encoding  utf-8
source Goughs.th
# Change name to the main therion file

#Surveys to output

#Elevations have to be produced first for combined to work
#Two are produced in /sumps. One is generated here
#export map -proj [elevation 0] -layout elev -o GoughsE000.pdf

export map -proj plan -layout local -o Goughs_All.pdf
#Produces plan of cave, on a single sheet

#select GoughsM@Goughs
select allSumpsM@sumps.Goughs
select GoughsDispM@Goughs
select GoughsUpperM@Goughs -map-level 1
select GoughsME0@Goughs -map-level 1

layout local

copy common
debug off

map-image 10 68 nw ../Outputs/Res_Goughs_overview.pdf
map-image 65 75 nw GoughsE000.pdf
map-image 65 40 nw /sumps/sump2plusE270.pdf
map-image 65 15 nw /sumps/sump3plusE0.pdf

map-header 10 95 nw
map-comment "Drawn, using Therion, by Andrew Atkinson and Graham Mullan.<br>\
Survey UBSS and CDG.<br>\
Data available at www.cave-registry.org.uk<br>\
Models and updated surveys available at www.ubss.org.uk<br>\
With thanks to all the other cavers past and<br>\
present that have made information available.<br>\
Grade UISv1 6-4-BEF<br>\
Copyright 2010-2015 CC BY NC SA <br>\
colour map-fg map
colour-legend off
symbol-hide group centreline
grid-size 100 100 20 m
grid-coords border

#A1 (for plan)
scale 1 500

code tex-map
  \cavename={\size[70] Gough's Cave\medskip\size[40]Cheddar Gorge, Somerset.}
   # \cavelength={} %empty
   #\cavedepth={}  %empty
    \legendwidth=30 cm


code metapost

#Text sizes
#xs: features such as sumps
#s: point names such as rocks
#m: normal names
#l: major names
#xl: Area/cave names

  #base 1:750 scale 1:2750 (A3 charterhouse,GB)

  #scale 1:1000 (A0 width charterhouse,GB)

  #base 1:500 scale 1:2750 



input ../common_layout.th