.5 -370.5 245.5 -375.0 248.5 -379.5 264.0 -392.5 275.5 -393.5 287.0 -394.5 287.5 -391.0 301.0 -394.5 314.5 -398.0 329.0 -406.5 331.5 -407.5 334.0 -408.5 339.0 -404.5 341.5 -405.0 344.0 -405.5 356.0 -401.0 356.0 -401.0 smooth off endline line label -reverse on -text [District 9] 105.5 -350.0 105.5 -350.0 231.5 -421.5 263.0 -438.5 smooth off endline point 384.0 -470.75 water-flow -orientation 207.3 point 423.0 -416.5 gradient -orientation 235.8 -scale s point 446.0 -409.0 continuation -attr who "TBC" -attr what "route down" -attr Explored 0m -text "presumably to continuation of 42 Streamway" -align left -scale s point 455.25 -521.0 continuation -attr who "TBC" -attr what "route down" -attr Explored 0m -text "presumably to continuation of 42 Streamway" -align left -scale s point 393.75 -492.0 continuation -attr who "TBC" -attr what "route down" -attr Explored 0m -text "presumably to continuation of 42 Streamway" -align left -scale s line wall 437.0 -440.5 441.5 -440.0 436.5 -403.5 427.0 -400.0 smooth off endline line wall -subtype invisible 382.5 -465.5 390.0 -465.5 endline line wall -subtype invisible 403.5 -492.5 401.5 -498.5 endline line wall -subtype invisible 445.0 -524.0 446.5 -512.0 endline line wall -subtype presumed 446.5 -512.0 446.5 -512.0 433.5 -513.0 429.0 -468.0 smooth off endline line wall -subtype presumed 401.5 -498.5 445.0 -524.0 endline line wall -subtype presumed 415.5 -467.0 415.5 -467.0 422.0 -499.0 416.5 -498.5 411.0 -498.0 403.5 -492.5 403.5 -492.5 smooth off endline point 410.5 -438.5 gradient -orientation 158.6 -scale s point 395.5 -427.5 gradient -orientation 187.1 -scale s line wall -id cc2 135.5 -309.5 135.5 -309.5 155.56 -326.99 157.5 -328.5 162.0 -332.0 180.5 -353.0 180.5 -353.0 smooth off 180.5 -353.0 207.5 -369.5 211.5 -376.5 215.5 -383.5 248.0 -370.5 250.0 -366.5 smooth off endline line wall -id cc1 375.5 -395.5 383.31 -422.06 376.0 -428.0 382.0 -433.0 smooth off endline line wall 382.0 -433.0 388.0 -438.0 388.5 -447.5 387.0 -453.0 385.5 -458.5 383.5 -462.5 382.5 -465.5 smooth off endline point 428.0 -511.0 station -name "9" point 419.5 -454.5 station -name "8" point 390.0 -456.5 station -name "7" point 406.0 -418.5 station -name "6" point 376.0 -364.5 station -name "5" point 331.5 -306.5 station -name "4" point 283.5 -277.5 station -name "10" point 254.0 -333.5 station -name "3" point 164.5 -295.5 station -name "1" point 185.5 -352.5 station -name "2" point 117.0 -237.5 station -name "12" endscrap