*Begin BPG *DATA Normal From to Length Bearing ignoreall *UNITS tape feet ;File to put together the whole of BPG from Waterfall upstream ;October 2001 to ..... *Include 1957_Green\PollArdua1.svx *Include 1957_Green\StubbingsSewer10.svx *Equate PollArdua1.1 StubbingsSewer10.1 ;No supporting data *Include 1957_Green\PollArdua6.svx *Equate PollArdua1.69 PollArdua6.47 ;Page 9 1957_green "connects with 69 of yesterday" *Include 1957_Small-Red\UpStreamFromStubsSewer10.svx *Equate UpStreamFromStubsSewer10.1 PollArdua1.1 ;Page 10 1957_Small-Red ;"Point 1 is boulder near 11' ladder = end of ;GDW 2 surveys" *Include 1957_Small-Red\StubbingsSewer5.svx *Equate StubbingsSewer5.V StubbingsSewer10.17 ;GJM interpretation of page 10 1957_Green *Include 1957_Small-Red\CollinsCrawl1.svx *Equate CollinsCrawl1.J StubbingsSewer5.A ;Best guess by GJM *Include 1957_Small-Red\GunmansEnt_to_CollinsCrawl8.svx *Equate CollinsCrawl1.A GunmansEnt_to_CollinsCrawl8.8 ;Best guess by GJM *Include 1958i\MuddyLink8.svx *Equate MuddyLink8.0 GunmansEnt_to_CollinsCrawl8.1 ;Same place unlikely guess GJM *Equate MuddyLink8.23 UpStreamFromStubsSewer10.23L ;Page 10 1958i "station 12 to 23 of BPG survey 1957" ;*Include 1958i\BPGwest6.svx ;*Equate BPGwest6.101 UpStreamFromStubsSewer10.101L ;page 6 1958i "stations continued upstream from 100" ;NB the numbering does not seem quite right ;Removed as wholly duplicate data ;*Include 1958i\BPGeast13.svx ;*Equate BPGeast13.90 UpStreamFromStubsSewer10.90 ;page 13 1958i "survey is from stn 90 1957 survey" ;Removed as wholly duplicate data *Include 1958i\BPGstrawTunnel18.svx 66 0 20 334 [Leg added for computing AA 10/2001] *Equate 66 UpStreamFromStubsSewer10.66 *Equate BPGstrawTunnel18.0 0 ;page 18 1958i "stn 0 on wall of main passage 20' ;up stream from stn 66" *Include 1958i\BranchPassage1.svx *Equate BranchPassage1.0 PollArdua6.C ;page1 1958i "stn0 is under the Branch Passage Waterfall" ;page7 1957_green "B to C- to foot of PolArdua Waterfall" *Include 1958-ii\MaypoleChambers16.svx *Equate MaypoleChambers16.0 PollArdua6.1 ;Page 16 1958-ii ;"PSP was chalk mark on RHwall just upstream of Maypole Chamber ;this was stn1 of Shaws upstream survey of 1957" *Include 1958-ii\MainStreamway1.svx *Equate MainStreamway1.105 MaypoleChambers16.48 ;page 22 1958-ii ;"48 is identical with 105 from the previous survey of 5/7/58" *Equate MainStreamway1.0 GunmansEnt_to_CollinsCrawl8.8 ;page 2 1958-ii ;"old survey stn6 just below chock stone" ;BUT ;1957_Small-Red page8 implies chockstone is 8" ;*Include 1960-i\ShaftGallery1.svx ;*Equate ShaftGallery1.59 MainStreamway1.13 ;best guess GJM *INCLUDE 1960-i\BPGwest15.svx *EQUATE BPGwest15.0 UpStreamFromStubsSewer10.101L ;page 15 1960-i ;altered from UpStreamFromStubsSewer10.100R by GJM after ;comparison with published plot *INCLUDE 1960-ii\PollnagollumPot24.svx *EQUATE PollnagollumPot24.1 MuddyLink8.0 ;GJM main assumption for linking everything.... *INCLUDE 1961\MainStreamPassage12.svx *EQUATE MainStreamPassage12.150 MaypoleChambers16.16 ;page 26 1961 150 assummed same station as before *EQUATE MainStreamPassage12.0 MainStreamway1.13 ;best guess from plot GJM *EQUATE MainStreamPassage12.93 MainStreamway1.95 ;computer aid, apparently equivalent points equated *INCLUDE 1961\ShaftGallery2.svx *EQUATE MainStreamPassage12.0 ShaftGallery2.58 ;page 12 1961 *EQUATE ShaftGallery2.0 PollnagollumPot24.5 ;GJM analysis of 1961/PolnagollumPot1 ;and 1960-ii/PollnagollumPot24. *INCLUDE 1962\BranchPassageGalleryExtension19.svx *EQUATE BranchPassageGalleryExtension19.9 PollArdua6.17ii ;best guess ;*INCLUDE 1974\BPGeast.svx ;*EQUATE BPGeast.0 UpStreamFromStubsSewer10.90 ;page 1 1974 *INCLUDE 1974\BPGeast.svx *EQUATE BPGeast.0 UpStreamFromStubsSewer10.90 ;page1 1974 *INCLUDE 1967\BPGtoE2Passage1.svx *EQUATE BPGtoE2Passage1.0 UpStreamFromStubsSewer10.85L ;1967 page 1 *INCLUDE Paper\CitricSeries.svx *EQUATE CitricSeries.S1 UpStreamFromStubsSewer10.44L ;best guess GJM is not certain it is right ;most reasonable place from viewing plot *INCLUDE Paper\BPGoxbowInlet.svx *EQUATE BPGoxbowInlet.37 UpStreamFromStubsSewer10.40L ;survey includes made up to connect to 37 written on cave wall but GJM thinks 40 ;is right place needs checking *INCLUDE Paper\RAF55Series.svx *Equate RAF55Series.4 UpStreamFromStubsSewer10.15L ;position estimated from Irish Speleology *INCLUDE 1959-ii\MuddyLink22.svx *EQUATE MuddyLink22.G MuddyLink8.9 ;1958-i page 10 and 1959-ii page 24 *INCLUDE Fudge\PGPotsurface.svx *Equate PGPotsurface.2 PollnagollumPot24.5 ;2002 surface leg was aimed at station5 presumed position *BEGIN *SET NAMES / *INCLUDE 2009\Flyover.svx *EQUATE Flyover.1/0 StubbingsSewer10.1a *EQUATE Flyover.11a MainStreamway1.64 *END *END BPG