encoding utf-8 #This file contains the map definitions which describe the #entire Riano system input Riano_MAP-EntranceSeries.th input Riano_MAP-LowerLevels.th input Riano_MAP-UpperLevels.th #Join DblBarrelSP3 to DblBarrelWetWaySP1 using specific line ids join l86-1323-1894:0 l76-1243-1190:end join l87-1824-1544:end l29-1358-1667:0 join DblBarrelWetWaySP1 DblBarrelSP2 join DblBarrelSP1 EnergeticbtlSP1 join DblBarrelSP1 CatprintAreaSP1 #join CatprintAreaSP1 LaPlayaSP1 #Joins in wrong place, and join not needed join UpperLevelLinkSP2 WeddingCakePassageSP1 map RianoPlan -title "Cueva Riano (Site 0105) Plan" RianoUpperLevels RianoLowerLevels RianoEntranceSeries RianoPlanCL #centreline endmap map RianoPlanCL -title "Riano centreline Plan" -projection plan 4ValleysCL #centreline survey endmap