encoding utf-8 survey better_than_digging -title "Better Than Digging
Cueva del Nacimiento" centerline date 2015.07.16 team "Helen Fairclough" team "Leo Bradley" units length meters units compass clino degrees data normal from to length compass clino #1 2 8.211 49.9 1.7 # Stn 1 = exisisting tippex station on boulder at end of die hard traverse (un-numbered), #2 3 10.437 156 4.2 # Stn 2 = end bolt of die hard traverse #3 4 6.728 158.1 50.6 # 4 5 5.636 309.6 71.5 # 5 6 3.636 277.5 69.3 # 6 7 11.355 182.4 48.6 # Stn 7 = Left bolt of y-hang 7 9 12.832 294 66.8 # 6 8 6.301 263.6 67 # endcenterline input "better_than_digging-1p.th2" input "better_than_digging-1s.th2" map m1p -projection plan better_than_digging-1p endmap map m1s -projection extended better_than_digging-1s endmap endsurvey