encoding utf-8 # 2019.09.05 created by TopoDroid v 4.1.3u survey orangeade_premier -title "orangeade_premier" input "orangeade_premier-1p.th2" #input "orangeade_premier-1s.th2" map OrangeadeArcadePremierChamberToDunny -projection plan orangeade_premier-1p break capp_dunny-1p endmap # map OrangeadeArcadePremierChamberToDunnyE -projection extended # orangeade_premier-1s # endmap centerline date 2012.08.03 team "Mark Sefton" team "Derek Cousins" team "Duncan Hornby" units length meters units compass clino degrees data normal from to length backcompass backclino 12 13 12.25 141 24 data normal from to length compass clino 75 1 27.5 121 22 #75 is on colins 2011 survey rom entrance to boulder hall 1 2 13.65 151 27 2 3 10.5 91 8 3 4 10.1 358 -11 4 5 13.4 62 -35 5 6 8.2 304 1 6 7 8.2 74 -2 7 8 7.8 150 -7 8 9 22.6 145 23 9 10 18.65 60 -16 10 11 12.05 149 4 11 12 19.95 133 19 12 14 13.45 177 10 14 15 9.2 98 -3 15 16 28.35 94 -6 16 17 24.2 142 9 17 18 21.8 130 3 18 19 30.4 66 -8 19 20 6.8 342 -37 #19 is next to the climb in orangeade arcade, ater this is cappuccino passage 20 21 21.85 330 -6 21 22 8.3 302 2 22 23 21.4 251 10 23 24 22.2 245 11 24 16 9.2 8 -3 22 25 9.15 36 -17 25 26 11.85 328 -14 26 27 11.65 35 -19 27 28 3.95 338 -8 28 29 17.8 332 -26 29 30 5.6 52 -26 30 31 4.3 284 13 31 32 3.2 264 -32 32 33 8.35 299 -2 33 34 11.25 310 -18 34 35 12.5 295 -9 35 36 5.75 342 -22 36 37 3.3 292 0 37 38 2.9 265 19 38 39 10.45 325 -25 39 40 2.5 319 23 40 41 1.45 314 9 #Digitised to end if Premier Chamber #19 1001 93.54143 143.7462 6.136904 #can be removed, replaced with real survey 2021 #1001 1002 53.15073 221.1859 0 #can be removed, replaced with real survey 2021 #1002 1003 68.00735 145.008 26.17592 #can be removed, replaced with real survey 2021 endcenterline endsurvey