; Crawl below Wigmore Hall ; Surveyed 19/7/08 by MJM (book) and JPJ (instruments) ; Lat +51.830 Lon -3.688 Grid convergence 1.326 ; *calibrate declination 2.00 *data normal from to tape compass clino *begin S_belowwigmore 1 0 8.20 175 +31.6 ; 0=cross scratched below Boulder Chamber 1 2 4.80 004 -29.7 3 2 5.62 196 +7.2 3 4 7.11 014 +20.0 5 4 5.30 152 -0.9 5 6 3.84 353.4 -2.2 7 6a 2.06 206.8 +19.2 6a 6 0.30 - down 7 8 2.99 018 -10.7 9 8 2.20 154 -5.6 ; 9=Junction 9 10 5.24 066 +5.8 ; 10=stal pillar 11 10 3.49 207.4 +3.6 11 12 2.29 057 +14.3 ;12 13 5.00 096 0.0 ; guess at ongoing passage ; 22/11/08 - Jon, Mike & Damian 12 13 2.65 90 0 13 14 3.40 28 +1 14 15 2.95 84 0 15 16 3.50 73 0 16 17 4.05 80 0 17 18 1.25 240 0 18 18a 0.80 - up 18a 19 2.80 - up 19 20 2.95 268 0 20 21 2.50 338 0 21 22 3.70 4 0 22 23 3.60 355 0 23 24 2.50 286 -27 24 25 1.20 188 -2 25 26 2.20 281 0 26 27 2.47 355 +34 27 28 2.52 273 0 28 29 1.5 208 0 29 30 2.35 293 0 30 31 1.60 290 -45 31 32 1.70 226 -34 32 33 3.00 307 -32 33 34 2.20 255 0 34 35 1.70 322 0 35 36 2.25 248 0 36 37 3.60 316 0 37 38 2.35 245 0 38 39 2.33 192 0 39 40 3.37 248 0 40 41 1.53 310 0 41 42 6.67 193 0 42 43 2.60 293 0 43 44 2.09 210 0 44 45 5.45 293 0 45 46 2.03 305 +1 46 47 2.00 325 0 47 48 3.25 258 +1 ;Inlet in roof approx 4m above 44 49 0.8 182 0 49 50 2.85 - down 49 51 2.04 - down 50 52 4.25 343 0 52 53 4.30 350 -1 53 54 3.90 70 -1 ; stream disappears 54 55 2.50 302 +17 55 56 2.90 74 +1 ; 56 = first blasted bend *end S_belowwigmore