encoding utf-8 survey dyo -title "Boulder Chamber Detail" input boulder input alfrebag input alfrebag2 input mainroute input shower3 input ashfordprices input lr_in_1 input link input lr_out_1 input lr_out_2 input lr_out_3 input lr_out_4 input lr_out_6 input lr_out_7 input lr_out_8 input lr_out_9 input lr_out_10 input initials input initials2 input longcrawl input nomansland input solstice input lr_in_2 input lr_in_3 input lr_in_4 input longercrawlside input wigmore input S_boulder2 input S_pearl2 input boulder3 input boulder4 input mudhall input mudhall2 input gpupper input gphall #input S_longer #input J_day4 #input J_flabbergasm input flabbergasm input canyon input monk input monk2 input cloud input cloud2 input cloud3 input cloud4 input hanger1 input hanger2 input longerend input longerend2 input longerend3 input nearend input corbels input shower input lakes #input S_augustright #input S_augustleft input S_potsump input lakes2 input redchamber #input S_belowwigmore input bypass4 input bypass2 input bypass input bypass3 input bypassbits input siphon1 input siphon2 input black input black2 input shower2 input august input august2 input august3 input august4 input august5 input august6 input august7 input august8 input august9 input august10 input august11 input august12 input august13 input august14 input wigmore1a input wigmore2a input wigmore3 input wigmore4a input wigmore5a input wigmore6a input wigmore8 input wigmore9 input wigmore10 input cauldron2 input showcaveTopo input showcaveTopo2 input showcaveTopo3 input showcaveTopo4 input showcaveTopo5 input showcaveTopo6 input showcaveTopo8 input showcaveTopo9 input showcaveTopo10 input showcaveTopo11 input showcaveTopo12 centerline equate 14.23@bypass4 14.23@alfrebag equate 1.30@alfrebag 3.0@alfrebag2 equate 19.10@lr_in_1 27.0@longercrawlside # Join in re-survey of Shower Aven to Longer Crawl link equate 19.0@lr_in_1 5.3@link equate 19.10@lr_in_1 5.16@link equate 5.0@link 20.0@longcrawl equate 5.0@link 6.27@shower3 # equate 6.0@shower3 16.0@mainroute # equate 43.19@shower2 5.48@nearend equate 5.48@nearend 6.8@shower3 equate 6.0@shower3 6.28@shower3 # End of re-survey equate 16.0@mainroute 15.6@ashfordprices # equate 19.0@lr_in_1 16.28@mainroute equate 20.0@longcrawl 16.23@mainroute equate 21.0@nomansland 20.29@longcrawl equate 12.8@solstice 15.8@ashfordprices equate 9.22@wigmore 15.0@ashfordprices equate 14.0@boulder 1.0@wigmore equate 32.0@boulder4 1.0@wigmore equate 42.0@lakes 1.0@wigmore # equate 32.8@boulder4 31.6@mudhall2 equate 31.7@mudhall2 23.0@mudhall equate 23.0@mudhall 22.11@boulder3 equate 32.9@boulder4 22.11@boulder3 equate 22.7@boulder3 32.5@boulder4 equate 9.4@wigmore 32.5@boulder4 # equate 4.0@boulder2 1.0@wigmore # equate 19.10@lr_out_1 19.10@lr_in_1 equate 1.0@boulder3 1.0@wigmore equate 24.0@lr_out_1 19.14@lr_in_1 equate 24.1@lr_out_1 24.1@lr_out_2 equate 25.0@gpupper 20.29@longcrawl equate 19.46@lr_in_2 19.46@lr_in_3 equate 19.56@lr_in_3 19.56@lr_in_4 equate 19.10@lr_in_2 19.10@lr_in_1 equate 28.0@gphall 20.29@longcrawl equate 24.26@lr_out_1 24.26@lr_out_3 equate 1000.12@S_boulder2 1.6@august # equate 1000.6@S_boulder2 31.0@mudhall2 equate 22.12@boulder3 1004.2@S_pearl2 equate 24.53@lr_out_3 24.53@lr_out_4 equate 24.61@lr_out_4 29.0@initials equate 29.6@initials2 29.3@initials equate 24.65@lr_out_4 24.65@lr_out_6 equate 24.65@lr_out_4 24.65@lr_out_8 equate 24.64@lr_out_4 24.64@lr_out_7 equate 24.80@lr_out_6 24.80@lr_out_7 equate 30.17@lr_out_9 30.17@lr_out_8 # equate 1005.42@S_longer 24.48@lr_out_3 # equate 1005.20@S_longer 5.20@nearend equate 24.86@lr_out_7 24.86@lr_out_10 # equate 28.19@gphall 1009.23@J_day4 # equate 1010.0@J_flabbergasm 1009.14@J_day4 equate 35.0@corbels 9.26@wigmore # equate 41.1@shower 16.29@mainroute equate 43.9@shower2 16.12@mainroute # equate 1000.13@S_boulder2 1.8@S_augustright # equate 1000.12@S_boulder2 1.4@S_augustleft equate 1.1@S_potsump 42.36@lakes equate 42.46@lakes 1.33@lakes2 equate 1.0@black 1.33@lakes2 equate 1.2a@lakes2 34.8@redchamber # equate 1.1@S_belowwigmore 1.0@wigmore equate 1.10@lakes2 2.0@bypass equate 2.3@bypass 2.3@bypass2 equate 2.30@bypass2 1.14@lakes2 equate 2.24@bypass2 2.24@bypass3 equate 2.9@bypass2 2.9@bypass3 equate 2.40@bypass3 2.0@bypass equate 2.24@bypass4 2.24@bypass2 equate 2.2@bypass 1.0@bypassbits equate 14.11@bypass4 1.1@bypassbits equate 1.28@lakes2 1.0@siphon1 equate 1.5@black2 1.5@black equate 1.16@black2 42.31@lakes equate 1.13@black2 1.3@black equate 1.5@siphon1 1.5@siphon2 equate 41.0@shower 43.0@shower2 equate 1.0@august 31.0@mudhall2 equate 1.8@august 1.8@august2 equate 1.5@august 1.5@august2 equate 1.25@august 1.25@august3 equate 2.19@august2 2.19@august4 equate 2.32@august4 2.32@august5 equate 8.11@august5 8.11@august6 equate 8.12@august6 8.12@august7 equate 1.31@august3 1.31@august8 equate 1.35@august3 13.0@august11 equate 1.35@august3 12.0@august10 equate 1.41@august3 1.41@august9 equate 11.1@august9 11.1@august14 equate 1.33@august13 1.33@august3 equate 1.25@august12 1.25@august3 equate 1.27@august12 1.27@august3 equate 1.0@wigmore 1.0@wigmore1a equate 1.0@wigmore 1.0@wigmore2a equate 1.9@wigmore1a 17.5@august14 equate 18.4@wigmore2a 18.4@wigmore3 equate 19.20@wigmore3 20.0@wigmore4a equate 20.3@wigmore4a 20.3@wigmore5a equate 1.14@wigmore5a 11.1@wigmore8 equate 11.6@wigmore8 1.0@wigmore6a equate 1.0@wigmore9 1.10@wigmore6a equate 1.34@wigmore9 1.34@wigmore10 equate 1.7@lakes2 2.0@showcaveTopo equate 1.0@cauldron2 2.0@showcaveTopo equate 1.11@cauldron2 4.33@showcaveTopo3 equate 2.34@showcaveTopo 2.34@showcaveTopo2 equate 3.5@showcaveTopo2 3.5@showcaveTopo3 equate 1.0@lakes2 4.34@showcaveTopo3 equate 2.34@showcaveTopo 5.0@showcaveTopo4 equate 2.11@showcaveTopo 2.11@showcaveTopo5 equate 2.7@showcaveTopo 2.7@showcaveTopo6 equate 7.6@showcaveTopo6 7.6@showcaveTopo8 equate 6.5@showcaveTopo5 6.5@showcaveTopo9 equate 6.18@showcaveTopo9 2.21@showcaveTopo equate 1.0@flabbergasm 28.10@gphall equate 1.16@flabbergasm 28.18@gphall equate 1.14@flabbergasm 1.0@canyon equate 7.2@showcaveTopo6 7.2@showcaveTopo10 equate 5.4@showcaveTopo4 5.4@showcaveTopo11 equate 5.14@showcaveTopo4 16.25@showcaveTopo11 equate 6.18@showcaveTopo12 16.18@showcaveTopo11 equate 6.18@showcaveTopo12 6.20@showcaveTopo12 equate 1.21@canyon 1.0@monk equate 1.0@monk 2.0@longerend equate 1.16@monk 1.16@longerend2 equate 1.16@monk2 1.16@canyon equate 2.0@monk2 2.0@cloud equate 2.0@cloud 2.18@cloud equate 2.11@cloud 2.11@cloud2 equate 3.7@cloud3 3.7@cloud2 equate 3.8@cloud3 3.8@cloud2 equate 3.32@cloud3 3.32@cloud4 equate 3.33@cloud3 3.33@cloud4 equate 3.14@cloud2 8.0@hanger1 equate 8.10@hanger1 8.10@hanger2 equate 3.6@longerend2 3.7@longerend2 equate 3.9@longerend2 4.11@longerend3 equate 26.10@lr_in_4 4.0@longerend3 equate 2.1@longerend 1.20@canyon equate 24.87@lr_out_7 5.0@nearend # equate 43.19@shower2 5.48@nearend endcenterline join st@ashfordprices:0 st@mainroute:end -smooth on join l6-38-306@ashfordprices:end ap@mainroute:end join rh@nomansland:0 rh@gpupper:0 join first@longcrawl:0 last@mainroute:end -smooth on join strawlh@wigmore:0 st@ashfordprices:end join strawrh@wigmore:end left@ashfordprices:0 join wigstart@wigmore:end nearleft@boulder:end join farleft@boulder:end topleft@boulder3:0 join bwest@boulder:0 wigwest@wigmore:end join ll@lr_in_1:end ul@lr_out_1:0 join ll@lr_out_2:0 ul@lr_out_1:end join rl@lr_out_2:0 left2@lr_out_1:0 join rl@lr_out_2:end left2@lr_out_1:end join ll@lr_out_2:end left3@lr_out_1:0 join lr@lr_in_1:0 ur@lr_out_1:0 join left3@lr_out_1:end sl@lr_out_1:0 join ur@lr_out_1:end sr@lr_out_1:0 join gpback@gphall:0 gpback@gpupper:0 join gpback@gpupper:end lh@nomansland:0 join far@gpupper:0 far@gphall:0 join lh@lr_out_3:0 lh@lr_out_1:end join rh@lr_out_3:0 rh@lr_out_1:end join left@lr_out_3:end left@lr_out_4:0 join right@lr_out_3:end right@lr_out_4:0 join rh@lr_out_7:end rh@lr_out_8:0 join lh@lr_out_7:end lh@lr_out_8:0 join sw@boulder4:0 lowside@wigmore:0 join sw@boulder4:end sw@wigmore:end join lowereast@boulder:0 lowereast@lakes:end join bpfar@bypass2:end bpfar@lakes2:end join rw3@bypass2:end bpfarright@lakes2:0 join bpnear@bypass:0 bpfarright@lakes2:end join bpnear@bypass:end bplower@bypass3:end # join rhw@S_boulder2:0 rhw@S_augustright:end # join trw@S_boulder2:0 trw@S_augustright:0 join bll@lakes:end bll@lakes2:end join blr@lakes:end blr@lakes2:0 join ssl@lakes2:0 ssl@siphon1:end join ssr@siphon1:0 ssr@lakes2:end join blr@lakes:0 blr@black:end join bll@black:end bls@lakes:0 join bll@black:0 blw@black2:0 join linkr@showcaveTopo:end linkr@showcaveTopo3:0 join linkl@showcaveTopo:0 linkl@showcaveTopo3:end join linkl@showcaveTopo:end linkl@showcaveTopo3:0 join linkm@showcaveTopo:0 shortl@showcaveTopo3:end join lrh@showcaveTopo2:end backr@showcaveTopo:end join rw@showcaveTopo4:end rw@showcaveTopo2:0 join lw@showcaveTopo2:end ew@showcaveTopo:0 join lhw@showcaveTopo5:end lhw@showcaveTopo:0 join rhw@showcaveTopo5:0 rhw@showcaveTopo:end join rw2@bypass2:0 rhu@bypass4:0 join rw1@bypass2:end lhu@bypass4:end join rw2@bypass2:end abl@bypass4:end join rw3@bypass2:0 abr@bypass4:0 join lh1@showcaveTopo:0 rh1@showcaveTopo9:end join lh2@showcaveTopo:end lh1@showcaveTopo9:0 join rh1@showcaveTopo6:end rh@showcaveTopo10:0 join rh2@showcaveTopo6:0 lh@showcaveTopo10:end join rh1@showcaveTopo:end rh1@showcaveTopo6:0 join rh2@showcaveTopo:0 lh1@showcaveTopo6:end join rh3@showcaveTopo6:end rh1@showcaveTopo8:0 join lh1@showcaveTopo6:0 lh1@showcaveTopo8:end join lh1@showcaveTopo11:end lh1@showcaveTopo4:0 join rh1@showcaveTopo11:0 lh2@showcaveTopo4:end join nrh1@showcaveTopo11:0 lh3@showcaveTopo4:end join nlh1@showcaveTopo11:end lh2@showcaveTopo4:0 join wl1@wigmore1a:0 wl1@wigmore:end -smooth on join wr1@wigmore1a:end wr1@wigmore:end -smooth on # join syl@siphon2:0 syl@siphon1:end map mainmap -proj plan lowerboulder break most [-65 20 m] below endmap map most -proj plan mainboulder break aboveboulder [-65 20 m] below endmap map mainboulder -proj plan scrap25@boulder scrap167@wigmore scrap105@wigmore scrap114@wigmore scrap17@wigmore scrap1@boulder3 scrap96@boulder4 endmap map lowerboulder -proj plan scrap142@boulder4 scrap1@boulder scrap1@lakes scrap69@lakes scrap1@boulder4 endmap map aboveboulder -proj plan augustlayer break aboveaugust [-50 10 m] below endmap map augustlayer -proj plan scrap1@mudhall2 scrap1@S_boulder2 scrap1@august scrap1@august2 scrap2@august2 scrap3@august2 scrap39@august scrap1@august4 scrap1@august5 scrap1@august6 scrap1@august7 scrap22@august7 # scrap1@S_augustleft # scrap1@S_augustright endmap map aboveaugust -proj plan scrap83@S_pearl2 scrap1@S_pearl2 scrap24@S_pearl2 scrap23@S_boulder2 scrap84@S_boulder2 scrap92@S_boulder2 endmap endsurvey