encoding utf-8 input ../matienzo.layout select UzuekaPlan@Uzueka source Uzueka.th #export model -output Uzueka.lox export map -layout local -projection plan -o Uzueka_Plan.pdf #export map -layout Mat_Std -projection elevation -o Uzueka_Elev.pdf #export map -proj plan -fmt kml -o Uzueka.kml #export model -fmt kml -o 4Valleys.kml layout local copy Mat_Std #Set scale (using templates for scales) #copy LayoutScale500 copy LayoutScale1000 #copy LayoutScale2000 #copy LayoutScale5000 #copy LayoutScale10000 #position of header map-header 95 95 ne #show the legend legend on #setup of grid (grid size is set in layoutscales, but can be overridden here) north grid grid bottom #grid-size 500 500 500 m #don't display survey centreline #symbol-hide group cave-centreline #hide line survey symbol #symbol-hide line survey #transparency on #opacity 70 #names of persons which surveyed the cave will be added how much they surveyed #statistics topo-length on #the language of legends in map #language en_UK #color by altitude (comment out this for b&w PDFs or for single colour filled passages) color map-fg altitude #Single passage fill color (comment out this for b&w PDFs or for colour by altitude) #color map-fg [50 50 50] # mid-grey #Map background fill color (comment these out for white background, or include one for background colour) #color map-bg [97 86 38] # yellow brown #color map-bg [75 75 75] # light-grey #Comment out this for b&w PDFs. Include it for colour PDFs. copy LayoutColourSymbols #rotation of map #rotate 30 ## DEBUGGING OPTIONS ## #To show the names of surveying points #debug station-names #To generate debug PDF with all distortion and postion adjustments shown #debug on endlayout