*begin PeanutCavern *export 1 *date 1977.08.05 ;not sure on date *team "Fran Hampton" *team "Martin Walters" ;TURN LEFT FROM DAN's BIG ROOM *data normal from to direction tape compass clino 1 2 20.7 349 -10 ;stn1 top of phretic tube from Col & Chris survey? 2 3 3.7 324 16 3 4 2.1 63 27 4 5 3.4 2 0 5 6 11.7 28 -5 6 7 2.5 39 11 7 8 3.6 27 -5 8 9 2.3 35 -24 9 10 3.3 2 -4 ;thrutch to chamber to right of stn 10 10 11 7.6 299 -50 ;*data passage station left right up down ignoreall *end PeanutCavern