encoding utf-8 source CheddarCatchment.th # Change name to the main therion file #Surface.CheddarCatchment needs to be present for generation of 3d grid (comment out unselect) #But unselected for lox, otherwise you get 2 grids #unselect Surface.CheddarCatchment #unselect corners.CheddarCatchment #Surveys to output #----------------- #Produces plan of cave, on a single sheet #export map -proj plan -layout local -o Outputs/CheddarCatchment.pdf #export map -proj plan -layout local -o Outputs/GoughsReservoirWhiteSpot.pdf #export map -proj plan -fmt kml -layout googlemaps -o Outputs/CheddarCatchment.kml export model -fmt survex -o Outputs/CheddarCatchmentth.3d #export model -fmt survex -o Outputs/GoughsReservoirWhiteSpot.3d #Survex file showing centre line only #export model -o Outputs/CheddarCatchment.lox #3d therion model to be viewed in the therion viewer #export model -fmt vrml -o VRML/CheddarCatchment.wrl #export map -proj plan -o Outputs/CheddarCatchment_Walls.3d #Survex file showing walls only #export continuation-list -filter off -o Outputs/QuestionMarks.html #export database -fmt sql -o Outputs/CheddarCatchment.sql layout local copy common #copy legend #map-image 5 5 sw CharterhouseOverview.pdf #map-image 100 100 ne Photos/Citadel.jpg #map-image 100 70 ne Photos/Portal_Pool.jpg #surface bottom #rotate -90 #surface-opacity 100 #transparency off #debug on #debug first #debug second #colour map-fg [0 50 50] #colour map-fg [100] #colour map-fg map #colour map-bg [100] #base-scale 1 500 scale 1 1000 #A3 #scale 1 2750 #base-scale 1 750 #A4 #scale 1 6000 #rotate 270 #symbol-hide group all #symbol-show line wall symbol-hide group sections #symbol-hide line section symbol-hide point remark symbol-hide group cave-centreline #symbol-hide point gradient #symbol-hide point air-draught #symbol-show area water #symbol-show point entrance #symbol-hide point label #symbol-hide line label #symbol-show line floor-step #symbol-show line pit #symbol-show line ceiling-step #symbol-show line overhang #symbol-show line border #symbol-show special north-arrow #symbol-show special scale-bar grid off map-header 100 0 se map-header-bg off statistics explo off statistics topo off statistics carto off map-comment "Drawn by Andrew Atkinson.
With thanks to all the other cavers past and present
that have made information available.
Copyright CC BY NC SA

Sections shown at double the scale of the plan.
Spot heights in metres OD" code metapost #base 1:750 scale 1:2750 (A3 charterhouse,GB) #fonts_setup(8,16,24,40,60) #scale 1:1000 (A0 width charterhouse,GB) fonts_setup(7,10,14,20,30) #base 1:500 scale 1:2750 #fonts_setup(8,20,26,40,60) endcode endlayout layout legend code tex-map \def\maplayout{ \legendbox{70}{90}{NW}{ \northarrow \bigskip \scalebar \bigskip \the\comment } } endcode code metapost endlayout #get the master layout settings input common_layout.th