; 2018.09.08 created by TopoDroid v 3.4.5f ; silky_carpet ; Instrument: DistoX2 3693 - Z6 *begin silky_carpet *date 2018.09.08 *team "cj hm" *export 3 1202 *units tape meters *units compass degrees *units clino degrees *calibrate declination -2.00 *alias station - .. *flags not splay *data normal from to tape compass clino 1 0 5.38 215.5 80.5 1 - 2.72 212.9 14.6 1 - 2.09 57.0 -6.1 1 - 0.63 125.0 4.5 1 - 0.74 302.6 3.5 1 2 2.14 114.1 -50.7 1 - 8.26 73.4 -38.2 1 - 9.69 73.4 -38.2 1 - 8.26 73.4 -38.1 2 3 8.20 73.7 -38.8 ; stn 3 = stn 2 of sd,dw survey 2 - 5.46 22.2 -3.2 2 - 4.18 183.7 -6.2 2 - 0.89 83.9 -11.7 2 - 0.68 292.7 16.1 3 4 2.56 52.9 16.7 3 - 3.86 203.6 10.4 3 - 2.34 151.7 20.4 3 - 2.28 92.0 1.7 3 - 3.54 76.1 0.1 3 - 2.48 74.2 67.5 3 - 1.80 145.8 -54.4 3 - 4.77 1.5 16.2 4 5 9.10 121.2 24.0 4 - 6.12 126.0 16.4 4 - 4.61 138.7 15.0 4 - 3.63 148.9 11.7 4 - 2.71 160.5 3.8 4 - 1.72 163.0 -19.3 4 - 3.14 189.4 6.4 4 - 3.58 172.9 13.4 4 - 5.04 155.3 22.4 4 - 6.83 144.0 25.8 4 - 6.33 110.8 24.1 4 - 2.27 107.4 -2.7 4 - 9.23 130.3 -65.1 4 - 5.09 137.4 80.2 5 6 2.00 36.7 -19.0 5 - 2.09 1.5 -2.6 5 - 2.92 82.8 3.1 5 - 1.63 145.3 19.7 5 - 1.82 196.2 21.9 5 - 4.46 151.6 31.0 6 7 4.85 157.0 49.9 ; 3 similar splays here are wrong 6 - 13.92 165.3 8.3 6 - 6.31 165.6 8.8 7 8 6.26 165.4 8.9 7 - 1.41 257.5 9.7 7 - 1.48 91.9 21.3 7 - 11.06 326.0 70.6 8 9 5.38 139.2 -21.7 8 - 1.08 242.1 8.5 8 - 2.58 181.7 62.7 8 - 1.48 58.9 -25.7 8 - 0.83 23.3 -73.1 9 10 10.74 129.1 -16.1 9 - 0.84 43.7 11.0 9 - 4.38 43.8 44.7 9 - 3.36 217.1 84.5 9 - 1.99 223.5 17.6 9 - 0.72 172.7 -74.6 10 11 4.55 140.7 -31.8 10 - 1.12 50.5 13.1 10 - 1.95 148.0 63.5 10 - 1.20 219.9 31.9 10 - 3.62 87.9 -59.8 11 12 3.02 217.3 -44.2 12 13 3.30 187.1 -61.3 12 - 0.74 268.1 7.5 12 - 1.07 94.5 13.9 12 - 3.42 215.1 68.0 12 1201 3.50 144.5 -26.3 12 - 0.90 227.6 -1.9 12 - 3.84 205.3 78.9 12 - 1.23 116.1 0.6 1201 1202 9.98 101.3 -56.1 ; 1202 in death race passage. not sure where... 1201 - 1.26 198.2 4.5 1201 - 3.38 174.8 21.1 1201 - 5.39 304.7 71.7 1201 - 0.95 358.1 -87.3 9 901 4.27 31.7 47.6 ; climb in calcite 9 - 2.76 80.9 45.0 9 - 2.70 18.5 50.7 901 902 6.02 272.9 44.8 901 - 1.33 228.9 19.8 901 - 0.60 52.0 14.4 901 - 1.17 352.8 70.8 901 - 2.35 266.0 52.0 *flags not splay *data passage station left right up down ignoreall 1 0.761650499 0.737673843 0.685628654 -0.222091909 1 7.612680153 0 0 -5.992377351 2 5.410270187 3.749176573 0.188573964 -0.451437307 3 4.560083487 3.366847561 2.291221241 -1.46358137 4 0 3.982338363 5.015726203 -8.372016252 5 1.944816184 3.780293421 2.297069814 -0.094808645 6 0 10.81199358 2.009438318 0 7 1.018131506 1.227068571 10.4320426 0 8 1.315096885 1.041783275 2.29263246 -0.794155275 9 3.113216832 1.896698391 3.344531227 -0.694148691 10 1.385916775 1.009906971 1.745122005 -3.128674783 11 0 0 0 0 12 1.037859 0.731754427 3.170968783 0 12 0.903461309 0.810044986 3.76816383 -0.029839661 1201 0.032063442 2.128970166 5.117403324 -0.948945381 9 1.530686253 0 2.089368566 0 901 0.473365852 1.44633556 1.851825271 0 *end silky_carpet