encoding utf-8
source DaveMitchellsDig.th
#Get .3d .xvi and .lox out of way first
export model -fmt survex -o Outputs/DaveMitchellsDigth.3d
export map -proj plan -layout local -o Outputs/DaveMitchellsDigP.xvi
export map -proj elevation -layout local -o Outputs/DaveMitchellsDigE000.xvi
#export model -o Outputs/DaveMitchellsDig.lox
#note special layouts Projected and Plan defined later
#projection first as used later in plan
export map -projection elevation -layout Projected -o Outputs/DaveMitchellsDigE000.pdf
#plan next
export map -projection plan -layout Plan -o Outputs/DaveMitchellsDigP.pdf
#now define the Plan layout
layout Plan
copy local
map-image -90 130 ne Outputs/DaveMitchellsDigE000.pdf
map-header 0 -100 nw
map-comment "Entrance 49284 54335 242 OD
Length 85.5 m (July 2023)
Depth 66.5m (July 2023)
Drawn using Therion by John Cooper
Survey by John Cooper and Adrian Vanderplank
Grade UISv1 6-4-EF
Copyright 2023 CC BY NC SA
Data available at http://cave-registry.org.uk/
Heights in metres OD\"
scale-bar 5 metres
colour-legend off
grid-coords off
code tex-map
\cavename={\size[40] Dave Mitchell's Dig}
\cavelength={} %empty
\cavedepth={} %empty
#now define the Projected layout
layout Projected
copy local
map-header 50 100 off
statistics explo off
statistics topo-length off
symbol-hide special north-arrow
symbol-hide special scale-bar
symbol-hide group cave-centerline
symbol-hide point cave-station
layout local
copy common
doc-title "Dave Mitchell's Dig"
grid-size 5 5 5 metres
scale 1 250
symbol-hide point remark
symbol-hide group cave-centerline
map-header 50 70 off
map-header-bg off
statistics explo off
statistics topo off
code metapost
#get the master layout settings
input ../common_layout.th