encoding utf-8 ##XTHERION## xth_me_area_adjust -342.0 -2064.0 4016.0 1346.0 ##XTHERION## xth_me_area_zoom_to 50 # 2021.10.04 created by TopoDroid v. 4.1.3 scrap The_Bastard-1s -projection extended -scale [0 0 39 0 0 0 1 0 m] point 274.0 -378.0 stalagmites -scale s point 252.0 -172.0 stalactites -scale s line wall -reverse on -subtype flowstone 130.0 -278.0 118.6 -262.5 99.75 -250.34 95.79 -231.51 85.15 -181.0 193.87 -182.09 196.8 -181.51 smooth off endline line wall 494.96 -520.65 612.0 -420.0 592.0 -500.0 618.61 -586.33 626.36 -611.47 671.24 -586.24 697.56 -586.2 smooth off endline line wall -subtype flowstone 130.0 -278.0 276.22 -276.85 180.81 -249.3 240.75 -364.27 247.68 -377.56 264.86 -382.08 276.92 -390.99 smooth off endline line wall -subtype clay 276.92 -390.99 444.82 -514.37 366.45 -482.61 494.96 -520.65 smooth off endline line pit -reverse on 930.0 -1476.0 1472.24 -1474.03 1173.98 -1463.24 1824.07 -1524.55 smooth off endline line wall 2851.77 -1428.94 2643.15 -1402.54 2612.3 -1381.5 2401.76 -1424.42 2329.93 -1439.06 2262.79 -1471.52 2191.84 -1489.95 2172.27 -1495.03 2150.73 -1500.46 2131.37 -1494.65 2075.71 -1477.95 2025.12 -1447.55 1972.0 -1424.0 smooth off endline line wall 1972.0 -1424.0 1824.0 -1366.0 1806.46 -932.64 1777.9 -792.26 smooth off endline area water endarea point 1884.80 -501.96 continuation -text "very poor lead at top of chamber " -attr who "Chris Jones" -attr what climb -attr priority low -attr ref elevation #-explored ?.0m point 778.0 -984.0 label -scale s -align bottom-left -text [+P25] line rock-border -close on 1634.0 -1454.0 1590.0 -1470.0 1626.0 -1494.0 1648.0 -1484.0 1634.0 -1454.0 endline line rope 622.0 -454.0 724.0 -548.0 812.0 -600.0 866.0 -724.0 912.0 -730.0 1028.0 -790.0 1050.0 -1460.0 endline point 898.0 -462.0 label -scale s -align right -text [+P4] line rope 910.0 -338.0 818.0 -346.0 770.0 -384.0 772.0 -546.0 endline point 1118.0 -158.0 label -scale s -align top-right -text [+c4] point 1602.0 -1618.0 label -scale s -align bottom-left -text [+c6] line rope 1590.0 -1470.0 1648.0 -1484.0 1644.0 -1764.0 endline line floor-step 2960.0 -1700.0 2940.05 -1697.35 2896.76 -1693.71 2878.0 -1702.0 smooth off endline line wall 2960.0 -1700.0 3005.7 -1649.81 3073.77 -1704.0 3138.0 -1704.0 3168.68 -1704.0 3206.79 -1700.87 3236.17 -1693.47 3238.71 -1692.83 3305.42 -1646.48 3308.0 -1646.0 3347.81 -1638.59 3354.0 -1652.0 3377.97 -1658.62 smooth off endline line floor-step 3377.97 -1658.62 3371.27 -1660.04 3453.51 -1643.12 3448.0 -1644.0 smooth off endline line wall -close off 3448.0 -1644.0 endline point 2932.15 -1757.67 continuation -text "unknown, hole in the floor? [1] " -attr who "Chris Jones" -attr what climb -attr priority low -attr ref elevation #-explored ?.0m point 3412.69 -1705.95 continuation -text "unknown, hole in the floor? [2] " -attr who "Chris Jones" -attr what climb -attr priority low -attr ref elevation #-explored ?.0m line wall 3448.0 -1644.0 3496.0 -1556.0 3768.87 -1575.61 3857.75 -1525.4 3876.05 -1515.06 3889.67 -1439.32 3868.0 -1422.0 3848.05 -1406.05 3811.54 -1397.52 3786.0 -1398.0 3686.72 -1399.88 3524.0 -1436.0 3491.03 -1416.09 smooth off endline line wall 3491.03 -1416.09 3456.0 -1400.0 3304.0 -1392.0 3138.3 -1402.4 3042.52 -1408.41 2947.28 -1420.09 2851.77 -1428.94 smooth off endline line wall 697.56 -586.2 736.0 -602.0 731.09 -599.82 749.24 -665.77 751.51 -674.02 760.72 -678.46 766.46 -684.81 smooth off endline point 1974.0 -1888.0 label -text [down to
Pina Colada Sump] -scale s -align bottom area water l77-1350--1924 endarea line border -id l77-1350--1924 -close on -subtype invisible 1492.38 -1773.03 1064.51 -1779.35 1064.51 -1779.35 1030.0 -1804.0 1034.0 -1818.0 1038.0 -1832.0 1174.0 -1918.0 1174.0 -1918.0 smooth off 1174.0 -1918.0 1336.0 -1932.0 1350.0 -1928.0 1364.0 -1924.0 1412.0 -1894.0 1420.0 -1884.0 1428.0 -1874.0 1492.38 -1773.03 1492.38 -1773.03 smooth off endline line wall -subtype flowstone 766.46 -684.81 779.15 -694.45 800.38 -698.33 804.54 -713.72 831.4 -813.15 834.1 -917.77 856.56 -1018.28 877.07 -1110.11 915.97 -1197.44 933.27 -1289.93 967.49 -1472.9 950.0 -1570.0 1002.36 -1671.21 smooth off endline line wall 1002.36 -1671.21 1031.14 -1721.29 1062.75 -1810.03 1132.07 -1828.91 1253.63 -1862.02 1381.19 -1803.16 1492.38 -1773.03 smooth off endline line wall 2155.25 -1808.31 2200.32 -1812.16 2246.99 -1812.93 2292.21 -1814.72 2314.79 -1815.62 2342.62 -1819.35 2364.92 -1814.72 2382.7 -1811.03 2404.0 -1810.0 2418.96 -1776.62 smooth off endline line wall 2418.96 -1776.62 2470.0 -1718.0 2464.08 -1635.12 2522.07 -1636.43 2557.84 -1637.24 2590.03 -1658.86 2624.01 -1670.07 smooth off endline line wall 2624.01 -1670.07 2725.01 -1724.36 2824.0 -1674.0 2878.0 -1702.0 smooth off endline line wall -subtype presumed 2878.0 -1702.0 2883.24 -1732.66 2876.0 -1714.0 2878.0 -1736.0 smooth off endline line wall -subtype presumed endline line wall -subtype invisible 2878.0 -1736.0 2878.0 -1736.0 2946.57 -1898.39 2978.0 -1724.0 smooth off endline line wall -subtype invisible 3370.0 -1700.0 3448.0 -1678.0 endline line wall -subtype presumed 3448.0 -1678.0 3448.0 -1644.0 endline line wall -subtype presumed 3377.97 -1658.62 3370.0 -1700.0 endline line wall -subtype presumed 2978.0 -1724.0 2960.0 -1700.0 endline line wall 966.0 -690.0 917.77 -636.64 791.5 -556.26 834.01 -453.54 871.27 -363.51 1098.19 -340.32 1128.96 -332.28 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on 966.0 -690.0 1070.0 -728.0 1142.99 -712.53 1224.08 -683.73 1302.93 -655.73 1240.0 -404.0 1283.54 -396.81 smooth off endline line wall -subtype presumed 1777.9 -792.26 1766.0 -726.0 1888.0 -430.0 1778.0 -384.0 smooth off endline line wall -subtype presumed endline line wall -subtype presumed endline line wall -subtype presumed 1778.0 -384.0 1768.02 -380.09 1448.61 -324.49 1438.0 -326.0 1401.87 -331.14 1358.0 -324.0 1332.0 -340.0 1317.8 -348.74 1288.0 -362.0 1283.54 -396.81 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on 196.8 -181.51 282.0 -144.0 330.0 -138.0 525.83 -165.75 smooth off endline line wall 806.05 -280.88 712.8 -279.5 712.3 -295.88 640.07 -232.93 622.39 -217.52 616.43 -189.8 596.21 -177.91 575.69 -165.84 549.29 -169.8 525.83 -165.75 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on 802.84 -278.36 890.0 -272.0 965.99 -283.68 1001.63 -225.06 1008.4 -213.92 999.51 -199.07 998.45 -186.08 smooth off endline line wall 1128.96 -332.28 1128.96 -332.28 1401.32 -306.08 1384.89 -238.58 1369.43 -175.07 1122.2 -242.53 1102.0 -208.0 1081.8 -173.47 1078.97 -58.99 1065.24 -21.42 1051.51 16.15 1014.0 12.0 991.85 17.31 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on 998.45 -186.08 911.08 -111.19 endline line wall 991.85 17.31 918.0 36.0 898.0 -4.37 858.0 -4.0 818.0 -3.63 682.12 113.09 653.19 140.72 smooth off endline line wall -subtype presumed 653.19 140.72 626.74 170.73 608.21 184.16 584.0 216.0 559.79 247.84 525.88 305.9 502.76 338.54 smooth off endline line wall 502.76 338.54 502.76 338.54 468.79 397.13 446.0 430.0 423.21 462.87 281.54 658.03 258.59 690.79 235.64 723.55 131.9 843.95 108.89 876.66 85.88 909.38 85.7 925.06 68.41 961.13 smooth off endline line wall -subtype presumed 68.41 961.13 68.41 961.13 74.75 964.42 44.0 990.0 17.1 1012.37 6.61 998.37 -12.0 1028.0 -33.27 1061.87 -44.26 1098.35 -12.0 1122.0 smooth off endline line wall -subtype invisible endline line wall -subtype invisible 1802.0 -1800.0 2155.25 -1808.31 endline line wall 1492.38 -1773.03 1554.0 -1766.0 1762.3 -1795.1 1802.0 -1800.0 smooth off endline line wall 12.19 955.79 12.19 955.79 94.3 806.55 117.78 774.17 141.26 741.79 326.0 494.0 326.0 494.0 smooth off 326.0 494.0 598.2 130.76 626.0 102.0 653.8 73.24 911.08 -111.19 911.08 -111.19 smooth off endline line wall -subtype presumed -190.0 866.0 -68.0 852.0 -26.0 976.0 -26.0 976.0 smooth off -26.0 976.0 -17.47 982.62 12.19 955.79 smooth off endline point 94.0 36.0 label -scale s -align left -text [The Bastard's
Ramp] point 3188.0 -1148.0 label -align top-left -scale s -text [Here's What You
Could Have Won] line wall -subtype presumed endline line wall -reverse on -subtype presumed -206.0 996.0 -198.94 1006.84 -77.74 969.95 -72.0 998.0 -69.09 1012.22 -68.0 1108.0 -136.0 1122.0 smooth off endline point -56.0 1148.0 continuation -text "steepening climb, may get wider ahead" -attr who "Chris Jones" -attr what climb -attr priority low -attr ref elevation #-explored ?.0m point -124.0 942.0 continuation -text "short downclimb, worth a look" -attr who "Chris Jones" -attr what climb -attr priority low -attr ref elevation #-explored ?.0m point 2.3100000000000023 1207.87 label -text "climb gets steeper, ongoing" -scale xs -align right point -193.24 920.07 label -align bottom-left -scale xs -text [short downclimb] area water endarea point 596.0 300.0 continuation -text "small phreatic ramp, and several leads,suspect they link back to the obvious route. " -attr who "Chris Jones" -attr what climb -attr priority low -attr ref elevation #-explored ?.0m point 325.79 405.75 air-draught -orientation 138.00 -scale xs point 196.85 -236.22 station -name "0" point 370.26 -390.01 station -name "1" point 582.86 -427.13 station -name "2" point 726.35 -550.48 station -name "3" point 862.77 -697.43 station -name "4" point 917.32 -766.22 station -name "5" point 1286.50 -1387.71 station -name "7" point 1972.98 -1798.88 station -name "8" point 2518.73 -1634.13 station -name "9" point 2809.72 -1621.86 station -name "10" point 3310.06 -1607.37 station -name "11" point 3827.98 -1456.04 station -name "12" endscrap