The following 'new' surveys could be copied across without the need for resurveying: 2022 ---- RTCD MendipMission 2021 ---- the_bastard barney_and_friends Pre-2021 -------- satans_chode better_than_digging can_you_pussik (although not create data.. might be better redone) joes_crack an_evening_stroll dirty_pretty_liars diehard_jurassicworld domino_satan (connection to a new Green Domino survey required) **Priority to finish through to GD dr2000stream_pina consort_horses (these could be joined to the new 2022 Consort Hall survey now) consort_ramp (these could be joined to the new 2022 Consort Hall survey now) dinosaur_aven heres_what_you_could_have_won howlinghole (but needs connection to new) **Priority to finish through to Hole in Wall im_not_into_yoga jurassic_highway pterodactyl_crumble sand_chamber silky_carpet terror_firma wet_aven partingfriends (although not completed - Spangle Junction) wp_to_pf clapham_to_wp YMWAH YFSOE Possibly but dubious (trad, incomplete etc) ------------------------------------------- orangeade_premier (redone in 2012 - DJC - who accurate / complete is it? pottery_kiln (no elevation) tea_chamber (no elevation) peg_passage (no elevation) outer_mongolia (never completed?) upper_entrance - more loop closure required and top entrance