; Surveyed 22/4/06 ; Instruments: Mike McCombe ; Tape: Bernie Woodley ; Digital compass/clino ; ; *Units length metres *Units bearing degrees *Units gradient degrees *calibrate declination 2.34 *calibrate compass -4.0 *equate barbarians.9 barbarians2.9 *Data Normal From To Length Bearing Gradient *begin Barbarians 1 2 5.60 112 +1.8 ; 1 = stal mound at start of new passage 2 3 5.00 194.2 +10.2 ; Estimated leg into too small passage ahead 1 4 9.70 348.5 -15.0 ; 5 4 2.25 17.7 +36.1 ; 5 6 2.00 308.0 -28.7 ; 7 6 6.25 186.9 +0.9 ; 7 = small stall boss in roof 7 7a 0.30 - DOWN ; 7a 8 8.20 62.1 -3.7 ; 8 = centre of small stall bridge near floor 9 8 0.90 268.1 -26.7 ; 9 10 5.2 116.8 -13.8 ; 10 = point on showcave wall below light 11 10 20.0 209.5 +0.5 ; 11 = centre of outer showcave door 1.5m above floor *end Barbarians ; Surveyed 13/5/06 ; Instruments: Bernie Woodley ; Tape: Keith Goodhead ; ; ; *Units length metres *Units bearing degrees *Units gradient degrees *calibrate declination 2.34 *calibrate compass 0.0 *Data Normal From To Length Bearing Gradient *begin Barbarians2 1 2 5.60 107 +0.5 ; 1 = stal mound at start of new passage 1 4 9.70 354 -15.0 ; 5 4 2.25 17.7 +36.1 ; 5 6 2.00 308.0 -28.7 ; 7 6 6.25 185 +2.0 ; 7 = small stall boss in roof 7 7a 0.30 - DOWN ; 7a 8 8.20 61 -5.5 ; 8 = centre of small stall bridge near floor 9 8 0.90 268.1 -26.7 ; ;9 10 5.2 103.5 -15; ;10 = point on showcave wall below light A 1 3 161.4 - ; Dummy point 12 2 5.20 2.0 -11.5 12 13 6.63 76 +50 ; 14 13 8.00 121 -11.0 ; 14 15 6.14 243 -4.0 15 16 4 167 +5 ; *data passage station left right up down ignoreall 8 0.6 0.5 1.1 0.2 7 1.25 0.4 0.3 0.0 6 - - 0.3 0 *data passage station left right up down ignoreall 1 0.7 0.5 0.45 0 2 0.2 0.7 0.55 0 12 0.6 1.1 4.0 0 13 1.2 0.2 0.8 0.7 *end barbarians2