encoding utf-8
# 2024.09.14 created by TopoDroid v 6.2.85
survey forgot-avens -title "Forgott Avens
Cueva de la Marniosa"
input "forgot-avens-2p.th2"
input "forgot-avens-2s.th2"
revise forgot-avens-2s -flip horizontal
map m1p -projection plan
map m1s -projection extended
date 2024.09.13
team "Helen Fairclough"
team "Rob Middleton"
units length meters
units compass clino degrees
data normal from to length compass clino
# extend auto
0 . 2.07 332.9 29.3
extend right
0 1 8.57 142.6 -20.8
# extend auto
0 . 8.57 142.7 -20.9
0 . 1.38 85.0 14.5
0 . 0.25 249.5 20.4
0 . 1.24 317.9 64.2
extend right
1 2 5.15 150.3 -31.0
# extend auto
1 . 0.38 243.4 6.5
1 . 0.16 56.3 6.5
1 . 1.53 64.5 -76.3
1 . 1.08 52.0 86.4
extend right
2 3 4.82 151.5 -46.3
# extend auto
2 . 0.42 50.9 5.4
2 . 0.20 236.4 -9.9
2 . 1.86 152.9 70.4
2 . 4.09 22.4 -80.6
extend right
3 4 3.84 157.0 -37.1
# extend auto
3 . 0.76 65.4 -6.3
3 . 2.81 48.9 -9.9
3 . 2.84 63.8 84.6
3 . 0.19 230.9 7.2
extend vertical
4 5 3.14 275.0 -22.8
# extend auto
4 . 1.96 205.6 7.1
4 . 4.23 262.3 9.3
4 . 2.27 325.3 10.4
4 . 6.55 211.7 67.5
4 . 1.89 281.0 -77.2
extend right
# note in cave says station in aven is 6, but is actually 5
5 6 5.80 120.7 26.3
# extend auto
5 . 22.98 62.1 89.2
5 . 3.47 130.6 36.7
5 . 2.67 44.2 20.1
5 . 0.19 122.8 -86.8
5 . 0.18 124.0 -86.8
extend right
6 7 11.95 123.2 -86.9
# extend auto
6 . 0.17 42.4 12.4
6 . 0.44 217.0 10.9
6 . 1.41 192.4 77.9
6 . 1.25 11.0 -48.6
extend right
7 8 2.77 123.3 -1.3
# extend auto
7 . 0.96 64.5 20.4
7 . 0.33 236.2 -5.5
7 . 1.20 350.2 -10.7
7 . 0.84 165.9 -46.7
7 . 11.04 342.1 87.7
extend right
8 9 3.49 60.8 14.8
# extend auto
8 . 1.60 347.3 2.0
8 . 3.59 12.7 -9.8
8 . 7.01 353.2 -52.8
8 . 1.78 13.3 79.9
8 . 5.50 329.2 78.5
8 . 0.44 148.2 8.1
extend right
9 10 4.84 43.9 -36.1
# extend auto
9 . 2.61 307.8 -3.7
9 . 4.11 296.0 -29.9
9 . 4.28 342.9 0.0
9 . 4.03 30.4 -29.1
9 . 3.31 45.4 -26.9
9 . 7.92 251.3 78.2
9 . 1.50 336.0 -58.0
9 . 0.49 146.7 -3.9
extend right
10 11 6.54 39.3 -68.2
# extend auto
10 . 1.67 338.0 3.8
10 . 2.04 132.6 9.9
10 . 0.30 161.2 -14.3
10 . 2.91 242.0 77.4
10 . 7.72 28.0 -86.9
10 . 2.28 46.9 -33.1
extend right
11 12 7.64 136.0 -27.6
# extend auto
11 . 0.81 71.1 6.2
11 . 3.07 223.1 1.7
11 . 0.78 5.1 1.5
11 . 1.06 28.7 0.3
11 . 4.47 166.8 68.8
11 . 6.42 110.0 -67.2
11 . 4.70 140.6 -23.0
11 . 4.67 130.1 -23.9
extend right
12 13 3.37 137.7 -21.1
# extend auto
12 . 0.51 68.4 7.9
12 . 0.46 232.1 11.2
12 . 2.20 195.3 85.6
12 . 0.60 66.7 -73.9
12 . 3.26 59.3 -80.8
extend right
13 14 9.93 156.9 -56.4
# extend auto
13 . 0.34 82.2 5.0
13 . 0.19 209.1 28.9
13 . 1.47 153.3 64.8
13 . 10.31 136.0 -80.0
extend right
14 15 6.11 116.2 -62.0
# extend auto
14 . 0.62 52.4 5.8
14 . 0.44 224.4 18.4
14 . 3.76 127.2 76.4
14 . 6.82 51.6 -86.5
extend right
# stn 15 might be an existing stn, 16 definitely is
15 16 1.51 68.4 -22.4
# extend auto
15 . 0.36 341.4 22.0
15 . 2.44 153.6 42.1
15 . 4.67 187.9 70.6
15 . 2.45 4.4 -69.8
15 . 2.27 267.1 20.9
15 . 2.75 317.1 7.9
units left right up down meters
data dimensions station left right up down
11 1.08 3.07 3.07 5.92
12 0.51 0.45 0.45 3.21
13 0.64 0.13 0.13 10.15
14 0.55 0.39 0.39 6.81
15 2.54 1.80 1.80 2.30
0 1.13 0.23 0.23 3.06
1 0.36 0.38 0.38 1.48
2 0.52 0.20 0.20 4.03
3 2.63 0.19 0.19 0.48
4 2.23 1.72 1.72 1.84
5 2.44 0.48 0.48 0.19
6 0.76 0.43 0.43 0.94
7 0.86 0.39 0.39 0.61
8 3.92 0.43 0.43 5.58
9 3.74 0.47 0.47 2.05
10 1.46 2.01 2.01 7.71