encoding utf-8 source crc.th layout default scale 1 400 #base scale scales features relative to survey base-scale 1 200 symbol-hide point station symbol-hide group centreline code metapost def a_water (expr p) = T:=identity; thfill p withcolor (0.48, 0.84, 1.0); enddef; let p_gradient = p_entrance_UIS; #replaces the UIS gradient symbol with the entrance symbol that looks like #BCRA gradient symbol endcode #grid on grid-size 1000 1000 10 metres symbol-colour point water-flow [0 0 100] symbol-colour line water-flow [0 0 100] symbol-colour line section [100 0 0] #symbol-hide area water endlayout layout wstations scale 1 200 base-scale 1 200 colour map-fg altitude endlayout layout fettling scale 1 400 base-scale 1 200 symbol-hide group all symbol-show line wall symbol-show point station symbol-show group centreline colour map-fg scrap code metapost #define dashed line for surface surveys def l_survey_surface (expr P) = T:=identity; pickup PenD scaled 0.2; thdraw P withcolor (0.8,0.8,0.8); enddef; #define cave centreline to be green def l_survey_cave (expr P) = T:=identity; pickup PenD scaled 0.2; thdraw P dashed dashpattern(on 3 off 10) withcolor (0.0,0.9,0.0); enddef; endcode endlayout export model -fmt survex -o crc.3d export model -o crc.kml #export model -o crc.lox export map -projection plan -layout fettling -o crcFettling.pdf export map -projection plan -layout default -o crc.pdf