encoding utf-8 ##XTHERION## xth_me_area_adjust -134.0 -1038 1515 139.5 ##XTHERION## xth_me_area_zoom_to 200 ##XTHERION## xth_me_image_insert {0 1 1.0} {0 {}} {mine2_32A plan.jpg} 0 {} scrap mine2_32A-1p -projection plan -scale [688.0 -352.0 790.0 -354.0 0.0 0.0 10 0.0 m] point 755.0 -550.5 gradient -orientation 28.4 point 743.5 -547.0 gradient -orientation 296.6 line wall 726.5 -545.0 726.5 -545.0 745.0 -551.0 744.0 -555.5 743.0 -560.0 745.5 -565.5 745.5 -565.5 smooth off endline line wall 760.0 -531.5 750.0 -544.5 731.0 -534.5 endline line wall 757.0 -567.5 771.0 -540.5 endline point 644.0 -556.5 archeo-material area water l37-52--178 endarea line border -id l37-52--178 -close on -reverse on -subtype invisible 13.5 -121.0 15.0 -120.5 45.0 -103.5 45.0 -103.5 smooth off 45.0 -103.5 86.0 -158.5 84.5 -159.5 83.0 -160.5 36.5 -185.0 36.5 -185.0 smooth off 36.5 -185.0 12.0 -121.5 13.5 -121.0 endline area blocks l35-122--315 endarea line pit endline line pit -close on -reverse on 997.5 -665.0 997.5 -665.0 1066.0 -709.5 1076.0 -703.0 1085.19 -697.03 1027.5 -685.0 1019.0 -671.5 1010.5 -658.0 1048.0 -668.5 1047.5 -663.5 1046.75 -656.02 999.5 -658.5 999.5 -658.5 smooth off 997.5 -665.0 endline line pit -close on -reverse on 1331.0 -842.5 1334.85 -849.74 1356.82 -851.14 1351.5 -847.5 1345.7 -843.53 1327.7 -836.29 1331.0 -842.5 endline line pit -close on -reverse on 1237.5 -799.5 1236.8 -803.24 1251.34 -810.5 1259.5 -813.5 1263.28 -814.89 1274.25 -814.94 1271.5 -812.0 1255.67 -795.08 1237.94 -797.14 1237.5 -799.5 endline line pit -close on -reverse on 1197.5 -772.0 1195.6 -776.63 1224.89 -791.43 1218.0 -782.0 1212.58 -774.59 1198.48 -769.61 1197.5 -772.0 endline line pit -close on -reverse on 1090.5 -716.0 1092.97 -722.03 1107.36 -727.2 1117.0 -729.5 1119.89 -730.19 1126.23 -725.95 1124.0 -724.0 1113.64 -714.94 1083.53 -699.0 1090.5 -716.0 endline line pit -close on -reverse on 940.5 -660.0 945.56 -664.64 967.36 -660.58 961.0 -658.0 954.32 -655.28 946.68 -654.8 939.5 -655.5 937.97 -655.65 939.37 -658.96 940.5 -660.0 endline line pit -reverse on 906.0 -663.5 906.0 -663.5 917.0 -657.0 927.0 -666.5 smooth off endline line pit -close on 602.0 -526.0 602.0 -526.0 588.0 -521.0 589.0 -526.0 590.0 -531.0 597.0 -536.5 597.0 -536.5 smooth off 602.0 -526.0 endline line pit -close on -reverse on 581.0 -522.0 595.5 -541.5 595.5 -541.5 616.0 -538.5 603.0 -519.5 590.0 -500.5 580.0 -501.5 580.0 -501.5 smooth off 580.0 -501.5 569.0 -503.5 578.5 -518.0 588.0 -532.5 581.0 -522.0 581.0 -522.0 smooth off endline line pit -close on -reverse on 413.0 -327.5 407.0 -334.0 412.5 -342.5 419.0 -337.5 413.0 -327.5 endline line pit -close on -reverse on 419.0 -347.0 425.5 -356.5 433.0 -355.5 424.5 -343.0 419.0 -347.0 endline line pit -close on -reverse on 388.5 -327.5 388.5 -323.47 366.1 -333.6 367.5 -334.0 371.23 -335.07 388.5 -338.09 388.5 -327.5 endline line pit -close on 177.5 -290.5 172.69 -295.97 161.92 -298.75 156.0 -294.5 151.1 -290.98 152.8 -279.57 158.0 -276.5 169.74 -269.56 184.5 -282.53 177.5 -290.5 endline area water endarea line border -id l35-122--315 -close on -reverse on -subtype invisible 101.0 -261.5 154.5 -253.5 149.0 -316.0 104.0 -314.5 101.0 -261.5 endline point 170.0 -317.5 gradient -orientation 146.4 -scale s line pit 750.0 -601.5 769.5 -574.0 endline line arrow 820.5 -529.5 751.0 -575.5 endline point 800.5 -579.0 gradient -orientation 76.2 -scale s point 1154.5 -731.0 gradient -orientation 51.8 -scale m point 1295.5 -824.5 gradient -orientation 109.9 -scale m line arrow 515.5 -454.0 543.0 -481.5 endline line arrow 513.0 -447.0 526.5 -408.0 endline point 1240.0 -813.0 label -text [aven +6m] -scale s -align bottom-left point 1372.0 -865.5 label -align right -scale s -text [choke/spoil] point 1038.0 -651.0 label -text [aven +12m] -scale s -align top-right point 827.0 -523.5 label -align right -scale s -text [wooden platforms down
(4m & 6m) to lower passage] point 870.5 -601.5 label -align right -text [aven +10m] -scale s point 567.0 -639.0 label -align left -scale s -text [wooden
platforms up] point 651.0 -658.0 label -align right -scale s -text [wooden
ladder down] point 631.5 -450.0 label -align right -scale s -text [P20 down to
blind workings] point 570.0 -491.0 label -align right -text [aven +10m] -scale s point 183.5 -476.5 label -align right -scale s -text [thin calcite
vein] point 752.0 -579.5 archeo-material -scale m point 167.0 -285.0 continuation -text [aven +3m] point 426.5 -349.5 continuation -text [aven +5m] point 381.5 -330.5 continuation -text [aven +2m] point 585.5 -552.5 continuation -text [unexplored upper levels past wooden ladders] point 594.0 -576.0 archeo-material -scale m point 545.5 -487.5 archeo-material -scale s point 526.0 -404.5 archeo-material -scale s point 511.0 -450.5 label -align left -scale s -text [remains of tramway
main passage] point 520.0 -358.5 label -align right -scale s -text [thin calcite
veins] point 316.0 -242.5 label -align left -scale s -text [thin
vein] line pit -reverse on 654.0 -556.0 646.5 -538.5 endline line pit 639.5 -554.0 646.5 -538.5 endline line wall -reverse on -subtype invisible 585.5 -530.0 585.5 -530.0 572.5 -518.0 572.0 -509.5 571.5 -501.0 578.0 -499.5 578.0 -499.5 smooth off 590.0 -501.5 597.0 -507.5 604.5 -515.5 609.5 -523.5 611.0 -534.5 604.5 -544.0 596.0 -546.0 591.5 -538.0 endline line arrow -reverse on 649.5 -551.5 649.0 -647.5 endline line arrow 576.5 -637.5 577.0 -636.0 591.0 -580.5 591.0 -580.5 smooth off endline line arrow 629.0 -456.0 597.5 -530.0 endline line arrow 519.0 -363.0 520.5 -382.0 endline line arrow 515.0 -361.5 451.0 -356.5 endline point 435.5 -338.0 label -text [aven +5m] -scale s -align top-right point 383.5 -315.5 label -align left -text [aven +2m] -scale s point 179.5 -263.5 label -align right -text [aven +3m] -scale s point 187.5 -357.5 label -align right -scale s -text [connects to
2.35] point 84.5 -230.5 label -align left -scale s -text [slickensides
on wall] point 18.0 -77.5 label -align right -text [2.32A Entrance (1894m)] -scale s point 23.0 -108.5 station -name 0 line wall -reverse on 589.5 -555.5 607.0 -575.0 607.0 -575.0 608.5 -580.5 601.5 -579.0 594.5 -577.5 594.5 -590.0 600.0 -592.5 605.5 -595.0 617.5 -599.0 617.5 -599.0 smooth off 639.5 -554.0 639.5 -554.0 622.5 -535.0 646.5 -538.5 smooth off endline point 738.0 -637.0 station -name 13 line wall 175.5 -314.0 175.5 -314.0 157.5 -294.5 190.5 -295.0 223.5 -295.5 278.5 -300.0 278.5 -300.0 smooth off 361.5 -250.0 374.0 -251.0 415.5 -282.5 417.0 -292.0 404.0 -324.0 372.5 -326.0 372.5 -326.0 348.0 -340.0 376.0 -338.5 388.73 -337.82 399.0 -333.5 399.0 -333.5 smooth off 432.5 -371.5 439.0 -373.5 447.0 -367.5 447.0 -367.5 513.0 -379.0 516.0 -385.0 519.0 -391.0 521.0 -396.5 521.0 -396.5 smooth off 563.0 -584.5 563.0 -584.5 563.5 -588.5 558.5 -587.5 553.5 -586.5 549.0 -585.0 549.0 -585.0 smooth off 169.0 -486.5 161.5 -497.5 741.0 -641.5 764.5 -600.5 764.5 -600.5 773.0 -593.5 782.0 -598.5 791.0 -603.5 902.0 -658.0 902.0 -658.0 smooth off 902.0 -658.0 918.0 -706.5 929.0 -665.0 930.27 -660.22 943.5 -664.0 943.5 -664.0 smooth off 989.0 -666.5 1186.5 -769.0 1234.5 -801.0 1254.0 -813.5 1330.5 -845.5 1364.0 -860.0 endline point 1254.5 -805.0 continuation -text [aven + 6m] point 1013.5 -663.0 continuation -text [aven +12m] line wall -subtype debris 1364.0 -860.0 1368.5 -853.0 endline line wall 1368.5 -853.0 1334.5 -836.0 1273.5 -808.0 1239.0 -792.0 1164.0 -744.0 1164.0 -744.0 1158.6 -736.2 1165.0 -733.0 1173.0 -729.0 1179.0 -723.0 1179.0 -723.0 smooth off 1188.0 -716.0 1188.0 -716.0 1197.5 -703.5 1173.0 -711.0 1148.5 -718.5 1146.0 -722.5 1146.0 -722.5 smooth off 1135.0 -725.0 1023.5 -671.0 1050.0 -666.5 1050.0 -666.5 1066.0 -657.5 1050.5 -657.0 1035.0 -656.5 1029.5 -656.0 1029.5 -656.0 smooth off 931.5 -651.0 931.5 -651.0 915.5 -649.5 913.0 -647.0 910.5 -644.5 899.0 -639.5 899.0 -639.5 smooth off 798.0 -587.5 838.0 -577.5 838.0 -577.5 848.0 -568.0 826.5 -570.0 805.0 -572.0 769.5 -574.0 769.5 -574.0 smooth off 769.5 -574.0 718.5 -551.5 744.0 -580.5 748.29 -585.38 748.0 -588.5 748.0 -588.5 smooth off 750.0 -601.5 734.0 -629.0 638.5 -602.0 638.5 -602.0 634.5 -597.5 637.5 -593.0 640.5 -588.5 654.0 -556.0 654.0 -556.0 smooth off endline line wall -subtype presumed 194.0 -342.5 175.5 -314.0 endline line wall -reverse on -subtype presumed 179.5 -345.0 158.5 -314.0 endline line wall -reverse on 158.5 -314.0 158.5 -314.0 153.5 -299.0 148.5 -298.5 143.5 -298.0 86.0 -305.0 112.5 -262.5 115.15 -258.26 111.0 -256.0 111.0 -256.0 smooth off 111.5 -249.0 16.5 -110.0 16.5 -110.0 10.5 -109.0 8.0 -113.0 smooth off endline line wall endline line wall 583.0 -558.5 588.0 -572.0 577.0 -585.0 568.5 -555.5 591.5 -538.0 endline point 771.0 -524.0 continuation line wall -subtype presumed 763.5 -524.5 760.0 -531.5 endline line wall -subtype presumed 771.0 -540.5 775.0 -530.5 endline line wall -subtype presumed 580.0 -551.5 583.0 -558.5 endline line wall -subtype presumed 589.5 -555.5 586.0 -548.5 endline line pit 601.5 -579.0 601.5 -579.0 602.5 -566.0 588.0 -572.0 smooth off endline line wall -subtype invisible 33.0 -92.0 30.0 -86.5 20.5 -86.0 8.5 -89.5 -2.0 -97.0 -2.0 -97.0 -4.5 -106.0 -4.0 -107.5 -3.5 -109.0 1.5 -115.0 1.5 -115.0 smooth off 8.0 -113.0 endline line wall -reverse on 33.0 -92.0 27.0 -100.5 131.5 -258.0 131.5 -258.0 182.0 -271.5 184.5 -281.5 184.62 -281.99 196.0 -286.0 196.0 -286.0 smooth off 272.5 -289.5 368.5 -235.0 428.0 -277.0 428.0 -277.0 428.0 -286.0 426.5 -291.0 425.0 -296.0 415.5 -324.0 415.5 -324.0 smooth off 439.5 -354.5 451.0 -352.0 524.0 -376.5 563.0 -540.5 563.0 -540.5 564.5 -545.0 570.5 -542.0 576.5 -539.0 585.5 -530.0 585.5 -530.0 smooth off endline endscrap scrap mine2_32A_lower-1p -projection plan -scale [688.0 -352.0 790.0 -354.0 0.0 0.0 10 0.0 m] line pit -reverse on 669.0 -540.0 669.0 -540.0 656.5 -537.5 654.5 -536.0 smooth off endline point 653.5 -547.0 station -name 12a line arrow 849.0 -703.0 872.0 -652.0 endline line arrow 702.5 -524.0 689.0 -552.0 endline point 705.5 -514.5 label -align right -text [dog skeleton] -scale s point 686.0 -556.0 paleo-material point 911.5 -629.0 continuation -text [aven +10m] point 866.0 -647.5 continuation -text [p40 to unexplored lower levels] point 843.0 -759.5 label -align right -scale s -text [The lower level is complex and can be followed
to a very large chamber with several unexplored ways on.] point 845.0 -710.5 label -align right -scale s -text [Ramp / P40 down
ore chute to
haulage level
and lower stopes. ] line pit -close on 855.5 -643.0 855.76 -652.55 882.63 -661.32 880.5 -654.5 878.37 -647.68 855.15 -630.33 855.5 -643.0 endline line wall -subtype presumed 914.5 -615.5 907.0 -623.5 endline line wall -subtype presumed 919.5 -633.0 929.5 -622.0 endline line wall -reverse on 919.5 -633.0 889.0 -664.0 889.0 -664.0 886.5 -671.0 873.5 -662.5 860.5 -654.0 801.0 -621.0 801.0 -621.0 smooth off 771.5 -602.5 771.5 -602.5 743.0 -587.5 740.0 -587.0 737.0 -586.5 670.5 -558.0 670.5 -558.0 smooth off 670.5 -558.0 660.5 -552.5 659.5 -555.0 658.5 -557.5 654.0 -556.0 654.0 -556.0 smooth off endline line wall -reverse on 646.5 -538.5 646.5 -538.5 661.5 -532.0 651.0 -527.5 640.5 -523.0 639.0 -520.5 639.0 -520.5 smooth off 639.0 -520.5 640.5 -516.5 645.5 -518.0 650.5 -519.5 656.0 -522.5 656.0 -522.5 smooth off 669.5 -523.0 676.5 -522.5 676.5 -522.5 680.0 -526.5 676.0 -530.0 672.0 -533.5 669.0 -540.0 669.0 -540.0 smooth off 705.0 -555.5 733.5 -566.0 733.5 -566.0 742.5 -562.0 737.0 -559.5 731.5 -557.0 715.5 -544.0 715.5 -544.0 smooth off 715.5 -544.0 691.0 -517.0 733.0 -530.0 759.29 -538.14 770.5 -558.5 770.5 -558.5 smooth off 781.5 -583.0 840.5 -622.0 880.0 -645.0 880.0 -645.0 884.5 -652.0 892.0 -642.0 899.5 -632.0 907.0 -623.5 907.0 -623.5 smooth off endline endscrap