encoding utf-8
source CheddarCatchment.th
# Change name to the main therion file
select WhiteSpotM@WhiteSpot.CheddarCatchment
select ReservoirM@Reservoir.CheddarCatchment -map-level 1
select Reservoir.CheddarCatchment -map-level 2
select WhiteSpot.CheddarCatchment
select WhiteSpotEeME90@WhiteSpot.CheddarCatchment
select ReservoirME90@Reservoir.CheddarCatchment -map-level 1
#Surveys to output
#Projection needs to come first as it is used in the plan
#Produces Projection of cave, on a single sheet
export map -proj [elevation 90] -layout Projected -o Outputs/Reservoir-WhiteSpotE90.pdf
#Produces plan of cave, on a single sheet
export map -proj plan -layout plan -o Outputs/Reservoir-WhiteSpot.pdf
#export map -proj plan -layout inverse -o Outputs/Reservoir-WhiteSpotInverse.pdf
export model -fmt survex -o Outputs/Reservoir-WhiteSpot.3d
#Survex file showing centre line only
#export model -o Outputs/Reservoir-WhiteSpot.lox
#3d therion model to be viewed in the therion viewer
#export map -o Outputs/Reservoir-Whitespot.kml
layout plan
copy local
map-image -2 110 sw Outputs/Reservoir-WhiteSpotE90.pdf
map-image 100 -20 ne Outputs/Res_Goughs_overview.pdf
map-header 0 -20 nw
map-comment "Reservoir WhiteSpot
Length: 2196.06m Length: 59.90m
Depth: 131.09m Depth: 32.57m
Drawn using Therion
by Andrew Atkinson and Graham Mullan.
Survey Tuesday Diggers and UBSS
With thanks to all the other cavers past and present
who have made information available.
Grade UISv1 6-4-BEF
Copyright 2011-13 CC BY NC SA
Data available at cave-registry.org.uk
Updates available at ubss.org.uk
Heights in metres OD"
colour-legend off
code tex-map
\cavename={\size[30] Reservoir Hole\medskip \size[18] and\medskip\size[30] White Spot Cave}
\cavelength={} %empty
\cavedepth={} %empty
# \scalebar
# \bigskip
# \the\comment
# }
# }
layout Projected
copy local
#map-header 50 100 off
symbol-hide special north-arrow
symbol-hide special scale-bar
#legend-width 20 cm
code tex-map
\cavename={\size[60] Reservoir Hole \size[30] and\size[60] White Spot Cave}
\cavelength={} %empty
\cavedepth={} %empty
layout inverse
copy local
colour map-bg [0 0 0]
symbol-colour group all [100 100 100]
#put water back to blue
symbol-colour point water [0 0 100]
layout local
copy common
doc-title "Reservoir Hole and Whitespot Cave"
rotate -90
grid-size 50 50 25 metres
#base-scale 1 500
scale 1 500
#scale 1 2750
#base-scale 1 750
#scale 1 6000
symbol-hide point remark
symbol-hide group cave-centreline
#grid off
map-header 50 70 off
map-header-bg on
colour map-fg map
statistics explo off
statistics topo all
code metapost
let l_pit = l_wall;
#base 1:750 scale 1:2750 (A3 charterhouse,GB)
#scale 1:1000 (A0 width charterhouse,GB)
#base 1:500 scale 1:2750
#get the master layout settings
input common_layout.th