*begin N ;Data typed in by Christian Chourot 2008 file GB Data.xls ;converted by Andrew Atkinson July 2008 GB Data ready for survex.xls ;Original data at end commented out *fix 1 47621.4 56041.2 143.98752 *fix 2 47619.5 56037.2 143.1036 *fix 3 47615.5 56042.8 143.89608 *fix 4 47611.6 56047.2 146.27352 *fix 5 47605.5 56055.2 149.32152 *fix 6 47603.4 56059.0 151.91232 *fix 7 47604.6 56064.3 155.7528 *fix 8 47599.1 56075.9 165.90264 *fix 9 47589.4 56081.0 172.85208 *fix 10 47589.4 56088.0 176.72304 *fix 11 47586.0 56100.0 181.72176 *fix 12 47593.6 56101.0 181.0512 *fix 13 47594.7 56111.0 181.41696 *fix 14 47590.1 56113.5 183.06288 *fix 15 47588.3 56116.4 184.67832 *fix 16 47566.7 56120.5 188.33592 *fix 17 47561.07 56125.1 192.4812 *fix 17a 47558.5 56122.3 193.57848 *fix 17b 47553.8 56127.7 192.08496 *fix 17c 47541.4 56127.5 193.57848 *fix 18 47573.2 56126.2 193.88328 *fix 19 47592.0 56126.8 196.16928 *fix 20 47593.7 56131.3 198.85152 *fix 21 47578.4 56146.2 202.75296 *fix 22 47578.1 56150.8 202.50912 *fix 23 47579.6 56153.8 202.75296 *fix 24 47573.7 56164.0 206.59344 *fix 25 47566.5 56164.1 206.59344 *fix 26 47565.0 56167.1 207.17256 *fix 27 47565.4 56171.4 207.35544 *fix 28 47561.7 56176.5 208.05648 *fix 29 47558.3 56186.8 213.54288 *fix 30 47559.4 56190.7 215.82888 *fix 31 47554.3 56195.1 220.218 ; u10 made up height measurement [AMA] *fix u10 47556.6 56206.9 221 *fix 31a 47562.0 56192.7 221.86392 *fix 31b 47565.0 56193.1 225.03384 *fix 31c 47568.2 56193.1 226.03968 *fix 31d 47597.3 56192.2 226.67976 *fix 31e 47575.2 56193.1 226.67976 *fix 31f 47571.0 56207.5 229.33152 *fix 31g 47575.0 56207.3 230.30688 *fix 31h 47572.3 56207.8 228.69144 *fix 31i 47574.7 56213.2 232.16616 *fix 31j 47573.4 56219.7 236.79912 *fix 31k 47576.1 56221.3 240.82248 *data nosurvey station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 31a 31b 31c ;31d agrees with original notes but out of place [AMA July 2008] 31e 31f 31g 31h 31i 31j 31k *begin 17 17a 17b 17c *end *begin 31 u10 *end *end N