Beige book (Poll Elva 1958) Upper Poll Elva Bearings (magnetic) ans distances shown against a survey station are taken from the previous station to the given station. Station 0 is at the upstream entrance - Poll Lismauvahan Page 1 1 13 102 Tight crawl through boulders 2 9 135 Clinometer reading -34. Through shattered slabs 3 10.5 120 Clinometer -35 4 3.5 - Vertical drop in T-shaped canyon passage with stream, 12' high 2' wide 5 21 128 6 5.5 108 7 4 147 8 6 58 Trib right 1'6" wide 9 7.5 149 Page 2 10 22 164 14' high 1'6" wide Meanders slightly 11 5.5 214 [Diagram] 12 5 149 13 7.5 120 14 14.5 146 Roof passage on left 15 10 121 16 11.5 219 width 2'6" 17 21.5 167 18 14.5 218 [Diagram] 19 28.5 179 20 10 210 Trib. R. Width 2' heigh 10' 21 9.5 173 Roof drops. Passages in roof, known to continue Page 3 22 8.5 202 [Diagram] 23 15 173 Sharp meanders 24 5 221 25 7 99 26 8 186 Roof dropping gradually 27 45.5 207 Roof dropping gradually 28 6 261 [Diagram] 29 14 178 30 8 258 31 11.5 158 32 10 220 33 5.5 182 34 6 230 Page 4 35 8 196 36 23 221 Roof 6' high. Zone of ancestonsis [Diagram] 37 12 241 38 11 179 [Diagram] 39 13.5 158 40 17 189 41 7 204 42 18 180 height 5 feet width 3 feet 43 16 153 44 22 206 height 3 feet 45 10.5 196 46 8 144 47 8 164 height 2'6" Page 5 48 9 149 49 10 171 50 11 142 51 9 149 Passage tight, low and meandering 52 6 179 53 6 142 54 5.5 152 55 16 154 56 8 149 57 6 453 58 5 95 59 14 183 [Diagram] 60 10 193 61 24 154 Height 2'6" width 5' 62 10 121 Page 6 63 18 150 64 12 119 65 9 162 66 7 101 67 26.5 95 Roof passage on L. Might be a meander. 68 26 115 Cutting across bedding plane. Meander 4' to the R. 69 19 96 Height 5' Still canyon passage 70 7 86 71 11 16 72 3.5 325 73 21 73 Chert band 1'6'' above floor [Diagram] 74 9 96 75 11 66 On chert ledge 3 feet above floor Height 10' Pianissimo Waterfall on L Page 7 76 21 119 Chert ledge 4' high (above floor) 77 10.5 70 Second chert band on floor 78 15 145 79 13 183 Height 10' (Increasing in height in short distance 80 13 168 79-84 suggests pressence of water slides EKT [I think-AA] 11/58) 81 9.5 176 82 7.5 149 83 16 158 84 17.5 201 Height 15 ft in crack in roof. Might be tributary coming in 85 12 184 (deacreasing in height in short distance 84-87 suggests level floor with pools EKT [I think-AA] 11/58) 86 14 125 87 7.5 149 88 8.5 194 89 8 113 Chert ledges 5' and 3' above the floor 90 15.5 88 Page 8 91 9 58 92 11 168 Neck wreckers (Explain EKT 11/58) 93 11 155 94 6 482 95 14 135 96 8.5 141 97 10 185 98 22 180 Dry trib. L., narrow and high 99 8 132 Very narrow, 15' high 100 10 196 101 26 168 102 10 144 Chert bridge 103 17 170 104 16.5 169 105 12.5 234 Page 9 106 7 212 107 7 242 Chert nodules at all levels 108 24 158 Chert bridge 109 20 204 110 21.5 166 111 10 128 112 11.5 200 Height 13' Width 2'Canyon passage 113 26.5 161 114 11.5 201 115 25 155 Formations on left [Diagram] 116 26.5 194 117 11 220 118 13.5 168 Formation partially blocks passage Page 10 70 21 330 Bearings 1-70 were taken facing upstream (protracter to be reversed in plotting) 69 16.5 285 Tributory on left looking downstream 68 37.5 334 [Diagram] 67 40 0 66 17 12 65 21 352 64 12.5 48 63 13 348 62 10 324 61 8.5 350 Drip in centre of passage - formations 60 16.5 350 59 15.5 330 Fine formations 58 13 56 Page 11 57 10.5 340 56 17.5 30 55 10 340 54 34.5 20 Chert ledges prominant 53 12.5 62 52 14 344 51 15.5 52 [Diagram] 50 38.5 32 49 30 350 48 9.5 2 47 26 354 Fine formations, stream enters on roof on left looking downstream. Crawl under stalagmite. 46 17 339 45 6.5 342 Trickle on right L downst. Page 12 44 15 338 43 52.5 352 Drip on right l.d. Same bed in roof 42 16.5 281 41 30.5 318 Fine Formations 40 28.5 344 39 14 30 38 14.5 44 Strong drip, crawl under stalagmite Cascades (small) 37 13 344 36 11 28 [Diagram] 35 12 341 34 16.5 5 33 12 340 32 18.5 21 31 24.5 345 Chert floor Page 13 30 10.5 55 Passage now 3ft wide 29 22.5 350 Strong draught 28 17.5 8 27 10.5 80 26 12 328 25 23 0 24 28 14 Chert bridge 23 20 348 22 12.5 41 21 16 352 20 26.5 10 Chert bridge 19 11.75 324 18 17.75 359 [Diagram] Page 14 17 23.5 340 16 14.5 13 Muddy formation, stream flowing over chert bed in floor 15 13.5 28 False chert floor 14 12 338 [Diagram] Chert ledges 13 8 4 Way on under chert floor ?4 or 40 [writen in pencil] 12 11 313 11 18.5 353 Come out from under chert [Diagram] 10 14 27 Stream drops 4 feet 9 13 313 Stream drops 2 feet in cascades 8 5 320 7 17 309 Stream Drops 3 feet Page 15 6 6 52 End of chert ledges 5 12.5 321 4 11.5 251 Stream drops 6 ft, drip 3 7.75 5 [Diagram] 2 14.5 329 Up 12 ft, climb up to entrance. Stream drops away in cascades to main pot 1 18 320 Climb up 12 ft to station zero 0 - - On prominent moss covered rock directly outside entrance Page 19 Pollelva Lower Deduct 30' from all the distances to get the correct distance EKT 11/58 Bearings (magnetic) read direct of prismatic compass, prism not used due to water. Distances by wire reinforced tape. Measurements of opposite a given station are from the previous station to that satation. The survey starts at the lower end of the stream passage, where the cave is developing into a bedding plane 20 ' wide and 1' high 0 - - [Diagram] 1R 66 8 2R 59.5 49 3R 54 359 2½ feet wide 4L 55 44 5L 50 56 6R 92.5 22 6 feet high 7L 74.5 19 3 feet high 5 feet wide 8L 65 32 4 feet high 9M 93.5 28 10L 53.5 49 4 feet high 6 feet wide 11R 67.5 19 5' by 3' Page 20 12L 78.5 34 5½' high 3' wide 13M 42.25 16 [pencil] surely this is 92¼'-30=62¼ EKT 11/58 14L 46 39 15R 53.5 90 16R 49 73 17R 59.25 31 Profusion of stalactites and helictites in roof 18R 55 23 Straws indicate flooding to roof 19L 65 21 20R 45 21 21R 54 46 Aven in roof 20' high covered with flowstone 22M 100 8 23M 88.25 32 Growth over pebbles, stream dissapears under wall on left side 24 91.5 28 [Diagram] Page 21 25R 43.5 6 26R 57.25 30 27R 67.75 352 Walls on both sides covered with flowstone 28L 65.25 14 Small cascades 29L 59.75 64 30R 72 43 31L 54.5 58 32L 43 114 33M 59 41 3½ feet high 34M 57 102 Last station joins with middle of dry tributary to junction [Diagram] Page 22 [Long description] Page 23 Lower PollElva (dry Canyon Passage) Bearings (magnetic, taken with a prismatic compass) and distances (wire reinforced tape) shown against a given survey station are readings from the previous survey station. Station 0 is at entrance to squeeze into ~e high right marked. Prime survey point [Diagram] [Passage description] Page 24 1 39.5 210 Tight squeeze for 13' from station 0, leading to a large right passage about 50' high, 4' wide. The other entrance comes in about 30' from station 0.(see previous page) 2 19.5 206 Up on 8' boulder block. Passage 2' wide 3 12 200 Down 8' 4 6.5 200 Taking left fork# gone downabout 2'. One filthy, mud filled hole going R.. The right passage ends after 12' 5 5.5 116 2' high 6 11 160 7 3.5 218 Canyon passage with mud floor [Diagram] Fork right 1' wide probably ~~~~~~ to stream Page 25 8 16 121 [Diagram] 9 5.5 195 10 5.5 120 Roof meanders same as floor. Flood debris on wall from pot 11 6 215 12 4.5 125 13 6 Vertical. Stream six feet below, coming from left. Passage cuts across stream. (See survey of stream passage). Stream very heavily current marked, but no current marking in canyon passage. [Diagram] 14 5 171 Continuing in dry canyon passage 15 8 163 Over stal. barrier. Gour pools in floor, big stalactites in roof [Diagram] Page 26 16 40 205 Slight meanders [Diagram] 17 12 210 Acroos a trib. 5'6'' down, L to R. about half the vol. of main stream Stream passage about 1'6" high 8' widw (This stream [?]would[?] appear not to be part of main stream + does not enter Stream Passage unless it does so near station 24 of Stream Passage survey EKT 11/58) [Diagram] 18 16.5 154 19 8 252 Sharp turn left # small rabbit hole straight on 20 12 109 21 8.5 80 22 7 164 23 5 78 24 21 101 25 8 52 [Diagram] Page 27 26 3 352 Mud floor rises 2' # roof same level 27 13 121 28 9 90 Floor rises 1' [Diagram] 29 10 104 Mud floor gone 30 8 75 [Diagram] Small trib. comes in on left. Flows app. N along/up passage# goes out L. with a lot of undercutting (this seems impossible on data given. Surely flows approx E is correct EKT 11/58) 31 7.5 127 32 9 78 Strong draught# passage 7' high 33 33.5 101 9' high# anastonosis ~~~~ 5' from roof. Pools of water in shaly floor 34 5 151 35 10 96 Mud false floor Page 28 36 13 142 Floor blocking goes 37 21 84 10' high, more pools 38 7 61 *(B.great asterisk)Stream flows TOWARDS us 39 4.5 356 Spiders web (Genuine) 40 17 77 Stream flowing toward us. The stream passage cuts across canyon passage [Diagram] 41 16 62 [Diagram] 42 18 111 43 18 64 Water flowing L to R 44 19 98 [Diagram] Page 29 45 11 72 Water flowing toward surveyers. Ox-bows on right 46 8 102 47 14 72 Stream with surveyers most of time, cutting in & out of walls 48 8 102 Trib. left containing tiny trckle, closes down 49 9 20 Draught 50 10 98 Solid rock floor (is stream still here EKT 11/58) 51 6 59 52 8 137 53 26 82 6' high. 6' deep pool in floor 54 32.5 105 Powerful draught 55 16 120 Mud banks. One very old boot print 56 13.5 77 Carbide arrow pointing back along passage Page 30 [Diagrams and discriptions] Page 31 going into L.passage 57L 29 4 Flood debris everywhere. Shale & maud floor# meander in roof [Diagram] Mud filled trib. L 58L 29.5 69 Big stream L.-> R. Survey stn. on corner. Passage 8' wide. Mud stalagmite of far floor. Solution avens in roof. 59 19 43 Stream under cutting both sides. False floor 1'6" high 60 33 106 Now in small chamber containing a pool of water. Stream coming from left. (due N) On right a tight crawl leads tothe final chamber. [Diagram] 61 15 188 Aven chamber: passage going E leads to a beding plain about 3' high closes after 20 feet. Tunnel like Aven (slope of roof about 20 degrees, slope of floor - covered with flowstone cemented boulders - about 45 degrees. Bearing of Aven 255. Height and length 15 feet.