encoding utf-8 ##XTHERION## xth_me_area_adjust -129.0 -1344 913 138.75 ##XTHERION## xth_me_area_zoom_to 200 ##XTHERION## xth_me_image_insert {0 1 1.0} {0 {}} {2020-12-05 21_31_39-JurrassicWorld_DinosaurAven.pdf - [So Sil Ha2] - SumatraPDF.jpg} 0 {} scrap dinosaur_aven-1p -projection plan -scale [58.0 -582.0 290.0 -582.0 0.0 0.0 25 0.0 m] point 548.5 -453.0 continuation -text [too tight meander] line floor-meander 490.5 -423.0 495.95 -426.41 526.25 -443.5 540.5 -451.0 smooth off endline line pit -reverse on 460.5 -285.0 460.5 -285.0 427.5 -293.0 420.0 -279.5 smooth off endline area water l35-475--361 endarea line border -id l35-475--361 -close on -subtype invisible 474.5 -361.0 476.5 -353.5 474.0 -346.0 468.5 -332.5 468.5 -332.5 466.5 -324.5 464.5 -323.5 462.5 -322.5 455.0 -318.5 453.0 -317.0 451.0 -315.5 442.5 -312.5 442.5 -312.5 smooth off 442.5 -312.5 427.0 -316.0 426.0 -318.5 425.0 -321.0 421.0 -331.5 420.0 -333.5 419.0 -335.5 419.0 -344.5 419.0 -344.5 smooth off 419.0 -344.5 429.0 -352.0 432.5 -356.5 436.0 -361.0 442.0 -370.0 443.0 -372.0 444.0 -374.0 444.0 -378.5 450.0 -379.5 456.0 -380.5 464.5 -381.0 466.0 -377.5 467.5 -374.0 473.5 -367.0 473.5 -367.0 smooth off 474.5 -361.0 endline area blocks l33-387--378 endarea line border -id l33-387--378 -close on -subtype invisible 392.5 -344.5 392.5 -344.5 368.5 -325.0 359.0 -341.0 349.5 -357.0 354.5 -380.0 354.5 -380.0 smooth off 354.5 -380.0 273.5 -537.0 360.0 -528.0 370.27 -526.93 388.5 -377.5 388.5 -377.5 smooth off 392.5 -344.5 endline line arrow 593.75 -386.5 481.25 -338.25 endline point 603.5 -392.75 label -scale s -text [+P20
+P35] -align bottom-right point 365.5 -319.5 label -align left -text c4 -scale xs point 391.5 -297.0 label -text [+P12] -align top-left -scale xs point 413.0 -277.0 label -scale s -align top-left -text [+c4
+P15] line rock-border -close on 444.0 -260.5 435.5 -270.0 438.5 -276.0 445.5 -277.0 451.5 -271.0 444.0 -260.5 endline point 429.0 -221.0 label -scale s -text [+P25] -align left point 433.5 -397.5 continuation -text [above final P35 climb, main dinosaur aven continues] -scale s point 528.75 -437.25 label -scale xs -text [too tight
meander] -align top-right line pit -reverse on 493.25 -417.0 493.25 -419.0 488.5 -426.0 486.5 -427.5 smooth off endline line pit 401.0 -329.0 411.95 -333.86 414.75 -348.25 424.0 -355.0 smooth off endline line ceiling-step -close on -reverse on 460.0 -420.0 463.04 -416.03 444.25 -385.5 444.25 -385.5 smooth off 444.25 -385.5 416.56 -331.47 406.75 -370.25 406.24 -372.25 407.9 -390.26 410.25 -396.25 420.75 -423.0 427.25 -421.75 437.0 -424.0 439.15 -424.5 453.5 -428.5 460.0 -420.0 endline line pit 433.0 -286.5 433.0 -286.5 412.0 -301.25 399.75 -327.5 smooth off endline line pit 433.0 -286.5 427.39 -292.11 442.0 -315.75 484.0 -320.5 smooth off endline line pit -reverse on 484.0 -320.5 492.5 -340.5 494.32 -390.22 456.5 -387.0 444.75 -386.0 432.0 -362.5 424.0 -355.0 smooth off endline line pit 395.5 -329.0 395.5 -329.0 393.5 -313.0 377.5 -318.5 smooth off endline line pit 397.0 -300.0 397.0 -300.0 404.0 -320.0 398.5 -327.0 smooth off endline line pit 429.0 -272.5 429.0 -272.5 442.0 -291.5 456.0 -276.0 smooth off endline line pit 437.0 -223.0 443.0 -227.0 451.5 -232.0 459.0 -232.5 462.5 -232.5 468.5 -235.5 endline line wall -subtype presumed 540.25 -448.75 519.5 -435.5 endline line wall -subtype presumed 519.5 -443.0 540.0 -453.0 endline line wall -id R1 368.0 -454.5 370.5 -431.0 370.5 -431.0 376.5 -417.5 377.0 -416.0 377.5 -414.5 379.0 -404.5 379.0 -404.5 smooth off 379.5 -396.0 381.0 -385.5 endline line wall -id L1 360.0 -394.5 359.0 -405.5 357.0 -417.5 354.0 -427.0 349.0 -452.0 endline line arrow 254.0 -387.5 427.0 -390.0 endline point 244.0 -388.75 label -scale s -align top-left -text [
Aven] point 477.5 -437.75 altitude -align bottom-right -scale s line wall 519.5 -435.5 514.5 -432.0 510.5 -431.0 501.0 -425.5 495.0 -422.0 495.0 -422.0 492.5 -414.0 493.0 -411.5 493.5 -409.0 499.5 -400.0 499.5 -394.5 499.5 -389.0 499.5 -375.5 499.0 -372.0 498.5 -368.5 497.5 -356.5 497.0 -353.5 496.5 -350.5 493.0 -339.5 491.5 -336.0 490.0 -332.5 486.0 -323.5 484.0 -320.5 482.0 -317.5 476.0 -311.5 475.0 -309.0 474.0 -306.5 469.5 -300.0 467.0 -296.0 464.5 -292.0 460.5 -285.0 460.5 -285.0 smooth off 456.0 -276.0 456.0 -276.0 457.0 -266.5 457.5 -265.0 458.0 -263.5 462.5 -255.0 463.5 -253.0 464.5 -251.0 470.0 -246.0 470.0 -246.0 smooth off 468.5 -243.0 endline line wall -id L 381.0 -385.5 381.0 -383.0 381.0 -369.0 381.0 -369.0 smooth off 381.0 -369.0 382.5 -353.5 382.5 -351.5 382.5 -349.5 386.0 -341.5 387.0 -340.0 388.0 -338.5 395.5 -329.0 395.5 -329.0 smooth off 398.5 -327.0 401.0 -329.0 406.0 -336.0 410.5 -345.5 410.5 -345.5 412.5 -350.0 411.5 -353.5 410.5 -357.0 403.0 -371.5 403.0 -374.5 403.0 -377.5 403.0 -387.5 404.0 -390.5 405.0 -393.5 411.0 -407.5 411.5 -409.0 412.0 -410.5 421.52 -422.45 423.0 -423.0 442.24 -430.15 450.5 -432.0 450.5 -432.0 smooth off endline point 343.5 -433.5 label -align top-left -text P4 -scale xs line pit 368.0 -454.5 349.0 -452.0 endline line wall -id R 450.5 -432.0 479.5 -429.5 486.5 -427.5 495.0 -432.5 503.5 -436.0 511.5 -440.5 519.5 -443.0 endline line wall -id DA2 437.0 -223.0 433.0 -229.0 429.5 -240.5 429.5 -252.5 430.5 -264.0 429.0 -272.5 420.0 -279.5 420.0 -279.5 409.5 -285.5 407.0 -289.0 404.5 -292.5 398.5 -298.5 397.0 -300.0 395.5 -301.5 390.0 -306.0 388.0 -308.5 386.0 -311.0 378.5 -317.0 377.5 -318.5 376.5 -320.0 371.0 -330.0 371.0 -330.0 smooth off 368.0 -341.5 366.0 -356.0 362.5 -366.5 362.5 -381.5 360.0 -394.5 endline line wall -id DA1 468.5 -243.0 469.0 -239.5 468.5 -235.5 endline point 442.5 -232.0 station -name 9 endscrap scrap REDUND-1p -projection plan -scale [58.0 -582.0 290.0 -582.0 0.0 0.0 25 0.0 m] point 486.0 -236.0 label -scale s -align right -text [down to
Die Hard
meander] point 362.5 -446.5 label -scale s -align bottom-left -text [down to
Jurrasic World] -visibility off endscrap