encoding utf-8 ##XTHERION## xth_me_area_adjust -136.0 -2688 3962.0 144.0 ##XTHERION## xth_me_area_zoom_to 50 ##XTHERION## xth_me_image_insert {0 1 1.0} {0 {}} dansbigroomE.JPG 0 {} scrap dans_big_room-1s -projection extended -scale [88.0 -616.0 668.0 -624.0 0.0 0.0 50 0.0 m] point 540.0 -1470.0 label -scale s -align bottom-left -text [down to
Lake] point 3300.0 -1496.0 label -align top-left -scale s -text Dan's
Room point 368.0 -1070.0 label -align top-left -scale s -text Terminal
Chamber area water l24-2068--1644 endarea line border -id l24-2068--1644 -close on 2060.0 -1598.0 1952.0 -1600.0 1964.0 -1630.0 2074.0 -1642.0 2060.0 -1598.0 endline point 1832.0 -1444.0 air-draught -orientation 296.6 -scale s point 478.0 -1258.0 stalagmites -scale s point 564.0 -1328.0 stalagmites -scale s point 810.0 -1314.0 stalagmites -scale s point 916.0 -1322.0 stalagmites -scale s line wall 3542.0 -1516.0 3468.0 -1544.0 3468.0 -1544.0 3402.0 -1552.0 3394.0 -1558.0 3386.0 -1564.0 3326.0 -1610.0 3326.0 -1610.0 smooth off 3302.0 -1650.0 3302.0 -1650.0 3276.0 -1670.0 3270.0 -1672.0 3264.0 -1674.0 3128.0 -1656.0 3128.0 -1656.0 smooth off 3036.0 -1648.0 endline line wall -subtype sand 3034.0 -1688.0 3112.0 -1692.0 3192.0 -1694.0 3276.0 -1706.0 3362.0 -1712.0 3434.0 -1720.0 3536.0 -1730.0 endline line wall 2714.0 -1598.0 2498.0 -1558.0 2346.0 -1522.0 2346.0 -1522.0 2240.0 -1548.0 2234.0 -1552.0 2228.0 -1556.0 2158.0 -1566.0 2158.0 -1566.0 smooth off 2158.0 -1566.0 2076.0 -1570.0 2070.0 -1568.0 2064.0 -1566.0 1988.0 -1550.0 1988.0 -1550.0 smooth off endline line wall 3036.0 -1648.0 2930.0 -1632.0 2760.0 -1604.0 endline line wall 1980.0 -1584.0 2000.0 -1604.0 2000.0 -1604.0 2020.0 -1614.0 2028.0 -1612.0 2036.0 -1610.0 2060.0 -1598.0 2060.0 -1598.0 smooth off 2060.0 -1598.0 2140.0 -1590.0 2166.0 -1588.0 2192.0 -1586.0 2312.0 -1584.0 2312.0 -1584.0 smooth off 2356.0 -1580.0 2540.0 -1624.0 2540.0 -1624.0 2682.0 -1668.0 2688.0 -1670.0 2694.0 -1672.0 2868.0 -1678.0 2868.0 -1678.0 smooth off 3034.0 -1688.0 endline line wall 1988.0 -1550.0 1946.0 -1528.0 1862.0 -1490.0 1790.0 -1464.0 1732.0 -1450.0 1682.0 -1422.0 1682.0 -1422.0 1640.0 -1400.0 1630.0 -1398.0 1620.0 -1396.0 1586.0 -1380.0 1586.0 -1380.0 smooth off 1586.0 -1380.0 1566.0 -1368.0 1558.0 -1368.0 1550.0 -1368.0 1528.0 -1370.0 1520.0 -1372.0 1512.0 -1374.0 1474.0 -1378.0 1474.0 -1378.0 smooth off 1416.0 -1368.0 endline line wall -subtype moonmilk 1402.0 -1418.0 1488.0 -1436.0 1576.0 -1452.0 1650.0 -1470.0 1728.0 -1496.0 1728.0 -1496.0 1788.0 -1516.0 1796.0 -1516.0 1804.0 -1516.0 1872.0 -1534.0 1872.0 -1534.0 smooth off 1938.0 -1562.0 1980.0 -1584.0 endline line wall 664.0 -1348.0 698.0 -1332.0 768.0 -1322.0 822.0 -1326.0 876.0 -1332.0 908.0 -1334.0 endline line wall -subtype flowstone 908.0 -1334.0 930.0 -1356.0 928.0 -1408.0 928.0 -1454.0 endline line wall 928.0 -1454.0 918.0 -1506.0 914.0 -1536.0 926.0 -1560.0 endline line wall 1416.0 -1368.0 1350.0 -1346.0 1294.0 -1336.0 1276.0 -1322.0 1272.0 -1288.0 1274.0 -1252.0 1248.0 -1300.0 1248.0 -1300.0 1232.0 -1326.0 1216.0 -1324.0 1200.0 -1322.0 1106.0 -1300.0 1106.0 -1300.0 smooth off 1106.0 -1300.0 1042.0 -1300.0 1034.0 -1298.0 1026.0 -1296.0 954.0 -1278.0 954.0 -1278.0 smooth off 886.0 -1282.0 818.0 -1288.0 778.0 -1292.0 744.0 -1280.0 744.0 -1280.0 718.0 -1266.0 710.0 -1268.0 702.0 -1270.0 668.0 -1280.0 668.0 -1280.0 smooth off 630.0 -1282.0 612.0 -1282.0 612.0 -1282.0 594.0 -1264.0 586.0 -1250.0 578.0 -1236.0 556.0 -1202.0 556.0 -1202.0 smooth off 556.0 -1202.0 532.0 -1192.0 524.0 -1188.0 516.0 -1184.0 488.0 -1162.0 488.0 -1162.0 smooth off 450.0 -1146.0 418.0 -1140.0 368.0 -1132.0 332.0 -1146.0 294.0 -1150.0 252.0 -1166.0 endline line wall 988.0 -1556.0 988.0 -1556.0 998.0 -1520.0 994.0 -1510.0 990.0 -1500.0 980.0 -1456.0 980.0 -1456.0 smooth off 982.0 -1416.0 982.0 -1382.0 986.0 -1346.0 1000.0 -1328.0 1058.0 -1338.0 1122.0 -1346.0 1184.0 -1356.0 1224.0 -1368.0 1228.0 -1396.0 1246.0 -1394.0 1250.0 -1378.0 1304.0 -1396.0 1374.0 -1410.0 1402.0 -1418.0 endline line wall -reverse on -subtype debris 988.0 -1556.0 926.0 -1560.0 endline line wall -reverse on -subtype debris 596.0 -1372.0 590.0 -1344.0 560.0 -1350.0 528.0 -1330.0 506.0 -1318.0 480.0 -1314.0 456.0 -1296.0 456.0 -1262.0 434.0 -1238.0 410.0 -1210.0 388.0 -1196.0 374.0 -1166.0 352.0 -1154.0 338.0 -1168.0 302.0 -1180.0 278.0 -1178.0 256.0 -1178.0 endline line wall -subtype debris 614.0 -1376.0 632.0 -1364.0 664.0 -1348.0 endline line wall 596.0 -1372.0 602.0 -1396.0 596.0 -1430.0 590.0 -1450.0 endline line wall 616.0 -1478.0 620.0 -1440.0 616.0 -1402.0 614.0 -1376.0 endline point 506.0 -1294.0 station -name 17Z line wall -subtype presumed 2816.0 -1430.0 2790.0 -1460.0 2740.0 -1474.0 2740.0 -1474.0 2750.0 -1524.0 2748.0 -1534.0 2746.0 -1544.0 2738.0 -1576.0 2738.0 -1576.0 smooth off 2714.0 -1598.0 endline line wall -reverse on 3770.0 -1500.0 3818.0 -1528.0 3826.0 -1584.0 3820.0 -1624.0 3812.0 -1648.0 3778.0 -1662.0 3726.0 -1666.0 3694.0 -1672.0 3660.0 -1690.0 3676.0 -1708.0 3718.0 -1718.0 3748.0 -1718.0 3774.0 -1718.0 endline point 1590.0 -1550.0 label -align bottom-left -text [The Bowling
Alley] -scale s point 2798.0 -1422.0 label -align top-left -text [connection to
Pork Scratching
Rift] -scale xs line wall -subtype presumed 2760.0 -1604.0 2778.0 -1582.0 2774.0 -1552.0 2770.0 -1516.0 2778.0 -1490.0 2806.0 -1472.0 2834.0 -1454.0 endline line wall 3770.0 -1500.0 3684.0 -1492.0 3684.0 -1492.0 3630.0 -1494.0 3624.0 -1498.0 3618.0 -1502.0 3542.0 -1516.0 3542.0 -1516.0 smooth off endline line wall 3646.0 -1718.0 3686.0 -1724.0 3748.0 -1732.0 3772.0 -1728.0 endline endscrap