encoding utf-8
source Cong.th
#change name to the main therion file being used
select PigeonHoleM@pigeonHole.Cong
select wolfsHoleM@wolfsHole.Cong
select priestsHoleM@priestsHole.Cong
#elevation needs to come first as it is used in the plan
#export map -proj [elevation 0] -layout local -o Outputs/pigeonwolvesE0.pdf
export map -proj plan -layout plan -o Outputs/pigeonwolves.pdf
#export map -proj plan -fmt kml -o Outputs/pigeonwolves.kml
layout plan
copy local
#map-image 100 -10 ne wolfsHoleE0.pdf
map-header 40 20 ne
map-comment "Co. Galway, Ireland
Drawn using Therion by Graham Mullan.
Survey of Wolves' Hole by Cameron Bullen, Stuart Alldred and Simon Hadfield, 2013.
Sumps and extensions survey by Martyn Farr, 2004-7.
Survey of Pigeon Hole by Stuart Alldred, Cameron Bullen, Rory Colville, Eleanor Conole,
Ashley Gregg, Simon Hadfield, Sioned Haughton, Anya Keatley and Jacob Podesta 2013-2015.
Sump surveys by Martyn Farr, Nick Geh and Michal Marek, 1991-2016.
Survey of Priest's Hole by Stuart Alldred, Cameron Bullen and Jacob Podesta, 2013.
Published by the University of Bristol Spelaeological Society.
Copyright 2004-15 CC BY NC SA"
scale-bar 100 metres
colour-legend off
code tex-map
\cavename={\size [45] Pigeon Hole and Wolves' Hole}
\cavelength={} %empty
\cavedepth={} %empty
\legendtextsize= {\size [20]}
layout local
copy common
doc-title "Pigeon Hole & Wolves' Hole"
#rotate -90
grid-size 50 50 10 metres
legend-width 25 cm
#base-scale 1 500
scale 1 500
symbol-hide point remark
symbol-hide group cave-centreline
#grid off
#map-header 50 70 off
#map-header-bg on
statistics explo off
statistics topo off
code metapost
#base 1:750 scale 1:2750 (A3 charterhouse,GB)
#scale 1:1000 (A0 width charterhouse,GB)
#base 1:500 scale 1:2750
#get the master layout settings
input common_layout.th