encoding utf-8 source Ballymaglancy.th layout local #copy common size 18 13.6 cm symbol-hide group cave-centreline map-header 57 80 nw rotate -90 north grid #north grid bottom # grid . enable/disable grid (M, A; default: off) #grid-origin # grid-origin . set coordinates of grid origin (M, A) grid-size 50 50 10 metres # grid-size . set grid size in real units (M, A; default 10 m) grid-coords off #grid-coords ◃ specify where to label grid with coordinates. legend off #legend . on gives all symbols used map-comment "
\ Co. Mayo, Ireland.
\ Length 726 m.
\ Depth 11 m.
\ Drawn using Therion by Stuart Alldred.
\ Survey by Stuart Alldred, Adam Henry,
\ Chris Burnley, Alex Crow,
\ Stuart Walker and Simon Hadfield.
\ Grade UISv1 6-4-E
\ Copyright 2012-13 CC BY NC SA
\ code metapost def a_water (expr p) = T:=identity; thfill p withcolor (0.0, 0.4, 0.8); enddef; def a_sump (expr p) = T:=identity; thfill p withcolor (0.05, 0.0, 0.7); enddef; def a_sand (expr p) = T:=identity; thfill p withcolor (1.0, 1.0, 0.4); enddef; def a_flowstone (expr p) = T:=identity; thfill p withcolor (0.9, 1.0, 0.7); enddef; def a_pebbles (expr p) = T:=identity; thfill p withcolor (0.6, 0.4, 0.4); enddef; def PenA = pencircle scaled (u/4) enddef; def PenB = pencircle scaled (0.7*u/4) enddef; def PenC = pencircle scaled (0.5*u/4) enddef; def PenD = pencircle scaled (0.35*u/4) enddef; def PenX = pencircle scaled (1.2*u/4) enddef; endcode scale-bar 50 metric #Change the scale bar to black and white bar, split into 5 and labelled code tex-map \cavename={\size [100] Ballymaglancy Cave} \cavelength={} %empty \cavedepth={} %empty \topoteam={} %empty \colorlegendfalse \legendwidth=40cm #\legendtextcolor={\color[0 0 100]} \legendtextsize={\size[60]} \legendtextheadersize={\size[100]} endcode code metapost fonts_setup(16,20,26,40,60); def s_scalebar (expr l, units, txt) = begingroup interim warningcheck:=0; tmpl:=l / Scale * cm * units / 2; tmpx:=l / Scale * cm * units / 5; tmph:=10bp; % bar height endgroup; pickup PenC; #Adjusted to make lines not stick out: 0.25*u/10,0 is half thickness of PenC draw (-tmpl+0.25*u/10,0)--(tmpl-0.25*u/10,0); draw (tmpl-0.25*u/10,-tmph)--(-tmpl+0.25*u/10,-tmph); p:=(0,0)--(tmpx,0)--(tmpx,-tmph)--(0,-tmph)--cycle; for i:=-2.5 step 2 until 2: fill p shifted (i * tmpx,0); endfor; begingroup interim labeloffset:=5bp; for i:=0 step (l/5) until (l-1): tmpx:=tmpl * (i * 2 / l - 1); label.top(thTEX(decimal (i)),(tmpx,0)); endfor; label.top(thTEX(decimal (l) & "\thinspace" & txt),(tmpl,0)); # label.bot(thTEX("Original Scale = 1 : " & decimal (Scale*100)),(0,-tmph)); endgroup; enddef; endcode #colour map-bg 90 #CODE TO PUT BORDER AROUND MAP #----------------------------- #layout LayoutMapBorder code tex-map \framethickness=2.5mm #endlayout LayoutMapBorder endlayout #get the master layout settings input common_layout.th #export model -fmt survex -o Ballymaglancyth.3d #export model -o Ballymaglancy.lox export map -projection plan -layout local -o Ballymaglancy.pdf #export map -projection elevation -o BallymaglancyEe.pdf #export map -projection plan -fmt kml -o Ballymaglancy.kml