encoding utf-8 ##XTHERION## xth_me_area_adjust -132.0 -2688 3776 141.0 ##XTHERION## xth_me_area_zoom_to 100 ##XTHERION## xth_me_image_insert {0 1 1.0} {0 {}} MartinsTraverse_StartBoomingE.JPG 0 {} scrap MartinsTraverse_StartBoomingE-1s -projection extended -scale [1028.0 -602.0 1602.0 -616.0 0.0 0.0 50 0.0 m] line wall 3425.0 -1054.0 3417.0 -1032.0 3405.0 -1019.0 3394.0 -1015.0 3387.0 -1041.0 3378.0 -1060.0 3370.0 -1073.0 3343.0 -1078.0 3310.0 -1083.0 3288.0 -1094.0 3271.0 -1104.0 3245.0 -1102.0 3202.0 -1092.0 3165.0 -1114.0 3109.0 -1145.0 3055.0 -1163.0 3005.0 -1178.0 2923.0 -1190.0 2872.0 -1194.0 2810.0 -1193.0 2787.0 -1196.0 2743.0 -1213.0 2743.0 -1213.0 2692.0 -1236.0 2687.0 -1238.0 2682.0 -1240.0 2621.0 -1251.0 2621.0 -1251.0 smooth off 2573.0 -1250.0 2514.0 -1246.0 2465.0 -1231.0 2421.0 -1216.0 2385.0 -1200.0 2376.0 -1195.0 2373.0 -1188.0 2336.0 -1180.0 2334.0 -1169.0 2320.0 -1165.0 2325.0 -1152.0 2265.0 -1140.0 2254.0 -1124.0 2248.0 -1108.0 2232.0 -1096.0 2220.0 -1073.0 2220.0 -1036.0 2217.0 -1006.0 2211.0 -995.0 2240.0 -963.0 2259.0 -964.0 2266.0 -926.0 2292.0 -919.0 2326.0 -912.0 2359.0 -894.0 2387.0 -899.0 endline line wall -close on 3394.0 -1166.0 3336.0 -1180.0 3295.0 -1181.0 3295.0 -1181.0 3284.0 -1175.0 3284.0 -1171.0 3284.0 -1167.0 3286.0 -1147.0 3287.0 -1143.0 3288.0 -1139.0 3296.0 -1119.0 3297.0 -1116.0 3298.0 -1113.0 3315.0 -1100.0 3315.0 -1100.0 smooth off 3345.0 -1105.0 3380.0 -1111.0 3405.0 -1115.0 3405.0 -1115.0 3414.0 -1128.0 3413.0 -1134.0 3412.0 -1140.0 3410.0 -1145.0 3409.0 -1148.0 3408.0 -1151.0 3394.0 -1166.0 3394.0 -1166.0 smooth off endline line wall -close on 3259.0 -1170.0 3259.0 -1170.0 3243.0 -1179.0 3236.0 -1184.0 3229.0 -1189.0 3198.0 -1206.0 3198.0 -1206.0 smooth off 3168.0 -1217.0 3168.0 -1217.0 3161.0 -1204.0 3164.0 -1196.0 3167.0 -1188.0 3177.0 -1172.0 3178.0 -1167.0 3179.0 -1162.0 3186.0 -1146.0 3186.0 -1146.0 smooth off 3210.0 -1131.0 3234.0 -1122.0 3260.0 -1118.0 3260.0 -1118.0 3267.0 -1127.0 3267.0 -1131.0 3267.0 -1135.0 3268.0 -1149.0 3268.0 -1149.0 smooth off 3259.0 -1170.0 endline point 2563.0 -865.0 continuation -scale s point 2451.0 -853.0 continuation -text [many small maze passages] -scale s point 2359.0 -827.0 continuation -text [many small maze passages] -scale s point 2421.0 -878.0 continuation -text [many small maze passages] -scale s point 2297.0 -872.0 continuation -text [many small maze passages] -scale s point 2187.0 -907.0 continuation -text [many small maze passages] -scale s point 2405.0 -907.0 continuation -text [many small maze passages] -scale s line ceiling-step -reverse on 2910.0 -1237.0 2941.0 -1221.0 2981.0 -1215.0 3022.0 -1203.0 3059.0 -1193.0 endline point 3003.0 -1141.0 air-draught -orientation 250.7 -scale s point 2070.0 -1298.0 air-draught -orientation 238.2 -scale s point 3367.0 -1397.0 water-flow -orientation 243.4 -scale s point 3075.0 -1476.0 water-flow -orientation 243.4 -scale s point 2684.0 -1570.0 water-flow -orientation 243.4 -scale s area water l32-3394--1524 endarea line border -id l32-3394--1524 -close on -subtype invisible 3421.0 -1422.0 3315.0 -1423.0 3303.0 -1465.0 3238.0 -1461.0 3168.0 -1465.0 3156.0 -1500.0 3129.0 -1496.0 2995.0 -1507.0 2927.0 -1520.0 2901.0 -1537.0 2827.0 -1545.0 2828.0 -1593.0 3396.0 -1524.0 3559.0 -1414.0 3421.0 -1422.0 endline line wall 3161.0 -1470.0 3168.0 -1465.0 3215.0 -1480.0 3238.0 -1461.0 3260.0 -1439.0 3293.0 -1436.0 3307.0 -1442.0 3315.0 -1423.0 3334.0 -1439.0 3364.0 -1448.0 3418.0 -1446.0 endline line wall 2796.0 -1571.0 2815.0 -1561.0 2827.0 -1545.0 2848.0 -1557.0 2848.0 -1557.0 2887.0 -1561.0 2889.0 -1558.0 2891.0 -1555.0 2901.0 -1537.0 2901.0 -1537.0 smooth off 2922.0 -1518.0 2954.0 -1528.0 2984.0 -1530.0 2995.0 -1507.0 3019.0 -1518.0 3062.0 -1522.0 3112.0 -1521.0 3129.0 -1496.0 3146.0 -1484.0 3161.0 -1470.0 endline line wall -subtype debris 3132.0 -676.0 3132.0 -676.0 3143.0 -687.0 3145.0 -690.0 3147.0 -693.0 3154.0 -703.0 3157.0 -705.0 3160.0 -707.0 3181.0 -707.0 3181.0 -707.0 smooth off endline line wall 2571.0 -850.0 2574.0 -810.0 endline point 2741.0 -704.0 label -align left -scale xs -text [trench] point 2814.0 -711.0 label -text [BB Passage] -scale s -align bottom-right point 2999.0 -688.0 air-draught -orientation 264.8 -scale s line wall 2822.0 -691.0 2823.0 -663.0 2877.0 -668.0 2956.0 -675.0 3027.0 -676.0 3051.0 -672.0 3064.0 -686.0 3132.0 -676.0 endline line wall -subtype debris 2574.0 -810.0 2572.0 -785.0 2572.0 -785.0 2581.0 -771.0 2583.0 -766.0 2585.0 -761.0 2601.0 -747.0 2601.0 -747.0 smooth off 2634.0 -730.0 2659.0 -714.0 2674.0 -694.0 2709.0 -683.0 2750.0 -689.0 2785.0 -690.0 2822.0 -691.0 endline line wall -subtype debris 2488.0 -812.0 2513.0 -804.0 2530.0 -809.0 2544.0 -822.0 2553.0 -844.0 endline line wall 2460.0 -842.0 2465.0 -820.0 2488.0 -812.0 endline line wall 2419.0 -868.0 2405.0 -860.0 2403.0 -843.0 2438.0 -825.0 2444.0 -835.0 endline line wall 2399.0 -892.0 2383.0 -885.0 2396.0 -877.0 2408.0 -881.0 endline line wall -close on 3136.0 -1235.0 3136.0 -1235.0 3089.0 -1257.0 3087.0 -1260.0 3085.0 -1263.0 3074.0 -1270.0 3074.0 -1270.0 smooth off 3065.0 -1255.0 3065.0 -1255.0 3073.0 -1219.0 3075.0 -1215.0 3077.0 -1211.0 3090.0 -1186.0 3090.0 -1186.0 smooth off 3109.0 -1174.0 3130.0 -1166.0 3140.0 -1175.0 3140.0 -1175.0 3141.0 -1191.0 3141.0 -1195.0 3141.0 -1199.0 3139.0 -1217.0 3139.0 -1217.0 smooth off 3136.0 -1235.0 endline line wall -subtype flowstone 2678.0 -1269.0 2699.0 -1269.0 2719.0 -1277.0 2748.0 -1283.0 2785.0 -1289.0 2809.0 -1298.0 2837.0 -1304.0 2845.0 -1297.0 2852.0 -1279.0 2862.0 -1259.0 2873.0 -1247.0 2893.0 -1244.0 endline line wall -subtype presumed 2896.0 -1330.0 2842.0 -1355.0 2785.0 -1372.0 2749.0 -1381.0 2710.0 -1396.0 2667.0 -1409.0 endline line wall 2667.0 -1409.0 2667.0 -1409.0 2659.0 -1386.0 2657.0 -1381.0 2655.0 -1376.0 2652.0 -1327.0 2652.0 -1327.0 smooth off 2661.0 -1288.0 2678.0 -1269.0 endline line rock-border -close on 2586.0 -741.0 2562.0 -755.0 2563.0 -771.0 2579.0 -758.0 2586.0 -741.0 endline line rock-border -close on 2548.0 -774.0 2522.0 -786.0 2528.0 -797.0 2549.0 -793.0 2548.0 -774.0 endline line rock-border -close on 2223.0 -1262.0 2178.0 -1275.0 2203.0 -1289.0 2238.0 -1280.0 2223.0 -1262.0 endline line rock-border -close on 2362.0 -1228.0 2315.0 -1239.0 2316.0 -1259.0 2369.0 -1248.0 2362.0 -1228.0 endline line rock-border -close on 2259.0 -1232.0 2247.0 -1255.0 2280.0 -1271.0 2309.0 -1264.0 2259.0 -1232.0 endline line wall endline line wall -close off 2603.0 -1445.0 2604.0 -1417.0 2604.0 -1388.0 2603.0 -1352.0 2611.0 -1337.0 2627.0 -1342.0 2630.0 -1367.0 2636.0 -1436.0 2603.0 -1445.0 endline line wall 2564.0 -1341.0 2571.0 -1362.0 2576.0 -1382.0 2577.0 -1405.0 2574.0 -1427.0 2571.0 -1438.0 2553.0 -1447.0 2537.0 -1455.0 2510.0 -1465.0 endline line wall -subtype sand 2378.0 -1251.0 2399.0 -1255.0 2464.0 -1289.0 2521.0 -1321.0 2564.0 -1341.0 endline line wall -subtype debris 2143.0 -1289.0 2190.0 -1294.0 2234.0 -1287.0 2234.0 -1287.0 2265.0 -1279.0 2268.0 -1278.0 2271.0 -1277.0 2306.0 -1271.0 2306.0 -1271.0 smooth off 2333.0 -1261.0 2378.0 -1251.0 endline line wall -subtype flowstone 2118.0 -1235.0 2136.0 -1243.0 2141.0 -1263.0 2143.0 -1289.0 endline line wall 3465.0 -1077.0 3425.0 -1054.0 endline line wall 3418.0 -1446.0 3448.0 -1441.0 3482.0 -1434.0 endline line wall -close on -reverse on 3455.0 -1116.0 3432.0 -1134.0 3443.0 -1165.0 3458.0 -1169.0 3460.0 -1151.0 3455.0 -1116.0 endline line wall -subtype invisible 2510.0 -1465.0 2510.0 -1465.0 2394.0 -1654.0 2571.0 -1659.0 smooth off endline line wall 2571.0 -1659.0 2634.0 -1628.0 2678.0 -1617.0 2678.0 -1617.0 2710.0 -1601.0 2713.0 -1600.0 2716.0 -1599.0 2733.0 -1591.0 2737.0 -1589.0 2741.0 -1587.0 2758.0 -1584.0 2758.0 -1584.0 smooth off 2796.0 -1571.0 endline line wall -subtype flowstone 1955.0 -1334.0 1977.0 -1327.0 2002.0 -1314.0 2023.0 -1302.0 2045.0 -1285.0 2078.0 -1264.0 2109.0 -1246.0 2118.0 -1235.0 endline line wall 1862.0 -1306.0 1889.0 -1298.0 1919.0 -1287.0 1934.0 -1283.0 1940.0 -1296.0 1955.0 -1334.0 endline line wall -subtype flowstone 1845.0 -1371.0 1845.0 -1348.0 1847.0 -1329.0 1862.0 -1306.0 endline line wall 2198.0 -916.0 2211.0 -916.0 2205.0 -939.0 2196.0 -956.0 endline point 2452.0 -633.0 label -text [AA] -scale s line arrow 2408.0 -696.0 2405.0 -633.0 2428.0 -631.0 endline line arrow 2268.0 -621.0 2373.0 -670.0 endline point 2263.0 -608.0 label -text [route from
Egg Chamber] -align top-left -scale s point 2099.0 -960.0 label -align top-left -text [Grade 1] -scale xs line arrow 2194.0 -939.0 2118.0 -980.0 2113.0 -972.0 endline line wall -subtype presumed 2426.0 -660.0 2377.0 -656.0 2335.0 -661.0 2296.0 -667.0 2253.0 -664.0 2216.0 -665.0 2196.0 -665.0 2196.0 -665.0 2160.0 -662.0 2156.0 -663.0 2152.0 -664.0 2117.0 -673.0 2117.0 -677.0 2117.0 -681.0 2103.0 -717.0 2103.0 -717.0 smooth off 2103.0 -717.0 2109.0 -761.0 2110.0 -766.0 2111.0 -771.0 2115.0 -837.0 2115.0 -842.0 2115.0 -847.0 2132.0 -922.0 2133.0 -925.0 2134.0 -928.0 2139.0 -961.0 2139.0 -961.0 smooth off 2150.0 -1002.0 endline line wall -subtype presumed 2196.0 -956.0 2196.0 -956.0 2188.0 -952.0 2186.0 -949.0 2184.0 -946.0 2174.0 -928.0 2174.0 -928.0 smooth off 2174.0 -928.0 2169.0 -904.0 2168.0 -897.0 2167.0 -890.0 2165.0 -851.0 2165.0 -851.0 smooth off 2165.0 -851.0 2163.0 -838.0 2162.0 -829.0 2161.0 -820.0 2159.0 -784.0 2157.0 -781.0 2155.0 -778.0 2151.0 -744.0 2151.0 -744.0 smooth off 2151.0 -713.0 2154.0 -695.0 2177.0 -685.0 2214.0 -681.0 2226.0 -681.0 2279.0 -679.0 2348.0 -679.0 2398.0 -679.0 2427.0 -677.0 endline line wall 2150.0 -1002.0 2152.0 -1028.0 2152.0 -1048.0 2141.0 -1059.0 2138.0 -1087.0 2135.0 -1110.0 2129.0 -1131.0 2129.0 -1164.0 2134.0 -1194.0 endline line wall 2134.0 -1194.0 2134.0 -1194.0 2088.0 -1217.0 2079.0 -1222.0 2070.0 -1227.0 2048.0 -1239.0 2048.0 -1239.0 smooth off 2020.0 -1255.0 1997.0 -1267.0 1972.0 -1273.0 1970.0 -1254.0 1970.0 -1234.0 1963.0 -1220.0 1941.0 -1228.0 1897.0 -1246.0 1866.0 -1259.0 1823.0 -1274.0 1804.0 -1288.0 1796.0 -1335.0 1794.0 -1357.0 endline line wall 2291.0 -881.0 2284.0 -890.0 2264.0 -890.0 2233.0 -897.0 2213.0 -904.0 2203.0 -902.0 endline line wall 2368.0 -834.0 2380.0 -832.0 2383.0 -865.0 2366.0 -876.0 2342.0 -888.0 2325.0 -893.0 2300.0 -895.0 2305.0 -885.0 endline line wall 3155.0 -577.0 3133.0 -590.0 3113.0 -610.0 3094.0 -625.0 3062.0 -641.0 3026.0 -641.0 2966.0 -636.0 2875.0 -628.0 2813.0 -621.0 endline line wall 2813.0 -621.0 2778.0 -609.0 endline line wall 2733.0 -606.0 2725.0 -615.0 2684.0 -653.0 2633.0 -694.0 2592.0 -715.0 2568.0 -733.0 2523.0 -759.0 2493.0 -778.0 2442.0 -796.0 2415.0 -810.0 2402.0 -811.0 2385.0 -810.0 2381.0 -817.0 2368.0 -822.0 endline point 1989.0 -1191.0 label -scale xs -align top-left -text [M15 connects to
stn0 on booming
catacombs] point 2120.0 -1054.0 label -text P25 -align top-left -scale s line rope 2218.0 -963.0 2173.0 -991.0 2178.0 -1261.0 endline point 1854.0 -1234.0 label -align top-left -scale xs -text [big & small
scallops!] point 1893.0 -1270.0 scallop -scale s point 2458.0 -906.0 label -scale s -text The
Maze -align bottom-right point 3138.0 -469.0 station -name 13 endscrap