encoding utf-8 survey Crickmay import GB.3d -surveys use -cs OSGB:ST #-cs EPSG:27700 -calibrate [0 0 0 300000 100000 0] #[0 0 0 299912 99991 0] #Should be -calibrate [0 0 0 300000 100000 0] #bodge to compensate for not doing datum shift between #Airy and WGS84 ellipsoids input "Crickmay Drawings/Crick001.th2" input "Crickmay Drawings/Crick002.th2" input "Crickmay Drawings/Crick003.th2" input "Crickmay Drawings/Crick004.th2" input "Crickmay Drawings/Crick005.th2" input "Crickmay Drawings/Crick006.th2" input "Crickmay Drawings/Crick007.th2" input "Crickmay Drawings/Crick008.th2" input "Crickmay Drawings/Crick009.th2" input "Crickmay Drawings/Crick010.th2" input "Crickmay Drawings/Crick011.th2" input "Crickmay Drawings/Crick012.th2" map CrickmayM -title "GB" Crick001ScP1 break Crick001ScP2 break Crick001ScP3 Crick002ScP1 Crick002ScP2 break Crick002ScP3 Crick003ScP1 break # Crick003ScP2 #not needed as repeated Crick003ScP3 break Crick004ScP1 Crick004ScP2 Crick005ScP1 break Crick005ScP2 Crick006ScP1 Crick007ScP1 break Crick007ScP2 Crick008ScP1 Crick009ScP1 break Crick009ScP2 Crick010ScP1 Crick011ScP1 Crick012ScP1 endmap #join -smooth on join Crick001ScP1 Crick001ScP2 -smooth on join Crick001ScP1 Crick002ScP1 -smooth on join Crick001ScP3 Crick002ScP2 -smooth on join Crick001ScP3 Crick004ScP1 -smooth on join Crick002ScP1 Crick003ScP3 -smooth on join Crick002ScP2 Crick002ScP3 -smooth on join Crick002ScP2 Crick003ScP1 -smooth on join Crick003ScP1 Crick004ScP2 -smooth on join Crick003ScP3 Crick004ScP2 -smooth on join Crick004ScP1 Crick005ScP2 -smooth on join Crick004ScP2 Crick005ScP1 -smooth on join Crick005ScP1 Crick006ScP1 -smooth on join Crick005ScP1 Crick009ScP2 -smooth on join Crick006ScP1 Crick007ScP1 -smooth on join Crick006ScP1 Crick008ScP1 -smooth on join Crick007ScP1 Crick007ScP2 -smooth on join Crick008ScP1 Crick009ScP2 -smooth on join Crick009ScP1 Crick009ScP2 -smooth on #join Crick009ScP1 Crick010ScP1 -smooth on #something wrong with n17's join Crick009ScP2 Crick010ScP1 -smooth on join Crick009ScP2 Crick012ScP1 -smooth on join Crick010ScP1 Crick011ScP1 -smooth on endsurvey