encoding utf-8 ##XTHERION## xth_me_area_adjust -312.0 -330.5 240.0 139.5 ##XTHERION## xth_me_area_zoom_to 200 ##XTHERION## xth_me_image_insert {98.43 1 1.0} {-118.11 0} anotherpotbypass2pfriends-1p.xvi 0 {} # 2019.09.12 created by TopoDroid v. 4.1.4f scrap YFSOE-1p -projection plan -scale [0 0 20 0 0 0 1 0 m] point -181.5 -200.0 continuation -scale s -visibility off point 91.5 -168.5 label -text [to The Road to Wigan Pier] -scale s -visibility off line wall 110.0 -128.5 110.0 -118.5 103.5 -92.0 103.5 -92.0 smooth off endline line wall 83.5 -104.0 83.5 -104.0 79.5 -112.5 76.0 -122.0 smooth off endline line wall 103.5 -92.0 101.09 -92.27 79.12 -63.65 73.49 -59.85 63.57 -53.14 52.3 -47.4 41.68 -41.87 27.3 -34.38 9.36 -37.92 -6.06 -37.43 -11.71 -37.25 -22.3 -34.68 -27.99 -34.68 smooth off endline point -99.0 -74.0 gradient -orientation 40.0 -scale xs point -115.0 -86.5 gradient -orientation 40.0 -scale xs line wall -95.17 -83.31 -81.46 -77.07 -66.56 -78.44 -52.31 -73.93 -43.26 -71.07 -33.51 -63.56 -23.93 -64.13 -13.27 -64.76 -2.03 -73.13 7.7 -77.43 19.93 -82.83 71.65 -97.94 83.5 -104.0 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on -180.19 -185.23 -174.06 -174.72 -149.77 -135.64 -143.88 -125.06 -143.37 -124.14 -142.99 -123.15 -142.6 -122.18 -135.27 -103.85 -129.11 -84.12 -119.05 -67.01 -118.68 -66.38 -118.34 -65.73 -117.9 -65.15 -113.32 -59.18 -102.53 -50.26 -96.92 -45.23 -89.16 -38.26 -79.72 -40.92 -70.02 -38.77 -67.94 -38.31 -65.72 -37.92 -63.51 -37.88 -60.78 -37.82 -57.98 -37.36 -55.24 -37.3 -49.89 -37.18 -33.29 -35.33 -27.99 -34.68 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on -95.17 -83.31 -100.09 -88.24 -103.73 -97.05 -108.77 -101.88 -110.95 -103.96 -113.02 -106.3 -114.9 -108.65 -120.31 -115.43 -126.95 -121.51 -132.32 -128.32 -136.53 -133.64 -139.58 -140.01 -142.79 -145.95 -145.82 -151.54 -165.21 -189.52 -165.66 -196.12 smooth off endline line rock-border -close on -166.28 -176.62 -171.32 -181.78 -174.13 -186.07 -173.31 -189.77 -169.24 -188.65 -165.77 -185.32 -164.6 -180.68 -166.28 -176.62 endline point -153.48 -184.71 label -text "boulder blockage in rift" -align right -scale s -visibility off line u:splay -visibility off 87.57 -94.55 52.18 -92.74 endline line u:splay -visibility off 87.57 -94.55 84.91 -73.73 endline line u:splay -visibility off 12.67 -46.76 7.7 -77.43 endline line u:splay -visibility off 12.67 -46.76 15.07 -50.77 endline line u:splay -visibility off -24.07 -51.23 -23.93 -64.13 endline line u:splay -visibility off -24.07 -51.23 -27.99 -34.68 endline line u:splay -visibility off -24.07 -51.23 -25.71 -47.21 endline line u:splay -visibility off -24.07 -51.23 -19.79 -52.44 endline line u:splay -visibility off -97.25 -54.9 -96.92 -45.23 endline line u:splay -visibility off -97.25 -54.9 -95.17 -83.31 endline line u:splay -visibility off -97.25 -54.9 -95.31 -57.87 endline line u:splay -visibility off -97.25 -54.9 -99.11 -52.31 endline point 87.57 -94.55 station -name "1" point 12.67 -46.76 station -name "2" point -24.07 -51.23 station -name "3" point -47.88 -51.44 station -name "4" point -97.25 -54.90 station -name "5" point -162.53 -170.61 station -name "6" endscrap