encoding utf-8 ##XTHERION## xth_me_area_adjust -129.0 -1344 913 138.75 ##XTHERION## xth_me_area_zoom_to 400 ##XTHERION## xth_me_image_insert {0 1 1.0} {0 {}} {2020-12-05 21_31_39-JurrassicWorld_DinosaurAven.pdf - [So Sil Ha2] - SumatraPDF.jpg} 0 {} scrap dinosaur_aven-1s -projection extended -scale [58.0 -582.0 290.0 -582.0 0.0 0.0 25 0.0 m] line rock-border -close on 449.5 -666.5 456.0 -668.0 458.0 -647.0 450.0 -647.0 449.5 -666.5 endline point 464.0 -781.0 water-flow -orientation 175.7 -scale s point 460.5 -994.0 water-flow -orientation 175.7 -scale s line rope 446.25 -963.25 442.25 -963.5 436.25 -963.75 431.25 -965.0 424.5 -967.75 416.5 -968.5 endline line rope -reverse on 502.0 -661.0 487.5 -661.5 472.0 -661.5 455.0 -674.5 451.5 -712.0 440.5 -711.0 440.0 -944.5 463.5 -946.0 462.5 -963.5 454.75 -963.5 446.25 -963.25 endline line rope 379.0 -895.5 389.5 -903.5 391.0 -930.5 422.5 -944.0 425.0 -1068.5 412.0 -1065.0 414.0 -1147.5 endline line rope 455.5 -1118.0 466.5 -1124.5 467.5 -1166.0 endline point 523.5 -1175.5 label -scale s -align right -text [down to
Die Hard] point 269.0 -1030.5 label -scale s -align left -text [to Jurassic
World] area water l34-437--1165 endarea line border -id l34-437--1165 -close on -subtype invisible 440.5 -1151.0 382.5 -1151.0 387.0 -1165.5 438.0 -1164.0 440.5 -1151.0 endline line rock-border -close on 385.0 -929.0 385.0 -929.0 384.5 -922.5 384.0 -921.0 383.5 -919.5 380.0 -909.5 380.0 -909.5 smooth off 377.5 -904.5 377.5 -904.5 372.5 -911.5 373.0 -913.5 373.5 -915.5 374.5 -927.0 374.5 -927.0 smooth off 375.5 -930.5 385.0 -929.0 endline point 437.5 -772.0 label -scale s -align left -text p35 point 360.5 -941.5 label -scale s -align left -text c4 line rope 384.5 -1072.0 398.0 -1083.5 402.0 -1148.5 endline point 479.5 -1157.0 label -scale s -align right -text P25 point 452.5 -1147.0 label -scale s -align bottom-left -text c4 point 430.0 -1107.0 label -scale s -align right -text P15 point 435.0 -1018.0 label -scale s -align right -text P20 line arrow 483.25 -976.0 451.0 -977.25 endline point 486.0 -976.25 label -text [ledge with pool] -scale xs -align right point 407.0 -931.5 label -scale s -align right -text P12 point 373.5 -1123.5 label -scale s -align left -text c10 point 507.0 -1122.0 continuation -text [large passage below (Die Hard?)] -scale s point 440.5 -596.5 continuation -text [dinosaur aven continues] -scale s point 538.5 -663.0 continuation -text [meander, too tight] -scale s line wall -reverse on 412.5 -986.5 413.5 -975.5 413.0 -966.0 409.5 -958.0 398.5 -947.5 392.5 -942.0 386.5 -935.0 380.5 -932.0 380.5 -932.0 373.0 -938.5 373.0 -940.5 373.0 -942.5 370.0 -949.0 370.0 -949.0 smooth off 368.0 -959.0 368.5 -967.5 367.0 -973.0 endline line wall -reverse on 353.5 -1060.0 360.0 -1059.5 368.5 -1061.5 375.5 -1064.0 386.5 -1067.0 endline line wall -reverse on 425.5 -1157.0 415.5 -1159.0 403.0 -1159.5 395.5 -1157.5 390.5 -1152.5 390.5 -1152.5 387.5 -1141.0 387.5 -1136.5 387.5 -1132.0 386.5 -1121.0 386.5 -1118.5 386.5 -1116.0 388.5 -1108.0 388.0 -1103.5 387.5 -1099.0 387.0 -1090.0 387.0 -1090.0 smooth off 387.0 -1090.0 388.5 -1082.0 385.0 -1082.0 381.5 -1082.0 379.0 -1083.0 373.5 -1083.0 368.0 -1083.0 361.5 -1083.5 361.5 -1083.5 smooth off 356.0 -1081.0 endline line wall -reverse on 463.0 -1159.5 461.0 -1151.5 454.5 -1138.5 452.0 -1132.5 444.5 -1129.5 436.5 -1134.0 436.5 -1134.0 432.5 -1142.5 432.0 -1146.0 431.5 -1149.5 425.5 -1157.0 425.5 -1157.0 smooth off endline line wall 497.5 -1159.5 497.5 -1159.5 492.0 -1154.0 489.5 -1152.0 487.0 -1150.0 479.5 -1140.5 479.5 -1140.5 smooth off 475.0 -1133.5 479.5 -1125.5 481.0 -1127.5 endline line wall -subtype presumed 481.0 -1127.5 481.0 -1127.5 488.0 -1128.0 489.5 -1129.0 491.0 -1130.0 500.0 -1132.5 500.0 -1132.5 smooth off 507.0 -1132.5 endline line wall -subtype presumed 509.5 -1114.0 494.5 -1115.5 480.0 -1116.0 463.5 -1114.0 endline line wall -subtype presumed 321.0 -1080.5 335.0 -1082.5 347.0 -1082.0 356.0 -1081.0 endline line wall -subtype presumed 353.5 -1060.0 339.0 -1060.5 324.0 -1059.5 endline line wall -reverse on -subtype presumed 386.5 -1067.0 386.5 -1067.0 392.0 -1060.0 392.5 -1056.5 393.0 -1053.0 396.5 -1043.5 396.5 -1041.0 396.5 -1038.5 402.5 -1025.5 402.5 -1023.5 402.5 -1021.5 405.0 -1011.0 406.5 -1008.5 408.0 -1006.0 410.5 -997.0 410.5 -997.0 smooth off 412.5 -986.5 endline line wall -subtype presumed 319.0 -1020.0 334.5 -1012.0 334.5 -1012.0 345.0 -1003.5 348.0 -1000.0 351.0 -996.5 358.5 -989.0 358.5 -989.0 smooth off 363.0 -981.0 367.0 -973.0 endline line wall -subtype presumed 344.5 -891.5 333.0 -901.0 333.0 -901.0 323.5 -908.5 321.5 -909.5 319.5 -910.5 311.5 -913.0 309.0 -915.5 306.5 -918.0 298.0 -923.0 296.0 -925.5 294.0 -928.0 286.0 -934.0 286.0 -934.0 smooth off endline line wall -subtype presumed 421.5 -602.0 421.5 -602.0 427.5 -609.0 428.0 -610.5 428.5 -612.0 432.0 -620.5 432.5 -623.5 433.0 -626.5 431.0 -639.5 431.5 -642.0 432.0 -644.5 430.5 -650.5 429.5 -654.0 428.5 -657.5 425.0 -664.5 423.0 -671.0 421.0 -677.5 420.5 -680.5 418.0 -684.5 415.5 -688.5 402.5 -711.5 402.0 -713.0 401.5 -714.5 392.5 -732.5 393.0 -737.0 393.5 -741.5 393.0 -755.0 394.0 -759.0 395.0 -763.0 392.5 -784.5 393.5 -788.5 394.5 -792.5 396.5 -808.0 396.5 -808.0 smooth off 400.5 -822.0 401.5 -832.5 403.5 -843.5 404.5 -856.5 404.5 -867.5 404.0 -875.5 endline line wall -subtype presumed 485.5 -646.5 481.0 -643.5 476.5 -636.5 476.5 -636.5 474.0 -628.5 473.5 -625.5 473.0 -622.5 474.5 -622.5 472.0 -618.0 469.5 -613.5 466.5 -606.0 466.5 -606.0 smooth off 464.0 -597.5 endline line wall -subtype presumed 532.0 -658.5 521.5 -659.0 endline line wall -subtype presumed 518.5 -671.0 526.0 -668.0 532.0 -667.5 endline area water l54-460--984 endarea line border -id l54-460--984 -close on -subtype invisible 461.0 -975.75 439.75 -976.25 450.25 -980.0 450.25 -980.0 461.0 -975.75 endline line ceiling-step 469.75 -974.0 461.0 -975.75 450.25 -980.0 439.75 -976.25 432.0 -974.75 427.25 -974.5 endline line wall 521.5 -659.0 509.0 -659.0 501.0 -655.0 491.0 -649.5 485.5 -646.5 endline line wall 463.5 -1114.0 458.5 -1113.5 453.0 -1109.5 453.0 -1109.5 447.0 -1107.5 446.5 -1104.5 446.0 -1101.5 446.0 -1097.5 446.0 -1094.0 446.0 -1090.5 447.5 -1083.0 448.0 -1080.0 448.5 -1077.0 450.5 -1072.5 452.0 -1068.5 453.5 -1064.5 457.5 -1060.5 459.0 -1056.0 460.5 -1051.5 463.5 -1046.5 465.0 -1043.5 466.5 -1040.5 470.0 -1036.5 470.0 -1030.0 470.0 -1023.5 473.5 -1001.5 473.5 -1001.5 smooth off 473.5 -1001.5 473.0 -970.5 473.5 -968.5 474.0 -966.5 474.0 -938.0 474.0 -938.0 smooth off 473.5 -915.0 473.5 -915.0 477.5 -901.0 478.0 -898.5 478.5 -896.0 477.5 -875.5 477.5 -872.0 477.5 -868.5 477.5 -850.0 477.5 -845.5 477.5 -841.0 479.5 -822.5 479.5 -817.0 479.5 -811.5 478.5 -795.5 478.5 -792.5 478.5 -789.5 479.0 -772.5 479.5 -767.0 480.0 -761.5 481.0 -747.5 481.0 -747.5 smooth off 480.5 -729.0 480.5 -729.0 482.0 -714.5 482.5 -711.0 483.0 -707.5 483.0 -700.5 484.0 -696.5 485.0 -692.5 485.5 -682.0 485.5 -682.0 smooth off 488.0 -674.0 488.0 -674.0 493.5 -671.0 495.0 -670.5 496.5 -670.0 501.5 -669.5 503.5 -669.5 505.5 -669.5 518.5 -671.0 518.5 -671.0 smooth off endline point 443.5 -1124.0 station -name 0 endscrap