; 2018.09.28 created by TopoDroid v 3.1.6a ; agua._top_entrance ; Instrument: DistoX2 3926 - Nexus 7 *begin agua_top_entrance_3 *date 2018.09.14 *team "Lisa Boore" *team "Jason Gotel" *units tape meters *export 15 *units compass degrees *units clino degrees *calibrate declination 0.00 *alias station - .. *flags not splay *data normal from to tape compass clino 0 1 0.17 129.8 -86.0 ; rock in entrance on left 0 - 1.88 128.6 9.6 0 - 5.97 287.6 -3.7 0 - 1.22 222.1 81.4 0 - 0.81 85.5 -84.8 1 2 10.17 223.1 -9.0 ; roof meets floor to create two passages 1 - 5.24 103.9 12.6 1 - 6.09 290.9 -14.1 1 - 0.25 217.9 79.0 1 - 0.41 79.0 -80.2 1 3 6.74 263.3 -6.7 ; knobbling bit on rock, above 4ft flat boulder 1 - 6.25 121.1 2.7 1 - 0.15 306.7 1.8 1 - 0.30 225.7 81.9 1 - 0.74 298.2 -88.4 3 4 9.51 210.3 -12.8 ; back of chamber 3 - 1.75 129.3 -1.4 3 - 3.80 321.7 1.1 3 - 2.87 260.0 84.7 3 - 1.29 255.0 -84.2 1 5 7.07 204.8 -5.7 ; small stal waist height 1 - 0.29 96.3 0.7 1 - 3.55 258.0 -2.9 1 - 1.81 129.0 81.1 1 - 0.35 244.0 -80.0 5 6 8.42 138.4 24.0 ; small stal, central calufour like rock 5 - 2.53 38.8 -2.2 5 - 1.20 219.2 4.4 5 - 2.80 140.0 85.0 5 - 0.22 67.9 -82.3 6 7 4.98 112.7 47.8 ; obvious stal in roof, where the climb up is 6 - 0.61 24.8 -9.7 6 - 1.97 233.7 1.1 6 - 0.34 290.6 72.8 6 - 1.20 311.3 -87.8 7 8 5.19 181.1 13.5 ; small stal on floor on left as you crawl past it 7 - 0.67 97.4 9.2 7 - 1.33 271.5 -2.0 7 - 0.71 194.8 72.3 7 - 0.18 129.3 -81.8 8 9 3.51 203.1 16.7 ; flat rock in roof with vertical crack and white vertical calcite 8 - 1.83 93.1 4.0 8 - 0.18 274.6 7.5 8 - 0.16 52.3 84.7 8 - 0.85 261.2 -82.0 9 10 3.06 112.4 13.7 ; corner of rock left side of passage 9 - 1.82 15.8 4.2 9 - 0.22 185.8 1.2 9 - 0.82 101.3 86.2 9 - 0.23 327.8 -85.0 10 11 1.99 136.0 32.7 ; stal hanging about 10 inch above pool. 10 - 0.46 123.9 -4.5 10 - 1.36 289.7 -3.2 10 - 0.50 278.3 79.3 10 - 2.00 270.0 -85.6 11 12 3.70 215.2 7.0 ; little stal in roof. at top of climb up 11 - 1.29 76.0 7.0 11 - 1.30 238.7 -4.3 11 - 0.15 271.8 81.3 11 - 0.49 118.9 -81.8 12 13 4.23 115.6 14.0 ; old stal hanging 12 - 0.37 32.5 4.2 12 - 2.02 230.6 -1.5 12 - 1.25 190.9 81.7 12 - 0.63 284.7 -85.3 13 14 4.44 161.7 -1.2 ; stal in floor middle of chamber 13 - 0.80 99.2 2.0 13 - 1.16 276.0 -3.9 13 - 0.72 261.3 77.5 13 - 0.33 63.8 -83.4 14 15 2.81 235.6 -2.5 ; dark stal over pool 14 - 1.29 137.4 1.9 14 - 0.40 312.6 -0.4 14 - 0.49 225.1 69.1 14 - 0.60 74.6 -75.9 14 - 0.15 175.1 31.0 *flags not splay *data passage station left right up down ignoreall 0 0.051272335 2.251007738 1.206282785 -0.806666363 1 6.169986931 0.149695852 0.297007097 -0.739711485 3 1.74475135 3.640717788 2.857729884 -1.283396114 1 0.276535078 2.637113385 1.788207357 -0.344682714 5 1.776021241 0.846442506 2.789345155 -0.218016304 6 0.52773219 1.969616035 0.324794643 -1.1991155 7 0.598769328 1.255010867 0.676389652 -0.178159722 8 1.825494091 0.1783603 0.159315952 -0.841727858 9 1.354346865 0.136194938 0.818197204 -0.229124781 10 0.140727283 0.720992821 0.491306398 -1.994105504 11 1.250104412 1.12508268 0.157211453 -0.484990353 12 0.335667226 2.006554806 1.236907236 -0.627881554 13 0.65629114 0.98541221 0.702933125 -0.327813013 14 1.0884116 0.35442649 0.457760192 -0.581923209 *data passage station left right up down ignoreall *end agua_top_entrance_3