encoding utf-8 ##XTHERION## xth_me_area_adjust -3641.0 -331.75 1010.0 1323.25 ##XTHERION## xth_me_area_zoom_to 100 ##XTHERION## xth_me_image_insert {98.43 1 1.0} {-118.11 0} clapham_to_wp-1p.xvi 0 {} # 2019.09.05 created by TopoDroid v. 4.1.3u scrap clapham_to_wp-1p -projection plan -scale [0 0 20 0 0 0 1 0 m] point 808.0 312.0 continuation -text [unsurveyed connection back to Black Hole] -scale s point 854.0 328.0 label -align right -text [to Black Hole] -scale xs -visibility off point 733.0 35.0 map-connection line wall 767.97 138.47 761.97 141.74 763.0 169.14 763.0 176.0 763.0 195.0 763.0 187.0 761.0 201.0 760.14 207.02 762.23 212.82 760.04 218.5 756.0 229.0 761.04 248.44 763.26 252.89 771.68 269.76 796.0 275.0 796.0 275.0 smooth off endline line wall -subtype presumed 796.0 275.0 796.0 275.0 821.81 288.72 838.0 294.0 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on 595.87 74.95 608.19 111.43 589.49 149.4 582.92 187.29 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on 582.92 187.29 581.21 194.01 580.19 200.95 577.81 207.47 575.76 213.05 572.83 218.3 569.72 223.37 566.28 228.99 561.36 233.64 558.2 239.42 555.59 244.19 554.46 249.61 552.59 254.71 smooth off endline line wall 521.48 308.62 515.74 302.87 491.26 287.18 486.0 281.0 smooth off endline line wall -subtype presumed 486.0 281.0 480.2 274.19 440.86 261.53 432.0 247.0 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on 552.59 254.71 519.87 238.64 506.0 226.0 506.0 226.0 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on -subtype presumed 506.0 226.0 506.0 226.0 485.14 208.01 454.59 188.15 smooth off endline point -402.0 989.0 continuation -visibility off -scale s point 443.0 219.0 continuation -scale s point 752.0 292.0 gradient -orientation 63.2 -scale s line wall -subtype presumed 814.78 343.61 808.07 343.61 801.34 344.2 794.66 343.61 783.79 342.64 783.44 333.22 773.0 328.0 smooth off endline line wall 773.0 328.0 757.0 320.0 736.69 323.26 725.0 324.0 706.43 325.17 702.1 334.44 683.77 338.33 smooth off endline line wall 521.48 308.62 516.83 327.67 502.7 356.65 493.89 374.29 smooth off endline line wall 683.77 338.33 667.38 343.51 649.54 344.98 632.97 349.23 620.35 352.46 608.22 358.43 596.35 363.53 574.49 372.93 545.81 386.28 525.23 398.57 smooth off endline point 215.0 671.0 label -text [1986 Bypass
(unsurveyed)] -align top -scale s line wall 525.23 398.57 503.6 410.57 496.42 440.53 475.53 453.87 473.02 455.47 455.48 468.04 452.77 470.19 435.11 484.19 419.03 501.07 402.19 515.97 382.45 533.43 354.63 552.02 334.95 569.26 smooth off endline line wall 493.89 374.29 497.37 372.43 497.24 372.25 493.89 374.29 464.12 392.42 446.0 405.9 414.24 420.61 411.17 422.03 365.46 443.98 361.59 445.8 331.16 460.14 310.72 481.8 278.11 490.86 smooth off endline line wall 334.95 569.26 299.13 585.78 275.34 588.89 245.76 616.34 237.07 624.4 229.96 637.13 225.28 648.02 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on 278.11 490.86 275.82 492.82 279.86 490.76 277.51 492.65 274.28 495.24 271.04 497.83 267.65 500.22 264.12 502.71 260.47 505.05 256.75 507.26 242.46 515.79 228.34 525.66 213.61 533.45 202.13 539.52 189.72 544.61 177.94 550.1 175.6 551.19 165.29 555.73 162.44 556.82 smooth off endline line border -id 1p-a2 -close on -subtype invisible 213.14 606.56 210.98 596.21 208.9 585.06 210.27 574.42 210.57 572.08 209.94 568.87 211.88 567.53 214.46 565.76 218.12 567.11 221.24 566.9 smooth off 223.24 569.21 225.88 571.1 227.23 573.84 230.18 579.83 231.63 590.43 230.43 597.05 229.35 603.06 225.11 608.04 221.44 612.09 smooth off 213.14 606.56 endline area water 1p-a2 endarea point 264.69 722.63 label -scale s -align right -text [1986 bypass] -visibility off line wall -reverse on 151.56 553.62 148.35 553.62 145.13 553.38 141.93 553.62 138.06 553.91 134.24 554.65 130.4 555.21 112.42 557.86 93.85 560.46 75.88 563.35 73.56 563.72 64.22 565.74 61.93 566.56 44.83 572.73 27.61 580.24 10.24 585.67 -8.43 591.49 -22.83 607.83 -42.67 609.38 smooth off endline line wall 206.6 644.26 206.6 637.12 205.67 628.69 201.06 622.72 197.75 618.43 185.84 611.26 181.25 608.94 smooth off endline line wall 881.0 95.0 767.97 138.47 endline line wall 181.25 608.94 143.37 619.34 96.82 615.13 60.23 629.88 57.4 631.02 14.68 660.03 9.79 663.49 smooth off endline line wall 9.79 663.49 -3.43 690.42 -0.12 712.11 -11.77 739.72 -19.39 757.77 -28.95 786.63 -30.84 806.36 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on -42.67 609.38 -52.06 621.04 -45.57 627.32 -53.78 639.77 -61.55 651.56 -69.16 664.01 -75.65 676.57 -77.15 679.47 -91.07 708.47 -92.4 716.53 -94.1 726.86 -106.41 735.64 -105.47 746.04 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on -105.47 746.04 -107.92 746.78 -116.55 754.22 -119.0 755.0 -152.75 765.7 -149.1 766.54 -181.89 779.63 -184.2 780.55 -186.41 781.75 -188.73 782.65 -198.28 786.35 -214.23 794.24 -223.28 799.06 smooth off endline line wall -30.84 806.36 -46.92 826.19 -58.79 837.22 -80.85 850.46 -104.12 864.42 -134.13 879.41 -160.2 886.23 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on -223.28 799.06 -250.34 812.19 -271.86 801.68 -301.28 803.21 -322.08 804.3 -343.34 807.3 -363.86 810.4 -366.17 810.75 -378.91 806.32 -381.24 806.51 -403.02 808.33 -415.33 812.36 -437.35 813.72 smooth off endline line wall -160.2 886.23 -212.0 906.0 -312.73 907.44 -347.68 914.26 -359.71 916.61 -372.59 919.92 -383.49 925.6 -393.14 930.64 -393.86 930.92 -404.74 933.36 smooth off endline line wall -close off -344.08 865.26 -342.0 843.0 -311.48 838.89 -293.65 840.08 smooth off -293.12 842.6 -291.22 851.54 -292.0 854.0 -292.93 856.97 -304.46 860.2 -307.0 862.0 -319.89 871.09 -328.85 866.55 -344.08 865.26 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on -437.35 813.72 -459.43 823.01 -476.45 825.38 -498.35 836.27 smooth off endline point -47.97000000000003 866.47 label -text "milled pots" -align right -scale s -visibility off line wall -reverse on -498.35 836.27 -499.1 839.45 -500.41 858.29 -501.82 861.24 -503.52 864.78 -506.86 867.32 -508.73 870.77 -511.06 875.05 -512.66 879.7 -514.33 884.28 -519.11 897.32 -522.63 911.46 -529.08 923.9 -541.32 947.51 -558.86 977.29 -575.68 997.61 smooth off endline line wall -404.74 933.36 -423.92 933.36 -429.51 931.67 -448.4 929.8 -451.82 929.47 -455.26 929.46 -458.7 929.38 -461.36 929.32 -468.34 932.82 -470.31 934.62 smooth off endline line wall -498.56 1029.83 -511.2 1033.87 -487.36 1022.58 -498.56 1029.83 -501.41 1031.67 -504.0 1033.91 -506.5 1036.19 -520.81 1049.22 -534.35 1063.88 -547.11 1078.33 smooth off endline line wall -470.31 934.62 -471.45 937.43 -459.01 950.36 -460.33 953.09 -464.05 960.82 -465.09 959.85 -468.0 968.0 -468.94 970.65 -471.2 973.3 -472.0 976.0 -472.14 976.46 -486.4 991.5 -486.12 992.01 -484.45 994.99 -489.27 990.69 -486.12 992.01 smooth off endline line pit -485.32 989.63 -488.61 1003.1 -494.47 1016.2 -498.79 1029.27 smooth off endline point -382.35 988.83 label -text "high level inlet" -scale s -align right -visibility off line wall -547.11 1078.33 -553.39 1081.77 -555.68 1081.18 -563.07 1083.86 -580.17 1090.06 -597.47 1098.07 -615.07 1102.76 -633.68 1107.72 -653.94 1107.95 -673.04 1108.54 -702.01 1109.44 -731.86 1110.92 -760.85 1110.92 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on -575.68 997.61 -579.63 999.04 -592.99 994.74 -597.0 996.0 -601.73 997.49 -614.21 998.76 -619.0 1000.0 -646.96 1007.25 -645.9 1009.87 -674.75 1011.15 -679.35 1011.35 -683.93 1011.97 -688.53 1012.17 -691.94 1012.31 -695.37 1012.25 -698.79 1012.17 -712.0 1011.86 -725.59 1010.25 -738.62 1008.09 -741.97 1007.54 -745.74 1007.96 -748.65 1006.18 -768.27 994.18 -762.0 998.0 -778.85 998.14 smooth off endline line wall -760.85 1110.92 -771.05 1119.8 -775.92 1121.96 -786.68 1130.17 smooth off endline point -852.33 1010.41 label -scale xs -align left -text P6 line pit -reverse on -outline in -836.66 1013.18 -836.66 1013.18 -790.0 1025.0 -778.85 998.14 smooth off endline line wall -836.66 1013.18 -847.22 1033.11 -844.99 1051.51 -858.69 1069.24 smooth off endline point -824.0 1194.0 continuation -text [to high-level fossil passage] -scale s line wall -771.56 1117.65 -784.21 1126.22 -794.54 1139.19 -807.91 1146.49 -817.31 1151.61 -854.0 1155.0 -829.0 1178.0 smooth off endline line wall -858.69 1069.24 -862.57 1068.06 -864.31 1059.68 -868.0 1058.0 -883.65 1050.86 -885.5 1041.85 -899.59 1032.23 smooth off endline line wall -842.0 1187.0 -845.0 1184.0 -864.12 1155.43 -878.89 1146.71 -899.66 1134.44 -914.84 1113.77 -932.26 1097.69 -955.01 1076.67 -984.62 1055.91 -1008.79 1036.5 smooth off endline line wall -899.59 1032.23 -910.65 1025.48 -910.66 1012.88 -920.0 1004.0 -938.27 986.63 -926.0 968.0 -926.0 968.0 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on -926.0 968.0 -926.0 968.0 -924.0 981.0 -928.0 956.0 smooth off endline line wall -976.1 965.64 -973.74 961.56 -970.14 957.98 -969.01 953.4 -968.02 949.35 -969.69 945.09 -970.02 940.93 smooth off endline line pit -outline in -928.0 956.0 -932.68 955.23 -944.49 956.5 -949.0 955.0 -953.96 953.34 -973.45 941.89 -970.02 940.93 smooth off endline line wall -1008.79 1036.5 -1020.03 1041.52 -1025.14 1064.15 -1036.0 1070.0 -1051.38 1078.3 -1082.04 1068.64 -1096.59 1078.38 -1099.26 1080.17 -1108.34 1109.06 -1109.0 1113.0 smooth off endline line wall -1144.38 1125.46 -1147.55 1119.56 -1154.14 1114.3 -1158.95 1109.92 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on -976.1 965.64 -1002.0 957.0 -1017.75 974.54 -1045.01 977.33 -1056.87 978.54 -1069.94 978.04 -1081.07 982.93 -1093.17 988.25 -1103.73 997.19 -1114.53 1004.57 -1131.69 1016.29 -1149.48 1028.44 -1165.11 1042.19 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on -1165.11 1042.19 -1178.95 1048.43 -1174.18 1054.02 -1189.41 1055.9 -1207.45 1058.13 -1226.32 1055.77 -1244.12 1053.37 -1260.09 1051.21 -1278.45 1052.35 -1293.85 1046.91 -1301.51 1044.2 -1307.6 1037.97 -1314.16 1033.48 -1327.75 1024.2 -1348.16 1007.5 -1361.22 997.39 smooth off endline line wall -1158.95 1109.92 -1162.66 1109.92 -1175.29 1113.0 -1179.0 1113.0 -1193.01 1113.0 -1185.89 1113.17 -1199.89 1112.65 -1232.26 1111.45 -1265.73 1112.06 -1298.09 1109.65 -1313.09 1108.53 -1328.82 1108.26 -1343.67 1105.56 -1348.19 1104.74 -1352.86 1104.17 -1357.03 1102.26 -1360.59 1100.63 -1363.6 1097.92 -1366.38 1095.18 -1375.69 1085.99 -1374.96 1077.66 -1386.32 1070.29 smooth off endline line wall -1386.32 1070.29 -1406.97 1066.88 -1424.71 1063.37 -1445.33 1059.88 -1455.34 1058.19 -1465.72 1057.65 -1474.83 1054.54 -1479.81 1052.84 -1484.5 1050.38 -1489.39 1048.43 -1493.61 1046.75 -1498.0 1045.48 -1502.16 1043.65 -1506.26 1041.85 -1510.14 1039.59 -1514.14 1037.57 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on -1361.22 997.39 -1365.69 996.8 -1367.66 991.24 -1372.0 990.0 -1386.66 985.8 -1384.29 983.67 -1397.43 976.27 -1421.78 962.55 -1421.61 947.74 -1443.11 929.97 smooth off endline line border -id 1p-a10 -close on -subtype invisible -1500.8 1038.67 -1494.57 1034.83 -1487.79 1030.3 -1482.88 1024.07 -1479.99 1020.4 -1477.82 1016.21 -1475.43 1012.19 -1473.64 1009.2 -1471.98 1006.15 -1470.36 1003.07 -1468.6 999.72 -1466.48 996.52 -1465.3 992.93 -1464.12 989.36 -1464.36 985.43 -1463.34 981.8 -1462.23 977.89 -1459.85 974.38 -1458.93 970.42 -1456.57 960.17 -1458.97 949.2 -1460.36 939.17 -1460.9 935.3 -1460.97 931.39 -1461.31 927.5 -1461.63 923.89 -1459.39 918.79 -1462.32 916.68 -1466.47 913.69 -1472.59 914.9 -1477.64 915.75 -1482.08 916.49 -1485.97 919.22 -1489.96 921.31 -1502.02 927.64 -1502.46 937.08 -1509.0 949.0 -1511.01 952.66 -1509.95 954.97 -1511.0 959.0 -1511.88 962.37 -1512.36 964.74 -1513.0 970.0 -1513.68 975.6 -1514.89 986.9 -1514.0 993.0 -1512.32 1004.61 -1508.76 1014.45 -1504.0 1025.0 smooth off -1500.8 1038.67 endline area water 1p-a10 endarea point -1508.0 1052.0 label -text C4 -scale s -align top-left point -2072.0 751.0 gradient -orientation 19.8 -scale s point -2029.0 798.0 gradient -orientation 56.1 -scale s point -1976.0 826.0 gradient -orientation 56.1 -scale s line pit -1509.0 1036.0 -1511.15 1032.93 -1518.9 1015.65 -1520.44 1012.23 -1524.98 1002.14 -1525.18 990.26 -1525.11 979.5 -1525.07 973.93 -1527.83 962.57 -1527.0 957.0 -1525.91 949.71 -1536.45 942.17 -1532.0 936.0 -1528.23 930.78 -1539.99 907.0 -1535.0 903.0 smooth off endline line border -id 1p-a12 -close on -reverse on -subtype invisible -1803.0 954.0 -1799.0 966.0 -1796.11 988.95 -1784.34 991.45 -1761.37 996.33 -1735.38 999.08 -1712.72 992.42 -1708.48 991.18 -1696.59 988.18 -1693.22 984.69 -1690.86 982.24 -1689.71 978.7 -1689.06 975.36 -1687.0 964.67 -1689.34 951.12 -1691.32 940.63 smooth off -1768.0 929.0 -1803.0 954.0 endline area water 1p-a12 endarea line wall -reverse on -1443.11 929.97 -1448.13 923.77 -1453.03 916.65 -1459.84 912.23 -1463.14 910.08 -1466.82 908.52 -1470.51 907.14 -1474.95 905.47 -1479.58 904.33 -1484.17 903.1 smooth off endline line wall -close off -1588.94 944.68 -1573.26 955.23 -1566.02 949.62 -1550.0 960.0 smooth off -1550.95 962.1 -1539.47 972.0 -1541.21 973.51 -1545.89 977.59 -1557.27 975.41 -1562.84 975.41 -1581.32 975.41 -1600.37 975.41 -1618.86 975.41 -1621.42 975.41 -1623.99 975.66 -1626.54 975.41 -1628.89 975.17 -1631.22 974.64 -1633.47 973.95 -1636.21 973.1 -1639.2 972.54 -1641.47 970.79 -1643.4 969.3 -1644.14 966.72 -1645.48 964.68 smooth off -1638.95 956.87 -1627.81 953.79 -1618.34 951.0 -1608.84 948.2 -1598.76 946.23 -1588.94 944.68 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on -1484.17 903.1 -1523.51 893.75 -1556.99 902.87 -1597.15 902.87 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on -1597.15 902.87 -1628.34 902.87 -1654.0 905.92 -1685.16 907.28 -1721.57 908.87 -1753.56 913.37 -1790.05 913.37 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on -1790.05 913.37 -1803.03 909.0 -1799.29 896.23 -1809.94 888.04 -1834.22 869.36 -1859.71 845.7 -1882.38 825.1 smooth off endline line pit -1922.0 882.0 -1921.32 870.43 -1902.21 834.15 -1895.0 825.0 smooth off endline line pit -1945.0 867.0 -1940.44 853.56 -1924.51 828.7 -1915.0 818.0 smooth off endline point -1327.0 1061.0 water-flow -orientation 62.1 -scale s point -1442.0 986.0 water-flow -orientation 62.1 -scale s point -1545.0 1005.0 water-flow -orientation 84.8 -scale s point -1623.0 992.0 water-flow -orientation 84.8 -scale s point -1846.0 846.0 water-flow -orientation 0.9 -scale s point -1857.44 902.23 water-flow -orientation 51.7 -scale s line wall -1768.58 1005.68 -1771.64 1005.1 -1774.76 1004.76 -1777.76 1003.93 -1780.43 1003.18 -1783.03 1002.15 -1785.54 1000.98 -1801.74 993.43 -1818.99 984.63 -1833.21 973.71 -1847.63 962.63 -1859.85 947.17 -1872.33 934.01 -1874.35 931.88 -1876.43 929.8 -1878.56 927.78 -1892.52 914.51 -1903.37 906.25 -1916.3 892.04 smooth off endline line wall -1514.14 1037.57 -1534.87 1035.14 -1526.78 1022.09 -1547.32 1018.5 -1551.46 1017.78 -1555.69 1017.72 -1559.84 1017.12 -1587.72 1013.11 -1616.76 1011.22 -1644.93 1010.03 -1689.51 1008.14 -1723.99 1007.56 -1768.58 1005.68 smooth off endline line wall -1916.3 892.04 -1918.19 891.45 -1932.18 877.76 -1934.0 877.0 -1954.51 868.37 -1949.48 863.24 -1969.85 854.2 -1994.55 843.24 -2023.61 837.99 -2046.18 822.0 -2048.11 820.63 -2049.79 818.93 -2051.48 817.28 -2061.83 807.18 -2071.02 795.38 -2080.59 784.56 -2081.98 782.99 -2083.67 781.64 -2084.77 779.85 -2089.61 771.99 -2091.32 761.26 -2094.09 752.56 -2096.45 745.11 -2099.93 746.69 -2102.11 739.19 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on -1882.38 825.1 -1894.04 824.24 -1894.06 820.1 -1905.17 816.72 -1911.99 814.65 -1919.5 814.29 -1926.37 812.2 -1929.59 811.22 -1932.68 809.86 -1935.8 808.6 -1938.71 807.43 -1941.58 806.19 -1944.44 804.93 -1955.89 799.87 -1968.36 796.4 -1980.01 791.94 -1992.88 787.02 -1994.5 787.85 -2007.38 782.69 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on -2007.38 782.69 -2017.61 780.7 -2015.97 769.56 -2024.79 764.33 -2026.72 763.19 -2028.78 762.25 -2030.77 761.2 -2047.78 752.2 -2061.89 737.73 -2076.57 725.61 -2078.09 724.35 -2079.94 723.49 -2081.36 722.11 -2082.73 720.78 -2083.67 719.09 -2084.83 717.57 smooth off endline line wall -2102.11 739.19 -2110.15 700.98 -2107.97 667.46 -2107.97 628.62 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on -2084.83 717.57 -2083.35 693.55 -2078.94 666.42 -2077.42 642.38 smooth off endline line wall -2107.97 628.62 -2107.32 626.46 -2098.88 617.08 -2098.0 615.0 -2087.12 589.19 -2061.21 570.73 -2046.86 546.82 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on -2077.42 642.38 -2075.58 640.73 -2055.67 625.02 -2053.88 623.32 -2038.74 608.93 -2016.1 582.86 -2001.2 568.22 smooth off endline line wall -2092.76 421.04 -2097.75 407.75 -2262.5 403.0 -2301.35 391.96 smooth off endline line wall -2046.86 546.82 -2047.83 543.2 -2048.49 539.48 -2049.79 535.96 -2056.33 518.26 -2052.68 505.59 -2056.0 493.0 -2060.3 476.66 -2076.65 468.09 -2081.46 451.88 -2084.51 441.57 -2086.7 430.13 -2092.76 421.04 smooth off endline line wall -2001.2 568.22 -2002.48 566.42 -1998.73 557.52 -1999.58 555.48 -2001.52 550.79 -1999.92 545.21 -2000.22 540.19 -2000.59 533.83 -2003.52 527.65 -2005.5 521.53 -2008.8 511.3 -2009.48 498.16 -2014.57 488.7 -2017.83 482.65 -2025.65 477.13 -2029.82 471.79 -2035.58 464.39 -2039.86 455.58 -2043.66 447.06 smooth off -2021.63 460.82 -2013.33 484.21 -1989.99 495.66 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on -2022.58 379.92 -2039.34 378.0 -2063.71 380.63 -2080.39 381.2 -2083.23 381.3 -2086.04 381.92 -2088.87 381.84 -2096.61 381.63 -2108.22 378.05 -2113.91 373.27 smooth off endline point -2029.61 539.14 water-flow -orientation 0.0 -scale s point -2069.86 600.53 air-draught -scale s line wall -1989.99 495.66 -1987.64 496.45 -1985.27 497.17 -1982.94 498.01 -1979.79 499.16 -1976.6 500.24 -1973.56 501.65 -1970.39 503.11 -1967.26 504.68 -1964.34 506.59 -1961.12 508.69 -1958.31 511.34 -1955.21 513.62 -1952.23 515.8 -1949.07 517.74 -1946.12 519.96 -1943.38 522.01 -1940.87 524.34 -1938.16 526.42 -1922.26 538.63 -1908.86 554.57 -1894.11 567.95 smooth off endline line wall -2022.58 379.92 -2020.7 381.59 -2019.02 383.51 -2016.95 384.92 -2013.62 387.18 -2010.02 389.01 -2006.45 390.87 -1994.81 396.95 -1982.71 404.05 -1973.54 413.66 -1955.25 432.8 -1931.77 449.57 -1915.0 470.0 -1905.71 481.32 -1895.68 495.23 -1887.0 507.0 -1877.65 519.68 -1875.15 535.44 -1864.13 546.82 smooth off endline point -1947.0 485.0 continuation -scale s point -248.0 824.0 gradient -orientation 286.6 -scale s point -220.0 868.0 gradient -orientation 286.6 -scale s point -148.0 818.0 gradient -orientation 121.6 -scale s point -64.0 762.0 gradient -orientation 154.1 -scale s point 8.0 616.0 gradient -orientation 100.9 -scale s point 96.0 594.0 gradient -orientation 100.9 -scale s point 340.0 504.0 gradient -orientation 295.4 -scale s point 450.0 442.0 gradient -orientation 295.4 -scale s point 612.0 292.0 gradient -orientation 324.5 -scale s point 721.06 223.59 gradient -orientation 324.5 -scale s point 678.0 164.0 gradient -orientation 324.5 -scale s line pit -close off -outline in -1907.0 545.0 -1909.07 543.99 -1926.99 528.12 -1929.0 527.0 -1930.92 525.93 -1951.99 503.85 -1954.0 503.0 -1987.0 489.0 -1980.31 490.16 -1995.0 471.0 -2000.89 463.31 -1994.62 446.99 -1995.74 437.4 smooth off -1993.35 436.56 -1991.11 434.78 -1988.58 434.87 -1977.47 435.25 -1963.25 445.9 -1954.59 451.9 -1925.41 472.1 -1897.33 512.7 -1879.0 543.0 smooth off -1882.07 543.39 -1887.91 555.14 -1891.0 555.0 -1897.08 554.71 -1901.7 547.38 -1907.0 545.0 smooth off endline point -1872.43 479.67 label -text "sound of stream below" -align right -scale s -visibility off line wall -1864.13 546.82 -1872.02 554.72 -1883.81 563.79 -1894.11 567.95 smooth off endline point -2357.0 286.0 continuation -visibility on line wall -2113.91 373.27 -2120.19 371.98 -2126.47 370.69 -2132.76 369.42 -2155.34 364.84 -2177.79 351.38 -2200.7 350.15 -2236.93 348.21 -2245.21 354.1 -2281.3 350.42 smooth off endline line wall -2281.3 350.42 -2292.19 344.35 -2303.82 336.95 -2312.45 327.79 -2320.1 319.67 -2324.44 308.64 -2329.02 298.71 smooth off endline line wall -2359.46 313.73 -2358.51 316.84 -2357.87 320.07 -2356.61 323.06 -2355.68 325.27 -2353.92 327.04 -2352.92 329.22 -2348.48 338.88 -2344.53 349.44 -2338.14 358.19 -2333.34 364.77 -2327.95 371.48 -2322.23 377.29 -2315.4 384.24 -2309.66 387.24 -2301.35 391.96 smooth off endline line u:splay -visibility off 98.43 -118.11 90.63 -108.99 endline line u:splay -visibility off 98.43 -118.11 83.94 -99.5 endline line u:splay -visibility off 98.43 -118.11 93.08 -110.16 endline line u:splay -visibility off 98.43 -118.11 106.89 -125.03 endline line u:splay -visibility off 98.43 -118.11 125.68 -133.69 endline line u:splay -visibility off 98.43 -118.11 138.21 -143.63 endline line u:splay -visibility off 98.43 -118.11 136.37 -143.77 endline line u:splay -visibility off 98.43 -118.11 142.33 -149.11 endline line u:splay -visibility off 98.43 -118.11 154.38 -160.07 endline line u:splay -visibility off 98.43 -118.11 130.22 -150.24 endline line u:splay -visibility off 98.43 -118.11 115.94 -146.2 endline line u:splay -visibility off 98.43 -118.11 109.72 -126.63 endline line u:splay -visibility off 98.43 -118.11 100.55 -121.34 endline line u:splay -visibility off 261.93 -107.42 258.26 -58.34 endline line u:splay -visibility off 261.93 -107.42 267.02 -101.46 endline line u:splay -visibility off 261.93 -107.42 266.39 -115.41 endline line u:splay -visibility off 494.6 -97.93 484.08 -76.66 endline line u:splay -visibility off 494.6 -97.93 537.33 -169.72 endline line u:splay -visibility off 494.6 -97.93 508.43 -108.19 endline line u:splay -visibility off 494.6 -97.93 430.77 -197.95 endline line u:splay -visibility off 494.6 -97.93 413.67 -202.67 endline line u:splay -visibility off 694.82 94.43 595.87 74.95 endline line u:splay -visibility off 694.82 94.43 767.97 138.47 endline line u:splay -visibility off 694.82 94.43 686.64 94.63 endline line u:splay -visibility off 694.82 94.43 684.99 94.38 endline line u:splay -visibility off 614.98 234.56 600.21 228.04 endline line u:splay -visibility off 614.98 234.56 700.02 284.34 endline line u:splay -visibility off 614.98 234.56 633.54 243.57 endline line u:splay -visibility off 522.07 395.5 493.89 374.29 endline line u:splay -visibility off 522.07 395.5 525.23 398.57 endline line u:splay -visibility off 522.07 395.5 513.37 391.34 endline line u:splay -visibility off 296.95 512.07 278.11 490.86 endline line u:splay -visibility off 296.95 512.07 334.95 569.26 endline line u:splay -visibility off 296.95 512.07 301.8 517.2 endline line u:splay -visibility off 177.33 598.39 181.25 608.94 endline line u:splay -visibility off 177.33 598.39 157.02 555.06 endline line u:splay -visibility off 177.33 598.39 176.22 579.78 endline line u:splay -visibility off 177.33 598.39 169.11 583.42 endline line u:splay -visibility off -19.53 636.7 -42.67 609.38 endline line u:splay -visibility off -19.53 636.7 9.79 663.49 endline line u:splay -visibility off -19.53 636.7 1.38 651.73 endline line u:splay -visibility off -55.82 787.05 -105.47 746.04 endline line u:splay -visibility off -55.82 787.05 -30.84 806.36 endline line u:splay -visibility off -55.82 787.05 -57.03 785.07 endline line u:splay -visibility off -198.27 829.93 -223.28 799.06 endline line u:splay -visibility off -198.27 829.93 -160.2 886.23 endline line u:splay -visibility off -198.27 829.93 -192.09 842.5 endline line u:splay -visibility off -406.94 923.51 -381.24 806.51 endline line u:splay -visibility off -406.94 923.51 -404.74 933.36 endline line u:splay -visibility off -406.94 923.51 -399.58 900.12 endline line u:splay -visibility off -406.94 923.51 -407.4 916.05 endline line u:splay -visibility off -496.1 852.93 -498.35 836.27 endline line u:splay -visibility off -496.1 852.93 -470.31 934.62 endline line u:splay -visibility off -496.1 852.93 -493.16 869.11 endline line u:splay -visibility off -552.48 1062.41 -575.68 997.61 endline line u:splay -visibility off -552.48 1062.41 -550.41 1070.88 endline line u:splay -visibility off -552.48 1062.41 -566.1 1037.07 endline line u:splay -visibility off -552.48 1062.41 -568.54 1024.46 endline line u:splay -visibility off -552.48 1062.41 -460.33 953.09 endline line u:splay -visibility off -769.63 1054.07 -778.85 998.14 endline line u:splay -visibility off -769.63 1054.07 -758.99 1109.38 endline line u:splay -visibility off -769.63 1054.07 -752.75 1068.85 endline line u:splay -visibility off -850.79 1120.32 -858.69 1069.24 endline line u:splay -visibility off -850.79 1120.32 -847.66 1164.37 endline line u:splay -visibility off -850.79 1120.32 -838.98 1113.35 endline line u:splay -visibility off -991.78 967.98 -989.17 965.34 endline line u:splay -visibility off -991.78 967.98 -1008.79 1036.5 endline line u:splay -visibility off -991.78 967.98 -1008.55 993.03 endline line u:splay -visibility off -991.78 967.98 -1000.37 972.12 endline line u:splay -visibility off -1140.8 1030.19 -1143.4 1028.42 endline line u:splay -visibility off -1140.8 1030.19 -1096.59 1078.38 endline line u:splay -visibility off -1140.8 1030.19 -1143.45 1060.94 endline line u:splay -visibility off -1230.43 1095.55 -1242.58 1053.04 endline line u:splay -visibility off -1230.43 1095.55 -1229.48 1115.2 endline line u:splay -visibility off -1230.43 1095.55 -1234.04 1070.97 endline line u:splay -visibility off -1369.31 1036.82 -1361.22 997.39 endline line u:splay -visibility off -1369.31 1036.82 -1386.32 1070.29 endline line u:splay -visibility off -1369.31 1036.82 -1361.66 1020.04 endline line u:splay -visibility off -1369.31 1036.82 -1371.79 1027.14 endline line u:splay -visibility off -1369.31 1036.82 -1484.27 1041.43 endline line u:splay -visibility off -1369.31 1036.82 -1493.34 993.18 endline line u:splay -visibility off -1369.31 1036.82 -1466.57 934.96 endline line u:splay -visibility off -1369.31 1036.82 -1402.03 985.5 endline line u:splay -visibility off -1369.31 1036.82 -1421.01 1020.65 endline line u:splay -visibility off -1576.65 930.01 -1579.7 900.81 endline line u:splay -visibility off -1576.65 930.01 -1575.6 941.8 endline line u:splay -visibility off -1576.65 930.01 -1581.68 925.23 endline line u:splay -visibility off -1825.8 965.85 -1790.05 913.37 endline line u:splay -visibility off -1825.8 965.85 -1832.41 978.19 endline line u:splay -visibility off -1825.8 965.85 -1812.44 954.92 endline line u:splay -visibility off -1825.8 965.85 -1822.54 955.77 endline line u:splay -visibility off -1825.8 965.85 -1670.88 998.99 endline line u:splay -visibility off -1908.12 870.79 -1882.38 825.1 endline line u:splay -visibility off -1908.12 870.79 -1916.3 892.04 endline line u:splay -visibility off -1908.12 870.79 -1901.04 865.17 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2024.79 814.51 -2007.38 782.69 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2024.79 814.51 -2028.13 830.5 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2024.79 814.51 -2017.75 811.97 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2090.29 732.84 -2077.21 728.61 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2090.29 732.84 -2102.11 739.19 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2105.37 629.26 -2077.42 642.38 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2105.37 629.26 -2107.97 628.62 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2105.37 629.26 -2102.02 633.65 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2105.37 629.26 -2101.4 630.26 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2016.59 557.36 -2001.2 568.22 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2016.59 557.36 -2057.75 551.89 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2016.59 557.36 -2024.61 552.74 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2070.63 396.73 -2035.52 381.15 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2070.63 396.73 -2107.66 420.26 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2070.63 396.73 -2067.61 395.61 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2070.63 396.73 -1895.68 550.32 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2209.2 393.56 -2200.7 350.15 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2209.2 393.56 -2219.62 416.88 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2209.2 393.56 -2205.06 362.55 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2277.77 374.58 -2292.36 400.61 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2277.77 374.58 -2274.74 367.41 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2277.77 374.58 -2280.06 373.5 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2277.77 374.58 -2279.68 374.37 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2255.74 422.74 -2255.68 429.51 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2255.74 422.74 -2248.62 404.84 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2255.74 422.74 -2252.99 418.76 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2255.74 422.74 -2249.62 415.36 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2151.45 438.97 -2157.27 467.99 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2151.45 438.97 -2150.87 419.89 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2151.45 438.97 -2149.97 431.88 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2079.12 440.25 -2092.98 468.0 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2079.12 440.25 -2077.47 436.99 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2079.12 440.25 -2092.87 461.99 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2057.35 501.49 -2071.45 496.5 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2057.35 501.49 -2041.83 502.42 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2057.35 501.49 -2061.34 502.3 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2057.35 501.49 -2054.56 488.41 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2094.34 524.86 -2104.75 519.4 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2094.34 524.86 -2071.78 533.95 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2094.34 524.86 -2088.44 527.17 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2094.34 524.86 -2083.39 529.78 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2072.03 590.51 -2093.62 564.65 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2072.03 590.51 -2066.95 595.07 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2072.03 590.51 -2073.79 585.6 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2072.03 590.51 -2075.37 577.65 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2202.76 569.1 -2198.48 550.91 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2202.76 569.1 -2213.44 599.91 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2202.76 569.1 -2209.82 577.9 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2339.4 538.86 -2336.86 534.45 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2339.4 538.86 -2349.04 558.5 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2339.4 538.86 -2345.59 540.71 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2437.57 513.08 -2429.62 492.33 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2437.57 513.08 -2444.91 531.11 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2437.57 513.08 -2455.41 506.25 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2511.54 488.29 -2516.23 502.27 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2511.54 488.29 -2514.09 497.88 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2511.54 488.29 -2513.35 490.27 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2545.89 491.26 -2544.13 474.14 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2545.89 491.26 -2559.7 513.51 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2545.89 491.26 -2541.97 487.86 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2670.67 498.02 -2675.73 474.36 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2670.67 498.02 -2649.11 535.07 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2670.67 498.02 -2671.47 507.47 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2670.67 498.02 -2663.6 501.25 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2670.67 498.02 -2589.44 393.0 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2666.45 619.65 -2704.29 571.43 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2666.45 619.65 -2652.81 637.87 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2666.45 619.65 -2674.34 616.32 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2666.45 619.65 -2681.46 619.63 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2781.5 617.22 -2777.93 589.21 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2781.5 617.22 -2788.14 629.31 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2781.5 617.22 -2786.35 614.1 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2781.5 617.22 -2784.0 610.78 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2974.14 543.77 -2952.66 514.22 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2974.14 543.77 -2978.42 552.91 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2974.14 543.77 -2971.97 540.85 endline line u:splay -visibility off -2974.14 543.77 -2963.65 535.44 endline line u:splay -visibility off -3022.02 426.85 -3047.02 461.8 endline line u:splay -visibility off -3022.02 426.85 -3032.9 439.43 endline line u:splay -visibility off -3022.02 426.85 -3027.82 428.97 endline line u:splay -visibility off -3118.82 394.81 -3111.34 357.4 endline line u:splay -visibility off -3118.82 394.81 -3112.09 371.61 endline line u:splay -visibility off -3172.36 339.72 -3136.6 326.45 endline line u:splay -visibility off -3172.36 339.72 -3180.29 338.5 endline line u:splay -visibility off -3172.36 339.72 -3168.66 335.67 endline line u:splay -visibility off -3172.36 339.72 -3165.5 331.59 endline line wall 595.87 74.95 595.87 74.95 568.16 -55.32 484.08 -76.66 smooth off endline point 98.43 -118.11 station -name "stn56" point 261.93 -107.42 station -name "1" point 494.60 -97.93 station -name "2" point 694.82 94.43 station -name "3" point 614.98 234.56 station -name "4" point 522.07 395.50 station -name "5" point 296.95 512.07 station -name "6" point 177.33 598.39 station -name "7" point -19.53 636.70 station -name "8" point -55.82 787.05 station -name "9" point -198.27 829.93 station -name "10" point -406.94 923.51 station -name "11" point -496.10 852.93 station -name "12" point -552.48 1062.41 station -name "13" point -769.63 1054.07 station -name "14" point -850.79 1120.32 station -name "15" point -991.78 967.98 station -name "16" point -1140.80 1030.19 station -name "17" point -1121.49 1127.05 station -name "18" point -1230.43 1095.55 station -name "19" point -1369.31 1036.82 station -name "20" point -1576.65 930.01 station -name "21" point -1825.80 965.85 station -name "22" point -1908.12 870.79 station -name "23" point -2024.79 814.51 station -name "24" point -2090.29 732.84 station -name "25" point -2105.37 629.26 station -name "26" point -2016.59 557.36 station -name "27" point -2070.63 396.73 station -name "28" point -2209.20 393.56 station -name "29" point -2314.69 347.87 station -name "30" endscrap scrap main_bypass -projection plan -scale [0 0 20 0 0 0 1 0 m] line wall -reverse on -2948.1 512.32 -2949.8 510.38 -2951.39 504.02 -2953.0 502.0 -2964.7 487.39 -2967.83 486.15 -2980.0 472.0 -2990.37 459.93 -2994.06 436.61 -3005.0 425.0 smooth off endline line pit -outline in -2267.0 373.0 -2271.57 378.93 -2291.24 389.79 -2297.83 393.4 smooth off endline point -2277.77 374.58 station -name "31" line wall -subtype invisible -2301.35 391.96 -2273.0 364.0 endline line wall -reverse on -2203.63 415.03 -2206.29 414.16 -2217.05 417.98 -2219.62 416.88 -2221.81 415.95 -2227.71 407.06 -2229.82 405.95 -2232.08 404.76 -2234.45 403.79 -2236.67 402.52 -2246.26 397.03 -2264.0 368.0 -2273.0 364.0 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on -2266.08 436.96 -2241.7 441.63 -2215.7 444.31 -2191.97 451.69 -2184.31 454.07 -2177.11 458.58 -2169.35 460.69 -2166.85 461.37 -2164.21 461.49 -2161.75 462.3 -2159.02 463.2 -2159.9 466.83 -2157.27 467.99 smooth off endline line wall -2203.63 415.03 -2200.24 415.54 -2196.83 415.8 -2193.43 416.19 -2190.67 416.5 -2187.91 416.82 -2185.15 417.11 -2156.98 420.03 -2126.43 417.89 -2099.04 425.88 -2089.27 428.73 -2082.0 437.83 -2072.66 441.95 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on -2157.27 467.99 -2145.63 471.56 -2130.35 463.26 -2118.24 463.26 -2110.28 463.26 -2097.36 462.92 -2090.48 467.76 -2083.51 472.65 -2079.96 476.98 -2079.25 484.6 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on -2079.25 484.6 -2082.68 497.55 -2095.98 504.01 -2104.84 513.67 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on -2104.84 513.67 -2105.3 516.44 -2105.98 519.18 -2106.22 521.98 -2106.44 524.5 -2101.38 551.48 -2100.0 558.68 -2099.86 559.43 -2095.33 572.37 -2097.01 573.9 -2099.35 576.04 -2103.33 574.7 -2106.51 574.59 -2118.94 574.17 -2119.55 568.64 -2130.1 567.37 smooth off endline line pit -close on -outline in -2069.86 600.53 -2091.0 604.0 -2084.0 586.0 -2070.0 574.0 -2060.0 561.0 -2057.75 551.89 -2046.86 546.82 -2049.79 535.96 -2056.0 493.0 -2054.56 488.41 -2054.56 488.41 -2082.92 461.76 -2081.46 451.88 -2080.0 442.0 -2072.66 441.95 -2072.66 441.95 smooth off -2046.0 453.0 -2046.0 471.0 -2041.89 487.02 -2040.86 502.25 -2047.84 508.26 -2041.0 527.0 -2041.0 527.0 -2042.46 567.72 -2055.73 577.36 -2069.0 587.0 -2069.86 600.53 -2069.86 600.53 smooth off endline line wall -2072.66 441.95 -2070.44 444.2 -2047.89 450.47 -2046.0 453.0 -2044.34 455.24 -2047.12 468.45 -2046.0 471.0 -2042.2 479.63 -2044.67 478.02 -2041.89 487.02 -2040.95 490.08 -2039.05 498.97 -2040.86 502.25 -2042.34 504.94 -2045.49 506.29 -2047.84 508.26 -2053.3 512.86 -2040.65 519.32 -2041.0 527.0 -2041.66 541.47 -2042.51 564.13 -2055.73 577.36 -2057.72 579.35 -2067.43 599.11 -2069.86 600.53 -2084.58 609.09 -2090.45 603.0 -2107.0 603.0 smooth off endline point -2076.7 567.36 water-flow -orientation 177.7 point -2068.87 512.98 water-flow -orientation 173.3 line wall -reverse on -2130.1 567.37 -2131.94 566.94 -2133.79 566.52 -2135.63 566.09 -2156.47 561.25 -2178.25 557.7 -2199.15 553.21 smooth off endline line wall -2107.0 603.0 -2119.05 608.96 -2128.52 599.48 -2141.53 602.72 -2166.76 609.01 -2194.12 602.54 -2220.03 600.76 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on -2199.15 553.21 -2202.29 552.75 -2204.85 550.07 -2207.98 549.56 -2211.93 548.92 -2231.77 545.85 -2234.21 545.64 -2259.66 543.45 -2288.56 542.44 -2313.58 536.82 smooth off endline point -2239.34 586.07 water-flow -orientation 84.9 -place top point -2162.93 594.00 water-flow -orientation 93.8 -place top line wall -reverse on -2313.58 536.82 -2319.74 537.85 -2330.64 534.45 -2336.86 534.45 smooth off endline line wall -2220.03 600.76 -2237.06 596.13 -2256.12 595.21 -2272.31 587.44 -2274.26 586.5 -2275.9 585.0 -2277.76 583.89 -2279.41 582.92 -2297.53 572.78 -2300.47 571.38 -2314.57 564.67 -2316.9 566.62 -2331.0 560.0 -2332.93 559.1 -2347.04 559.23 -2349.04 558.5 smooth off endline point -3059.0 407.0 gradient -orientation 234.7 -scale s point -3029.0 447.0 gradient -orientation 220.9 -scale s point -2995.0 494.0 gradient -orientation 220.9 -scale s point -2953.0 535.0 gradient -orientation 220.9 -scale s point -2723.0 617.0 gradient -orientation 110.3 -scale s point -2599.0 503.0 gradient -orientation 110.3 -scale s point -2191.0 578.0 gradient -orientation 72.9 -scale s point -2269.0 564.0 gradient -orientation 72.9 -scale s line wall -reverse on -2336.86 534.45 -2352.78 534.45 -2362.52 526.99 -2376.38 519.97 -2378.88 518.7 -2381.4 517.49 -2383.89 516.22 -2395.9 510.05 -2417.66 497.43 -2428.87 490.26 smooth off endline line wall -2349.04 558.5 -2351.68 558.03 -2356.26 557.7 -2358.85 556.97 -2386.87 549.08 -2419.24 537.73 -2447.45 530.71 smooth off endline line wall -2447.45 530.71 -2459.44 517.34 -2491.7 508.25 -2508.47 503.08 smooth off endline point -2403.42 525.62 water-flow -orientation 87.00 point -2446.32 551.05 water-flow -orientation 180.00 line wall -reverse on -2428.87 490.26 -2445.69 488.42 -2463.05 485.28 -2480.09 485.28 -2481.2 485.28 -2482.31 485.28 -2483.42 485.28 -2485.96 485.28 -2488.5 485.28 -2491.04 485.28 -2497.83 485.28 -2504.82 485.28 -2511.61 485.28 -2513.05 485.28 -2514.48 485.28 -2515.92 485.28 -2517.1 485.28 -2541.8 475.54 -2542.98 475.54 smooth off endline line wall -2508.47 503.08 -2522.46 507.27 -2521.59 514.12 -2535.99 516.18 smooth off endline point -2566.0 544.0 label -scale xs -align top-right -text blind
pit line pit -close on -2549.0 483.0 -2540.12 480.39 -2550.69 504.85 -2559.0 509.0 -2576.49 517.75 -2583.0 493.0 -2549.0 483.0 endline line wall -2535.99 516.18 -2546.93 516.18 -2558.03 518.55 -2568.84 519.6 -2570.77 519.79 -2623.65 528.24 -2625.69 528.81 -2634.62 531.29 -2636.73 527.09 -2643.2 533.57 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on -2542.98 475.54 -2568.73 477.13 -2582.65 483.44 -2608.28 486.4 -2610.18 486.62 -2617.95 488.41 -2619.98 488.87 smooth off -2612.97 468.03 -2599.0 403.0 -2555.0 380.0 smooth off endline line wall -2675.73 474.36 -2673.93 472.45 -2663.71 462.99 -2662.0 461.0 -2659.36 457.94 -2647.45 449.23 -2645.0 446.0 -2634.45 432.05 -2634.34 436.73 -2624.93 421.99 -2623.78 420.19 -2622.62 418.4 -2621.61 416.52 -2620.59 414.65 -2578.92 359.93 -2578.0 358.0 smooth off endline line wall -close off -2619.18 512.87 -2628.06 512.87 -2637.61 511.79 -2645.86 508.19 -2647.9 507.3 -2651.18 507.21 -2651.77 505.06 -2652.31 503.07 -2649.3 501.74 -2648.06 500.08 smooth off -2637.74 500.27 -2640.98 491.69 -2629.0 497.0 -2627.15 497.82 -2611.22 503.96 -2611.18 505.98 -2611.13 508.72 -2617.29 510.9 -2619.18 512.87 smooth off endline line wall -2643.2 533.57 -2650.08 558.97 -2649.82 586.6 -2649.82 612.69 -2649.82 618.65 -2649.82 624.8 -2649.82 630.77 -2649.82 632.8 -2648.43 635.38 -2649.82 636.85 -2651.41 638.52 -2654.35 637.77 -2656.65 637.95 -2663.1 638.45 -2650.17 637.95 -2656.65 637.95 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on -2675.73 474.36 -2675.73 476.54 -2677.41 511.41 -2677.41 513.59 -2677.41 526.6 -2674.5 544.02 -2679.19 556.46 -2680.1 558.87 -2681.01 561.44 -2682.81 563.28 -2686.63 567.15 -2699.55 568.43 -2704.29 571.43 smooth off endline point -2579.71 383.13 continuation -visibility off point -2664.17 602.61 stalagmite area flowstone l485--2695-660 endarea line border -id l485--2695-660 -close on -subtype invisible -2774.0 655.0 -2775.0 552.0 -2720.0 544.0 -2720.0 544.0 -2673.0 663.0 -2677.0 661.0 -2681.0 659.0 -2774.0 655.0 -2774.0 655.0 smooth off endline line wall -2656.65 637.95 -2676.32 639.34 -2701.42 637.35 -2721.18 636.81 -2741.9 636.24 -2767.43 630.61 -2788.14 629.31 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on -2704.29 571.43 -2706.16 572.33 -2715.32 584.38 -2717.2 585.24 -2724.29 588.49 -2731.81 591.58 -2739.32 593.59 -2749.81 596.41 -2767.27 590.33 -2777.93 589.21 smooth off endline area water l535--2661-539 endarea line border -subtype invisible endline line border -id l535--2661-539 -close on -subtype invisible -2673.0 578.0 -2675.35 567.08 -2672.62 555.07 -2668.15 544.83 -2666.11 540.14 -2655.39 531.74 -2655.05 536.84 -2653.84 554.94 -2657.86 573.69 -2665.11 590.32 -2667.06 594.79 -2671.97 582.77 -2673.0 578.0 endline line wall -2788.14 629.31 -2805.38 627.93 -2797.4 621.72 -2814.0 617.0 -2816.51 616.29 -2820.35 610.15 -2822.85 609.39 -2837.14 605.06 -2851.58 599.71 -2865.69 594.85 -2891.6 585.94 -2886.75 594.05 -2911.0 581.0 -2913.96 579.41 -2932.02 573.56 -2935.0 572.0 -2942.91 567.88 -2959.0 569.0 -2978.42 552.91 smooth off endline area water l533--2888-561 endarea line border -id l533--2888-561 -close on -subtype invisible -2853.16 591.12 -2859.98 589.61 -2866.77 587.63 -2873.1 584.66 -2888.84 577.28 -2936.34 562.74 -2919.14 560.19 -2864.0 552.0 -2836.53 590.94 -2830.0 594.0 -2822.96 597.3 -2845.57 592.81 -2853.16 591.12 endline line wall -reverse on -2777.93 589.21 -2786.9 589.92 -2793.99 579.61 -2803.0 579.0 -2825.21 577.5 -2825.45 571.9 -2847.0 566.0 -2850.01 565.17 -2862.1 560.13 -2865.0 559.0 -2877.23 554.22 -2884.65 552.41 -2896.06 546.11 -2899.26 544.35 -2902.86 543.41 -2906.09 541.73 -2914.9 537.14 -2921.57 528.93 -2929.64 523.47 -2938.09 517.74 -2939.29 517.49 -2948.1 512.32 smooth off endline line wall -2978.42 552.91 -2981.66 552.07 -2988.94 543.37 -2992.0 542.0 -3002.12 537.47 -2994.31 536.36 -3002.18 528.84 -3018.41 513.33 -3032.59 494.53 -3043.95 475.19 -3049.8 465.22 -3052.27 453.3 -3056.84 442.8 smooth off endline line wall -3056.84 442.8 -3058.43 441.01 -3054.8 444.04 -3056.84 442.8 -3073.0 433.0 -3085.0 439.0 -3114.37 401.38 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on -3005.0 425.0 -3013.0 418.0 -3015.06 412.24 -3027.0 403.0 -3050.35 384.94 -3087.08 374.23 -3111.34 357.4 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on -3111.34 357.4 -3126.58 352.83 -3126.43 338.01 -3136.6 326.45 smooth off endline line wall -3114.37 401.38 -3123.66 397.13 -3131.55 389.78 -3139.71 383.73 -3150.01 376.11 -3162.11 369.64 -3171.28 360.59 -3178.05 353.92 -3184.0 355.0 -3185.53 336.99 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on -3136.6 326.45 -3141.36 320.42 -3135.84 322.74 -3138.69 315.6 -3145.94 297.44 -3120.5 262.5 -3145.5 244.5 smooth off endline line wall -3185.53 336.99 -3184.7 325.77 -3184.11 314.16 -3184.11 302.9 -3184.11 291.0 -3187.0 298.0 -3201.0 289.0 smooth off endline area water l438--3154-270 endarea line border -id l438--3154-270 -close on -subtype invisible -3234.0 189.0 -3211.42 196.18 -3208.12 214.79 -3191.0 232.0 -3189.82 233.18 -3163.09 252.83 -3161.98 254.07 -3155.74 261.04 -3149.85 276.26 -3157.06 284.85 -3162.72 291.6 -3163.55 291.26 -3171.0 289.0 -3173.32 288.29 -3186.63 286.28 -3188.91 285.47 -3191.13 284.67 -3209.79 274.81 -3212.0 274.0 -3226.31 268.76 -3240.6 280.99 -3250.0 269.0 -3255.32 262.22 -3291.41 257.15 -3286.0 249.0 smooth off -3234.0 189.0 endline line arrow -3207.0 392.0 -3192.0 252.0 endline line label -text [Road to Wigan Pier] -3512.0 -194.0 -2790.0 134.0 endline point -3205.91 407.57 label -text duck/swim -scale xs -align top-left line wall -reverse on -2301.35 391.96 -2284.87 401.9 -2274.94 420.7 -2265.07 436.59 smooth off endline point -2256.46 336.88 label -text "c2" -scale s -align bottom-right point -2255.74 422.74 station -name "32" point -2151.45 438.97 station -name "33" point -2079.12 440.25 station -name "34" point -2057.35 501.49 station -name "35" point -2094.34 524.86 station -name "36" point -2072.03 590.51 station -name "37" area moonmilk l465--2155-529 endarea line border -id l465--2155-529 -close on -reverse on -subtype invisible -2133.0 627.0 -2126.0 534.0 -2319.0 510.0 -2317.0 597.0 -2133.0 627.0 endline point -2239.45 625.99 label -align top-left -text moonmilk
slopes -scale xs point -2202.76 569.10 station -name "38" point -2339.40 538.86 station -name "39" point -2437.57 513.08 station -name "40" point -2511.54 488.29 station -name "41" point -2545.89 491.26 station -name "42" point -2670.67 498.02 station -name "43" point -2666.45 619.65 station -name "44" point -2781.50 617.22 station -name "45" point -2974.14 543.77 station -name "46" point -3022.02 426.85 station -name "47" point -3118.82 394.81 station -name "48" point -3172.36 339.72 station -name "49" point -3155.69 254.76 station -name "50" area water l531--3145-344 endarea line border -id l531--3145-344 -close on -subtype invisible -3155.0 362.0 -3172.96 358.47 -3186.72 303.38 -3169.29 308.98 -3152.15 314.49 -3145.69 337.61 -3141.0 355.0 -3139.64 360.04 -3149.88 363.01 -3155.0 362.0 endline endscrap scrap REDUND-1p -projection plan -scale [0 0 20 0 0 0 1 0 m] line wall -reverse on -subtype presumed -771.0 953.0 -767.7 946.4 -774.0 899.0 -803.08 878.77 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on -subtype presumed -803.08 878.77 -807.01 876.2 -811.18 873.98 -814.85 871.06 -833.34 856.33 -841.01 831.34 -853.95 812.59 smooth off endline point -841.29 944.74 water-flow -orientation 37.8 point -942.41 835.84 continuation point -903.65 825.59 water-flow -orientation 34.8 endscrap