encoding utf-8 source sistema_sara_master.th maps-offset off #select sistema_sara@sistema_sara_mastero -map-level 0 select sistema_sara@sistema_sara_master -map-level 0 #select sistema_saraE@sistema_sara_master export atlas -layout atlas -o SistemaSara_Master_Atlas.pdf # input the various layouts input ..\..\..\XTherionFiles\_translations.txt # custom Spanish translations for legend input ..\..\..\XTherionFiles\_layouts.mp # Allows scaling of Photos and makes water blue input ..\..\..\XTherionFiles\_globallayouts.thc #allows the same symbols to be used across all surveys #hide some legend entries text en "line wall:debris" "" text en "line rock-border" "" text en "point gradient" "" text en "point water" "" text en "point station:temporary" "" text en "point stalactites" "" text en "point stalagmites" "" layout atlas fonts-setup 3 6 10 15 30 color map-fg altitude base-scale 1 300 scale 1 500 fonts-setup 6 12 16 40 60 ### index of file options from _layouts.mp copy custom_snow copy custom_flowstone #copy custom_water_blue #copy custom_legend_large_format_5U copy custom_scalebar #borrowedstolen base from AndrewAtkinson Wookeyhole template #copy custom_continuations ### index of file options from _globallayouts.thc copy global_symbols copy global_color #copy global_medium_cave #copy global_small_cave endlayout