*begin 55FootPitch_Sump *export C 7 *date 1977.07.17 ;not sure on year *team "Ken Daykin" *team "Colin Boothroyd" ;surveying in to the cave 2 lots of notes for same section? *data normal from to direction tape compass clino ;1 2 7.7 219 30 ; stn 1 is foot of ladder ;1 3 6.2 116 25 ;3 4 8.8 38 -2 ;4 5 2.5 292 -33 ;5 6 11.1 284 -68 ;6 7 5.7 77 -8 ;1 2 2.7 177 -24 ;2 3 6.7 81 -40 ;3 4 3.8 192 -35 ;4 5 4.7 69 -34 ;5 6 4.4 353 -39 ;6 7 4.1 153 -44 7 B 2.6 72 0 ; stn 7 is also referred to as A, start of sump B C 4 66 0 ; out of sump ;*data passage station left right up down ignoreall *end 55FootPitch_Sump