*include andara.svx *begin SurfaceGrid *flags surface ; approx. 100 m grid (plotted by DJC) ;*include surface100.svx ; approx. 200 m grid (plotted by DJC) ;*include surface200.svx ;approx 20m grid (plotted by DH - 2014) **WARNING - THIS WILL TAKE UPWARDS OF 20-30 MINUTES TO PROCESS ** ;*include surface20.svx ;SRTM data 50m grid (Mike McCombe Terrain tool) ;*include terrain50.svx ;ASTER data 50m grid (Mike McCombe Terrain tool) ;*include terrainASTER50.svx ;9x7km grid *include terrainASTER50_2.svx ;11x11km grid ;ASTER data 20m grid (Mike McCombe Terrain tool) **WARNING - THIS WILL TAKE 10 MINUTES TO PROCESS ;*include terrainASTER20.svx *end SurfaceGrid