*BEGIN 0081-15-00 *BEGIN 0081-15-00A ;Alberto's barn to sink area *TEAM "Juan Corrin" notes tape laser-length compass clino *date 2015.05.06 *FLAGS surface ;tape & Bosch Laser measure used *DATA NORMAL from to tape compass clino *CALIBRATE DECLINATION 0.76; (for 6th May 2015) *FIX ABarn 452398.5 4797761.7 154.15 ; ABarn is at eye height 1.65m above ground level (152.5) at SE corner of Alberto's house ABarn 1 15.75 68 -6; top of stone post 2 1 26.5 245 0; tree at eye height on uphill side of track 2 3 17.7 79 -5 4 3 23.7 247 6 4 A 23.8 75.5 -2.5; tree on uphill side of track - eye height. Should be marked with a yellow plufg inside a red one. A S1 17 149 -28; approximate 6U S7 2.95 273 -53 6U B 10.59 274.5 -3.5; 7 is purple marker "B" on Big Rock 6U fence1 8.5 180 +5; approx F B 4.62 70 6; 8 is purple marker "F" on pinnacle corner F S6 3.5 64 -40; middle of sink area about 2m long F S3 4.72 324 -24; water level F water 1.87 - down 9U B 6.62 39.5 5 9U S5 2.48 40 -53 9U S4 3.07 269.5 -37 A 10 18.7 87 -4 10 11U 1.34 - up ;((11U 8 14.71 12U F 9.92 123 -3 12U S2 6.60 209.5 -24 12U 13 6.67 170 -15; 13 mud bank nose 13 13U 1.65 - up 13U S1 4.65 259 -32; water level 13U fence2 12 170 10 13U G 9.4 282 -2; marker "G" in fallen tree above rock G F 16.95 90.5 0 15 G 7.55 79 -18 15 16 13.57 249 0 16 17 7.07 116.5 -12 17 18 5.33 135 -20; waters edge 18 19 4.26 129 0; across stream A 13 19.2 148 -22 A G 12.6 163 -29 *END 0081-15-00A *BEGIN 0081-15-00B *CALIBRATE DECLINATION 0.73 *TEAM "Alasdair Neill" notes "Juan Corrin" "tape laser-length compass clino *date 2015.08.07 *FLAGS surface ;*FIX 0 452597.90 4797797.17 159.35 1 0 10.6 6 32 1 2 7.51 202.5 -27 3 2 14.8 107 -.5 3 4 13 288 -8 5 4 12.1 106 3 5 6 11.61 282.2 -1.2 7 6 18.94 108.5 .3 7 8 14.0 266 -2.2 9 8 8.44 79.8 -.7 9 treeA 6.22 272 2 0 underground 24.5 - down;floating mp *FLAGS NOT SURFACE *END 0081-15-00B *BEGIN 0081-15-00C *CALIBRATE DECLINATION 0.73 *TEAM "Alasdair Neill" notes "Phil Papard" tape "Juan Corrin" "tape laser-length compass clino *date 2015.08.07 *FLAGS surface *FIX 4 452795.5 4797864.5 165; barn SE corner ;*FIX 0 452869.41 4797866.43 177.47 ;molephone point at surface 0 1 23.2 303 -29;stn0 molephone; stn 1 field boundary 2 1 30.6 79 1 2 3 27.6 257 2 3 4 1.65 - down; groundlevel barn corner 5 3 30.7 11 2 5 6 4.96 283 12 7 6 15.4 59 9.5 7 8 28.5 182.5 -11 9 8 17.25 287 10 9 10 18.8 187 -22.5 11 10 2.16 356.5 35 11 carc 2.55 12 -25; 12=Carc entrance 9 13 12.3 206.5 -20 14 13 16.42 87 5.5 14 15 21.1 256 0 16 15 10.92 108 7.5 16 17 9 262.5 -12; middle of track over log-topped hole 0 underground 17.7 - down *FLAGS NOT SURFACE *END 0081-15-00C *BEGIN 0081-15-00D *CALIBRATE declination 0.73 ;Check surface survey - Carcavueso entrance up to barn *DATE 2015.08.18 ;Surveyor Juan *FLAGS SURFACE 1 carc 4.14 25 -25 1 2 9.5 34 22 1 deep 9.12 160 -40 2 3 10.61 8 17 3 4 12.5 296.5 12;4=mid pole in metal chain 5 4 8.8 100.5 -3 5 6 19.2 357 10 7 6 29.2 183.5 -9 7 8 16.3 130 2.5 8 9 4.65 57 -22 10 9 27.3 195 -4; 10= eye height on barn *FLAGS NOT SURFACE *END 0081-15-00D *BEGIN 0081-15-00E *CALIBRATE declination 0.73 ;surface survey - Carcavueso river up to sinks ;Surveyor Juan *FLAGS SURFACE ABarn 1 6.4 187.5 -7.5 2 1 20 317 15 3 2 16 313.5 10 3 water0 4.8 - down ;3 opp0 9.9 -30 4 3 11.51 260 1.5 4 water1 4 - down ;4 opp1 6 -40 5 4 7.3 150 -13 5 6 15.2 75 -15 7 6 19.2 249 -1 ;7 water3 6 -61 ;7 opp3 10 7 8 10.4 63.5 0 8 nearbank 6.5 140 -55 8 opp4 10 140 -35 8 9 21.7 38 0 9 wateredge 8.6 74 -42 9 10 15.3 309.5 5.5 11 10 9.7 153 -13 treeA 11 30.6 253 3 *FLAGS NOT SURFACE *END 0081-15-00E *EQUATE 0081-15-00A.A 0081-15-00B.treeA *EQUATE 0081-15-00C.3 0081-15-00D.10 ;*EQUATE 0081-15-00C.carc 0081-15-00D.carc *EQUATE 0081-15-00A.ABarn 0081-15-00E.ABarn *EQUATE 0081-15-00A.A 0081-15-00E.treeA *END 0081-15-00