encoding utf-8 input ../matienzo.layout #select UzuekaPlan@Uzueka source TridentOnly.th #export model -output Trident.lox export map -layout local -projection plan -o Trident_Plan.pdf #export map -proj plan -fmt kml -o Trident.kml layout local copy Mat_Std #Set scale (using templates for scales) #copy LayoutScale500 copy LayoutScale1000 #copy LayoutScale2000 #copy LayoutScale5000 #copy LayoutScale10000 #position of header map-header 85 85 nw #show the legend legend off #setup of grid (grid size is set in layoutscales, but can be overridden here) north grid grid bottom #grid-size 500 500 500 m color map-fg altitude copy LayoutColourSymbols code tex-map \cavelength{} %empty \cavedepth{} %empty \topodate={} %empty \topoteam={} %empty \comment={} %empty endcode ##################### #Change North arrow # ##################### code metapost def s_northarrow (expr rot) = begingroup interim defaultscale:=0.9; % scale your north arrow here T:=identity scaled defaultscale rotated -rot; interim linecap:=squared; interim linejoin:=rounded; thfill (-.5cm,-.1cm)--(0,2.5cm)--(.5cm,-.1cm)--cycle; pickup pencircle scaled (0.08cm * defaultscale); thdraw (0,0)--(0,-2.5cm); pickup pencircle scaled (0.16cm * defaultscale); p:=(0.4cm,0.6cm); thdraw ((p--(p yscaled -1)--(p xscaled -1)--(p scaled -1)) shifted (0,-1.0cm)); label.rt(thTEX("grid") scaled 1.6, (.6cm,-1.6cm)) transformed T; endgroup; enddef; endcode endlayout