encoding utf-8 ##XTHERION## xth_me_area_adjust -132.0 -2688 3808 141.0 ##XTHERION## xth_me_area_zoom_to 100 ##XTHERION## xth_me_image_insert {0 1 1.0} {0 {}} BigPItch_ColinsClimaxE.JPG 0 {} scrap BigPItch_ColinsClimaxE-1s -projection extended -scale [1028.0 -602.0 1602.0 -616.0 0.0 0.0 50 0.0 m] area water endarea line wall -subtype debris 1482.0 -1290.0 1526.0 -1314.0 1566.0 -1330.0 endline point 166.0 -302.0 station -name 1 point 1346.0 -816.0 label -align top-right -scale xs -text [up to the
Teeth of
Satan] point 745.0 -819.0 label -scale s -text [Hall of the
Green Domino] -align center line arrow 1296.0 -1323.0 1233.0 -1173.0 endline point 1299.0 -1340.0 label -scale s -text [The Bloody
Lake] -align bottom point 552.0 -396.0 label -align right -scale s -text [The Big
Rift] area water l33-2104--1612 endarea line border -id l33-2104--1612 -close on -subtype invisible 2134.0 -1560.0 1786.0 -1564.0 1794.0 -1604.0 2114.0 -1610.0 2134.0 -1560.0 endline area water l31-1182--1204 endarea line border -id l31-1182--1204 -close on -subtype invisible 1274.0 -1168.0 1176.0 -1168.0 1182.0 -1202.0 1246.0 -1204.0 1274.0 -1168.0 endline point 1924.0 -1670.0 air-draught -orientation 267.6 line wall -close on -reverse on 2132.0 -1508.0 2094.0 -1516.0 2098.0 -1530.0 2140.0 -1520.0 2132.0 -1508.0 endline line ceiling-step endline line wall 2712.0 -1548.0 2712.0 -1524.0 2728.0 -1510.0 endline line wall 2722.0 -1434.0 2684.0 -1432.0 2684.0 -1432.0 2658.0 -1440.0 2658.0 -1448.0 2658.0 -1456.0 2652.0 -1474.0 2654.0 -1484.0 2656.0 -1494.0 2660.0 -1536.0 2660.0 -1536.0 smooth off endline point 2632.0 -1442.0 label -scale s -align top-left -text Rendezvous
Pitch point 3032.0 -1822.0 label -scale s -align bottom-right -text Colin's
Climax area water l61-3450--1834 endarea line border -id l61-3450--1834 -close on -reverse on -subtype invisible 2872.0 -1776.0 3452.0 -1766.0 3450.0 -1830.0 2826.0 -1858.0 2872.0 -1776.0 endline line wall 2884.0 -1800.0 2960.0 -1792.0 3052.0 -1790.0 3052.0 -1790.0 3130.0 -1792.0 3138.0 -1792.0 3146.0 -1792.0 3224.0 -1794.0 3224.0 -1794.0 smooth off 3282.0 -1792.0 3382.0 -1788.0 endline line wall 3366.0 -1644.0 3300.0 -1642.0 3240.0 -1642.0 3202.0 -1644.0 3158.0 -1644.0 3122.0 -1632.0 3116.0 -1606.0 3116.0 -1606.0 3114.0 -1560.0 3110.0 -1566.0 3106.0 -1572.0 3096.0 -1612.0 3096.0 -1612.0 smooth off 3096.0 -1612.0 3086.0 -1632.0 3080.0 -1638.0 3074.0 -1644.0 3058.0 -1654.0 3048.0 -1658.0 3038.0 -1662.0 2962.0 -1656.0 2962.0 -1656.0 smooth off 2910.0 -1652.0 2862.0 -1646.0 endline line wall 2970.0 -1724.0 2974.0 -1740.0 2936.0 -1736.0 2880.0 -1732.0 endline line ceiling-step 1626.0 -1598.0 1538.0 -1640.0 1484.0 -1656.0 1432.0 -1664.0 endline point 1578.0 -1932.0 water-flow -orientation 265.8 -scale s point 1810.0 -1948.0 water-flow -orientation 297.5 -scale s area sump l49-1874--1900 endarea line border -id l49-1874--1900 -close on -subtype invisible 1814.0 -1872.0 1642.0 -1874.0 1662.0 -1922.0 1696.0 -1978.0 1774.0 -2006.0 1868.0 -1962.0 1872.0 -1904.0 1814.0 -1872.0 endline area water l47-1640--1932 endarea line border -id l47-1640--1932 -close off -subtype invisible 1642.0 -1874.0 1413.0 -1899.0 1406.0 -1998.0 1662.0 -1922.0 1642.0 -1874.0 endline line wall 1523.0 -1915.0 1604.0 -1896.0 1670.0 -1896.0 1710.0 -1928.0 1742.0 -1954.0 endline line wall -reverse on 1626.0 -1598.0 1664.0 -1618.0 1704.0 -1676.0 1728.0 -1728.0 1728.0 -1728.0 1746.0 -1772.0 1746.0 -1780.0 1746.0 -1788.0 1754.0 -1826.0 1756.0 -1832.0 1758.0 -1838.0 1768.0 -1858.0 1768.0 -1858.0 smooth off 1792.0 -1884.0 1810.0 -1904.0 endline line wall 1626.0 -1598.0 1650.0 -1584.0 1700.0 -1580.0 1740.0 -1576.0 1766.0 -1588.0 1786.0 -1564.0 1816.0 -1576.0 1886.0 -1592.0 1966.0 -1590.0 2016.0 -1576.0 2078.0 -1564.0 2134.0 -1560.0 2192.0 -1550.0 endline line wall 1758.0 -1468.0 1772.0 -1476.0 1752.0 -1484.0 1702.0 -1484.0 1676.0 -1496.0 1670.0 -1526.0 1640.0 -1540.0 1604.0 -1548.0 1584.0 -1540.0 1572.0 -1534.0 1524.0 -1526.0 1496.0 -1548.0 1472.0 -1564.0 1472.0 -1564.0 endline line wall 2094.0 -1494.0 2050.0 -1502.0 2022.0 -1504.0 1988.0 -1510.0 1978.0 -1510.0 1938.0 -1498.0 1914.0 -1486.0 1878.0 -1484.0 1842.0 -1494.0 1810.0 -1496.0 1792.0 -1496.0 1792.0 -1472.0 1792.0 -1458.0 1774.0 -1454.0 endline point 1262.0 -1230.0 water-flow -orientation 219.6 -scale s point 2502.0 -1486.0 air-draught -orientation 296.4 -scale s point 364.0 -764.0 air-draught -orientation 312.4 -scale s area flowstone l41-1310--774 endarea line border -id l41-1310--774 -close on 1076.0 -766.0 1096.0 -840.0 1132.0 -842.0 1132.0 -842.0 1144.0 -820.0 1152.0 -818.0 1160.0 -816.0 1168.0 -846.0 1168.0 -846.0 smooth off 1188.0 -806.0 1202.0 -846.0 1214.0 -876.0 1224.0 -922.0 1228.0 -974.0 1228.0 -974.0 1246.0 -946.0 1250.0 -952.0 1254.0 -958.0 1254.0 -1004.0 1254.0 -1004.0 smooth off 1274.0 -1024.0 1298.0 -1002.0 1298.0 -1002.0 1320.0 -940.0 1322.0 -934.0 1324.0 -928.0 1316.0 -776.0 1316.0 -776.0 smooth off 1316.0 -776.0 1148.0 -712.0 1126.0 -730.0 1104.0 -748.0 1076.0 -766.0 1076.0 -766.0 smooth off endline line wall 2862.0 -1646.0 2778.0 -1620.0 2742.0 -1602.0 2720.0 -1588.0 2712.0 -1564.0 2712.0 -1548.0 endline line wall -subtype clay 2692.0 -1664.0 2724.0 -1664.0 2782.0 -1662.0 2816.0 -1672.0 2858.0 -1684.0 2916.0 -1696.0 2970.0 -1724.0 endline line wall -subtype debris 2630.0 -1652.0 2660.0 -1650.0 2692.0 -1664.0 endline line wall -subtype clay 2314.0 -1576.0 2386.0 -1590.0 2444.0 -1608.0 2506.0 -1624.0 2584.0 -1638.0 2630.0 -1652.0 endline line wall 2660.0 -1536.0 2642.0 -1564.0 2566.0 -1552.0 2484.0 -1530.0 2484.0 -1530.0 2426.0 -1516.0 2420.0 -1514.0 2414.0 -1512.0 2350.0 -1496.0 2350.0 -1496.0 smooth off 2350.0 -1496.0 2316.0 -1486.0 2310.0 -1484.0 2304.0 -1482.0 2246.0 -1480.0 2246.0 -1480.0 smooth off 2206.0 -1480.0 2176.0 -1478.0 endline line wall 2176.0 -1478.0 2084.0 -1424.0 2008.0 -1386.0 1942.0 -1364.0 1874.0 -1340.0 1814.0 -1308.0 1756.0 -1278.0 1734.0 -1258.0 1718.0 -1228.0 1714.0 -1210.0 endline line wall 1670.0 -1206.0 1662.0 -1236.0 1640.0 -1262.0 1574.0 -1248.0 1500.0 -1216.0 1444.0 -1192.0 1392.0 -1158.0 1356.0 -1100.0 1334.0 -1042.0 1310.0 -994.0 1294.0 -908.0 1282.0 -818.0 1288.0 -762.0 1288.0 -736.0 endline line wall 2192.0 -1550.0 2250.0 -1564.0 2314.0 -1576.0 endline line wall 1566.0 -1330.0 1644.0 -1340.0 1712.0 -1342.0 1776.0 -1358.0 1844.0 -1380.0 1910.0 -1396.0 1988.0 -1438.0 2038.0 -1464.0 2094.0 -1494.0 endline line wall 1306.0 -1200.0 1344.0 -1214.0 1378.0 -1230.0 1410.0 -1250.0 1448.0 -1270.0 1482.0 -1290.0 endline line wall -subtype presumed 1284.0 -1224.0 1306.0 -1200.0 endline line wall -subtype presumed 1288.0 -1176.0 1278.0 -1196.0 1270.0 -1206.0 endline line wall -subtype flowstone 1264.0 -1178.0 1264.0 -1154.0 1264.0 -1114.0 1268.0 -1078.0 1282.0 -1078.0 1290.0 -1136.0 1288.0 -1176.0 endline line wall 1066.0 -958.0 1098.0 -954.0 1126.0 -968.0 1144.0 -982.0 1162.0 -1004.0 1160.0 -1058.0 1141.0 -1109.0 endline line wall 1179.0 -1160.0 1228.0 -1188.0 1250.0 -1188.0 1264.0 -1178.0 endline point 434.0 -789.0 label -align left -scale s -text P8 point 308.0 -645.0 label -align left -scale s -text P7 point 240.0 -462.0 label -align left -text P30 -scale s line wall -subtype presumed 1169.0 -638.0 1162.0 -679.0 1162.0 -679.0 1157.0 -698.0 1157.0 -702.0 1157.0 -706.0 1150.0 -742.0 1150.0 -742.0 smooth off endline line wall -subtype presumed 1288.0 -736.0 1288.0 -736.0 1288.0 -710.0 1288.0 -706.0 1288.0 -702.0 1288.0 -686.0 1288.0 -677.0 1288.0 -668.0 1287.0 -658.0 1288.0 -655.0 1289.0 -652.0 1292.0 -624.0 1292.0 -624.0 smooth off endline line rope 1294.0 -1055.0 1311.0 -1069.0 1309.0 -1179.0 endline line rope 1271.0 -1049.0 1247.0 -1069.0 1246.0 -1177.0 endline line rope 1147.0 -938.0 1187.0 -972.0 1188.0 -1149.0 endline line rope 509.0 -874.0 529.0 -866.0 541.0 -877.0 559.0 -871.0 573.0 -879.0 endline line rope 459.0 -707.0 501.0 -733.0 504.0 -855.0 509.0 -874.0 endline line rope 346.0 -561.0 364.0 -583.0 369.0 -682.0 endline line rope 198.0 -284.0 314.0 -351.0 317.0 -568.0 endline line wall -subtype sand 843.0 -1110.0 872.0 -1112.0 904.0 -1118.0 928.0 -1110.0 endline line wall 878.0 -1028.0 858.0 -1028.0 858.0 -1028.0 836.0 -1041.0 836.0 -1045.0 836.0 -1049.0 836.0 -1073.0 836.0 -1073.0 smooth off 839.0 -1094.0 843.0 -1110.0 endline line wall -subtype blocks 928.0 -1110.0 940.0 -1090.0 970.0 -1052.0 970.0 -1052.0 994.0 -1020.0 996.0 -1014.0 998.0 -1008.0 1016.0 -980.0 1016.0 -980.0 smooth off 1050.0 -962.0 1066.0 -958.0 endline line wall -subtype blocks 584.0 -898.0 632.0 -900.0 682.0 -914.0 736.0 -908.0 790.0 -914.0 838.0 -914.0 892.0 -926.0 942.0 -958.0 946.0 -988.0 926.0 -1006.0 900.0 -1022.0 878.0 -1028.0 endline line wall 1150.0 -742.0 1132.0 -770.0 1112.0 -800.0 1086.0 -814.0 1068.0 -808.0 1038.0 -784.0 1024.0 -776.0 988.0 -770.0 986.0 -754.0 958.0 -752.0 914.0 -754.0 902.0 -762.0 884.0 -752.0 864.0 -736.0 840.0 -728.0 818.0 -736.0 802.0 -750.0 770.0 -756.0 748.0 -758.0 endline line wall -subtype presumed 748.0 -758.0 724.0 -720.0 688.0 -688.0 656.0 -658.0 620.0 -636.0 570.0 -622.0 536.0 -616.0 536.0 -616.0 502.0 -598.0 500.0 -592.0 498.0 -586.0 484.0 -552.0 480.0 -544.0 476.0 -536.0 462.0 -498.0 462.0 -498.0 smooth off 424.0 -414.0 384.0 -338.0 338.0 -290.0 300.0 -262.0 270.0 -246.0 236.0 -236.0 214.0 -228.0 188.0 -224.0 endline line wall 180.0 -346.0 200.0 -346.0 224.0 -358.0 248.0 -372.0 262.0 -396.0 270.0 -440.0 276.0 -468.0 280.0 -512.0 284.0 -542.0 286.0 -572.0 312.0 -588.0 328.0 -618.0 330.0 -646.0 344.0 -676.0 358.0 -706.0 388.0 -712.0 418.0 -728.0 446.0 -736.0 464.0 -736.0 466.0 -788.0 458.0 -820.0 480.0 -842.0 494.0 -864.0 502.0 -898.0 516.0 -924.0 516.0 -944.0 518.0 -962.0 524.0 -984.0 530.0 -1004.0 558.0 -1010.0 564.0 -928.0 564.0 -890.0 584.0 -898.0 endline endscrap scrap passage_connect-1s -projection extended -scale [1028.0 -602.0 1602.0 -616.0 0.0 0.0 50 0.0 m] line wall -subtype presumed 1969.0 -1256.0 1935.0 -1256.0 1935.0 -1256.0 1910.0 -1255.0 1907.0 -1253.0 1904.0 -1251.0 1854.0 -1230.0 1854.0 -1230.0 smooth off 1810.0 -1208.0 1777.0 -1192.0 1753.0 -1186.0 1753.0 -1186.0 1736.0 -1184.0 1733.0 -1188.0 1730.0 -1192.0 1701.0 -1186.0 1701.0 -1186.0 smooth off 1685.0 -1190.0 1676.0 -1204.0 endline point 170.0 -298.0 station -name 1 line wall -subtype presumed 1719.0 -1209.0 1751.0 -1193.0 1903.0 -1261.0 1890.0 -1271.0 1862.0 -1298.0 1836.0 -1315.0 1836.0 -1315.0 1821.0 -1331.0 1818.0 -1334.0 1815.0 -1337.0 1785.0 -1355.0 1783.0 -1358.0 1781.0 -1361.0 1762.0 -1373.0 1755.0 -1379.0 1748.0 -1385.0 1710.0 -1402.0 1698.0 -1407.0 1686.0 -1412.0 1611.0 -1444.0 1611.0 -1444.0 smooth off 1570.0 -1470.0 1570.0 -1470.0 1546.0 -1478.0 1542.0 -1482.0 1538.0 -1486.0 1486.0 -1501.0 1484.0 -1504.0 1482.0 -1507.0 1460.0 -1539.0 1460.0 -1539.0 smooth off 1460.0 -1539.0 1459.0 -1553.0 1459.0 -1557.0 1459.0 -1561.0 1458.0 -1567.0 1458.0 -1567.0 smooth off endline point 1989.0 -1262.0 continuation line wall -subtype presumed 1472.0 -1564.0 1472.0 -1564.0 1469.0 -1555.0 1469.0 -1551.0 1469.0 -1547.0 1483.0 -1523.0 1489.0 -1520.0 1495.0 -1517.0 1544.0 -1497.0 1550.0 -1494.0 1556.0 -1491.0 1608.0 -1468.0 1613.0 -1465.0 1618.0 -1462.0 1679.0 -1434.0 1690.0 -1429.0 1701.0 -1424.0 1724.0 -1412.0 1735.0 -1405.0 1746.0 -1398.0 1776.0 -1384.0 1787.0 -1376.0 1798.0 -1368.0 1818.0 -1356.0 1821.0 -1352.0 1824.0 -1348.0 1845.0 -1327.0 1845.0 -1327.0 smooth off 1859.0 -1313.0 1879.0 -1302.0 1912.0 -1266.0 1933.0 -1266.0 1968.0 -1265.0 endline endscrap