encoding utf-8
# 2022.09.06 created by TopoDroid v 5.1.40
survey RTCD -title "The Certain Death Sump
Cueva del Nacimiento"
input "RTCD-1p.th2"
input "RTCD-1s.th2"
map m1p -projection plan
map m1s -projection extended
date 2022.09.06
team "Chris Jewell
units length meters
units compass clino degrees
data normal from to length compass clino
#data diving from to tape compass fromdepth todepth
#equate RTCD_3.4 RTCD_Sump2.360
#equate RTCD_Sump2.310 RTCD_2.1
#equate RTCD_2.2 RTCD_Sump1.305
#equate RTCD_Sump1.40 RTCD_Sump1_1986.2004
# RTCD_3 ; Dry chamber beyond sump 2
1 2 5.0 0 0
2 3 5.0 60 0
3 360 10.0 120 0
360 5 20.0 180 0
2 6 10.0 300 0
# RTCD_Sump2 ; Sump 2
data diving from to tape compass fromdepth todepth
360 345 15 110 0.0 -0.5
345 340 5 90 -0.5 -2.0
340 335 5 150 -2.0 -3.6
335 320 15 90 -3.6 -3.0
320 D1 10 90 -3.0 0.0
#RTCD_2 ; Dry chamber between sump 1 and sump 2
data normal from to length compass clino
D1 D2 10.0 180 0
#RTCD_Sump1 ; Sump 1
data diving from to tape compass fromdepth todepth
D2 280 25 60 0.0 -6.0
280 260 20 350 -6.0 -9.0
260 257 4 180 -9.0 -13.0
257 250 7 60 -13.0 -19.8
250 180 10 30 -19.8 -20.0
180 160 20 50 -20.0 -18.0
160 140 20 60 -18.0 -23.0
140 120 20 60 -23.0 -26.0
120 100 20 70 -26.0 -30.0
100 80 20 100 -30.0 -49.0
80 60 20 230 -49.0 -60.0
60 55 5 150 -60.0 -62.0
55 2004 15 70 -62.0 -65.0 # end of old survey
# 40 20 20 60 -65.0 -60.0
# 20 0 20 110 -60.0 -50.0
data normal from to length compass clino
#sump, taken from Agua'86 and '87
1005 2000 22 259 -63
2000 2001 13 288 0
2001 2002 33 222 14
2002 2003 40 248 -37
2003 2004 29 219 -18.6
#2003 2004a 29 219 -29
#2004a 2005 19 256 -31
#2005 2006 49 297 -79
#2006 2007 24 315 -55
#2007 2008 20 - UP